Kate Smith's statue...........


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2001
Alpharetta, GA
...are they going to remove? I was hoping that there would be some sensible organization or individuals who would step up and expose this calamity for what it is........ridiculous and dangerous.
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I'm waiting for PSU to remove Paul Robeson's name off the cultural center
...are they going to remove? I was hoping that there would be some sensible organization or individuals who would step up and expose this calamity for what it is........ridiculous and dangerous.

I saw that Confederate statues in the South (VA) are considered to be 'war memorials' and thus, not subject to removal by state/local governments. Maybe say her statue is a memorial as opposed to a statue, and boom - it stays (maybe, not sure in PA).
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Who cares?
So it was a dumb decision. But no dumber than the decision to put up a statue of some mediocre singer in the first place.
I saw that Confederate statues in the South (VA) are considered to be 'war memorials' and thus, not subject to removal by state/local governments. Maybe say her statue is a memorial as opposed to a statue, and boom - it stays (maybe, not sure in PA).
Whatever they want to tell themselves. Cheaply-made confederate statutes slapped up in the 1900s in order to remind minorities of their “rightful place” in southern society does not a war memorial make.
...are they going to remove? I was hoping that there would be some sensible organization or individuals who would step up and expose this calamity for what it is........ridiculous and dangerous.

Not sure what will happen to the statue, but I think the Flyers should have their names removed from the Stanley Cup for the 2 years they won it. Kate Smith had as much to do with them winning the cup as Bernie Parent.
I thought Paul Robeson was considered an heroic figure in the black community. Am I wrong? That is always a possibility.
He was and still is. I think OP’s point was that Robeson once performed the same derogatory song that Smith performed. With Robeson, especially given his lengthy history, the performance as a satire is clear. With Smith, I understand the debate is much murkier - and I admit to not knowing enough about Smith or her history to comment definitively.
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Reasonable article. Folks are going to do what they want and justify it as they must. Maybe they're bending to pressure or whatever. Racism is bad and I don't advocate celebrating racists, at least not as racists. Times and people are flawed. We can't change or erase that. The values of yesterday aren't the values of today. Are these statues really causing injury? If so, removal may make sense.

FWIW, I don't see UVA tearing down statues of Mr. Jefferson, removing him from currency, etc.. And he was a slave owner.
Tom McAndrew. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this issue or any diehard Flyers fan.
Not a diehard fan but from the great ne philly.Flyers should focus on getting back to the playoffs and let the statue alone.This nonsense is way out of hand.Kate Smith was not any kind of racist.Now after her name is dragged through the mud there will be some other poor bas......d and on and on.
Did the person who found this come forward?Way to much time on their hands.
Not a diehard fan but from the great ne philly.Flyers should focus on getting back to the playoffs and let the statue alone.This nonsense is way out of hand.Kate Smith was not any kind of racist.Now after her name is dragged through the mud there will be some other poor bas......d and on and on.
Did the person who found this come forward?Way to much time on their hands.

Right there with you. That franchise is so hung up on the past, it's ridiculous.
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Reasonable article. Folks are going to do what they want and justify it as they must. Maybe they're bending to pressure or whatever. Racism is bad and I don't advocate celebrating racists, at least not as racists. Times and people are flawed. We can't change or erase that. The values of yesterday aren't the values of today. Are these statues really causing injury? If so, removal may make sense.

FWIW, I don't see UVA tearing down statues of Mr. Jefferson, removing him from currency, etc.. And he was a slave owner.
Almost every building, road, hospital and high school is named after Robert C. Byrd in WV, and he was a member of the KKK....where’s the outrage to remove all those shrines?
Almost every building, road, hospital and high school is named after Robert C. Byrd in WV, and he was a member of the KKK....where’s the outrage to remove all those shrines?
Because per wikipedia:
In his memoir, Byrd wrote, “It has emerged throughout my life to haunt and embarrass me and has taught me in a very graphic way what one major mistake can do to one’s life, career, and reputation.”
Because of Byrd’s evolution on race and equality, the NAACP issued a statement praising him at the time of his death. “Senator Byrd came to consistently support the NAACP civil rights agenda, doing well on the NAACP Annual Civil Rights Report Card,” said Hilary O. Shelton, director of the NAACP Washington bureau and senior vice president for advocacy and policy. “He stood with us on many issues of crucial importance to our members from the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act, the historic health care legislation of 2010 and his support for the Hate Crimes Prevention legislation.”
Because per wikipedia:
In his memoir, Byrd wrote, “It has emerged throughout my life to haunt and embarrass me and has taught me in a very graphic way what one major mistake can do to one’s life, career, and reputation.”
Because of Byrd’s evolution on race and equality, the NAACP issued a statement praising him at the time of his death. “Senator Byrd came to consistently support the NAACP civil rights agenda, doing well on the NAACP Annual Civil Rights Report Card,” said Hilary O. Shelton, director of the NAACP Washington bureau and senior vice president for advocacy and policy. “He stood with us on many issues of crucial importance to our members from the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act, the historic health care legislation of 2010 and his support for the Hate Crimes Prevention legislation.”

