Lance Dixon (hopefully false rumor)

Mike Farrell is reporting that Lance Dixon is down to Michigan State, West Virginia, TCU, and Temple as his transfer destination. Rumor is that a number of his credits are not transferring to Michigan, which must suck for him since it seemed that going to Michigan was the main reason why he entered the transfer portal in the first place (high school coach and friends at Michigan).

OK. Call me stupid. But wouldn't either he or someone else have researched this before he entered the portal? I thought the main reason he entered the portal was to be with his old coach at Michigan.

I know his family was dissatisfied with playing time, but I also thought the MAIN reason he wanted to leave was to be with his old coach (and the rumored dollars that went with it). Could this be a case where his old coach in high school over delivered, which in turn may screw him out of his Penn State scholarship?

I realize we can reinstate it (the scholarship), but we don't have to. By pulling the portal trigger too soon, this kid could end up at Temple....... or worse. No guarantee Michigan State, WVU, or TCU would transfer the grades either.
I think it's not arguable that Michigan is a better institution than Penn State. And I don't think it's very close.
I think Michigan has a better reputation than PSU but I'm not sure that it is actually a better institution (I was accepted there twice and attended zero times). It obviously depends on your field of study. But even if you accept there is a disparity, this really shouldn't affect the transfer of credits, especially within the same conference (which has academic cooperation in addition to athletic affiliation). I think the point another poster made about online credits potentially not transferring is a good one.
Methinks the kid probably isn't good enough for Michigan to take, friends and former head coach there or not.

If you were an ex-HS coach who just made the jump to college ball, do you risk your reputation on the kid who was one of your better HS prospects?

Or the kid who has looked lost and slow for two years? (With speed being his biggest asset)
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I think Michigan has a better reputation than PSU but I'm not sure that it is actually a better institution (I was accepted there twice and attended zero times). It obviously depends on your field of study. But even if you accept there is a disparity, this really shouldn't affect the transfer of credits, especially within the same conference (which has academic cooperation in addition to athletic affiliation). I think the point another poster made about online credits potentially not transferring is a good one.

Well - a michigan law degree and a Michigan business degree lap the field against any other Big Ten school excluding Northwestern
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Well - a michigan law degree and a Michigan business degree lap the field against any other Big Ten school excluding Northwestern
I'm pretty sure he isn't going to law school at the moment.

And neither of those is even in the same universe as my field, which is why I caveated it as varies by field.

Also, the whole "laps the field of any other Big Ten School" is mostly just a PR thing, unless you can show me that there is some concrete metric for law school (highest median hourly rate five year out of school or highest number of judges or whatever the hell lawyers care about) or business school (most CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, which for the record, PSU beats UM on).

I'm pretty sure he isn't going to law school at the moment.

And neither of those is even in the same universe as my field, which is why I caveated it as varies by field.

Also, the whole "laps the field of any other Big Ten School" is mostly just a PR thing, unless you can show me that there is some concrete metric for law school (highest median hourly rate five year out of school or highest number of judges or whatever the hell lawyers care about) or business school (most CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, which for the record, PSU beats UM on).

For law schools, I think that average starting salaries of their grads is a good metric of how they are perceived. Among Big Ten schools, NU ranks at one with $172K. UM comes in at number two at $127K. Number three is Illinois at somewhat more than UM, or $67K.
OK. Call me stupid. But wouldn't either he or someone else have researched this before he entered the portal? I thought the main reason he entered the portal was to be with his old coach at Michigan.

I know his family was dissatisfied with playing time, but I also thought the MAIN reason he wanted to leave was to be with his old coach (and the rumored dollars that went with it). Could this be a case where his old coach in high school over delivered, which in turn may screw him out of his Penn State scholarship?

I realize we can reinstate it (the scholarship), but we don't have to. By pulling the portal trigger too soon, this kid could end up at Temple....... or worse. No guarantee Michigan State, WVU, or TCU would transfer the grades either.
Does the Big 12 even have LB's? [