But but but he was in the klan in 1930! What does the naacp know about discrimination anyway? They will always take the liberals side!
Have you asked any black people how they feel about it?
As a matter of fact yes. But what does that have to do with Kate Smith and the statue? It's a small special interest group who is pushing this. Besides I would suggest, my fine friend, that you conduct a little research on Kate Smith's life and why she sang certain songs. This is a very slippery slope where we are standing on.
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That franchise is so hung up on the past, it's ridiculous.

Huh? If the the Flyers were so "hung up on the past" I would have expected them to not change anything related the Kate Smith controversy. Indeed, this is an example of them attempting to be progressive on an issue. For sure, they do still have some dinosaurs in the organization that should be shown the door (Holmgren is at the top of list), but they aren't the broad street bullies anymore, and haven't been so in years. I don't see them as an organization that lives in the past any more so than the other handful of NHL teams that have been competitive every decade of their existence.
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17-13 in the worst division in baseball.
(How's that Bryce Harper thing working out?)
A little early for that comment - they have not been able to play much of the other divisions at this point. They are all beating up each other. Right 78SR??
As a matter of fact yes. But what does that have to do with Kate Smith and the statue? It's a small special interest group who is pushing this. Besides I would suggest, my fine friend, that you conduct a little research on Kate Smith's life and why she sang certain songs. This is a very slippery slope where we are standing on.
How do you know what I've researched? I know her history and I know that she was opposed to racism later in life. Unfortunately, you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.
How many black people have you talked to and what was their reaction to songs like "Pickaninny Heaven"? Seems like their opinion is probably more important than Tom McAndrew's and the BWI board.
A little early for that comment - they have not been able to play much of the other divisions at this point. They are all beating up each other. Right 78SR??
You're right.
But it's interesting Philly fans are already booing Harper. That didn't take long. (Nats fans NEVER booed him).
Robert Byrd apparently did though, huh? Singing a song vs. being a ranking member of the Klan. Which takes 10 minutes and which takes years and years of dedication?
Damn, great point. I shouldn't have defended Robert Byrd so staunchly.
Oh wait a minute. I didn't.
I didn't say you did. Others have though.
I did. But then I said I didn't favor taking the statue down.
What this has to do with Robert Byrd, I have no idea, but he's apparently a poster boy in some ideological circles, useful for "whataboutisms".
I did. But then I said I didn't favor taking the statue down.
What this has to do with Robert Byrd, I have no idea, but he's apparently a poster boy in some ideological circles, useful for "whataboutisms".
Byrd was a member of the KKK. So, I believe, the thinking is why take down Kate Smith and not the names on buildings and statues of Byrd?
How do you know what I've researched? I know her history and I know that she was opposed to racism later in life. Unfortunately, you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.
How many black people have you talked to and what was their reaction to songs like "Pickaninny Heaven"? Seems like their opinion is probably more important than Tom McAndrew's and the BWI board.
You're right I don't know what you've researched. I apologize. My friend, it just seems there are so many other more important issues in our lives than to tear down a statue of someone who probably was a good hearted person who simply didn't know the implications of her actions many years ago. It just seems to be more decisive than was her singing some songs years ago.
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Not at all. Anyone w/ any sense doesn't want to see any statues come down or highway names changed. It's wasted time, energy, and money and erases history. There is nothing good about it. The fact that you and the other poster disagree over Byrd proves that there is no consensus on issues like this so the status quo should always prevail.

And here I thought your Dom Bragalone takes were terrible...
Almost every building, road, hospital and high school is named after Robert C. Byrd in WV, and he was a member of the KKK....where’s the outrage to remove all those shrines?
Sit tight. It’s coming.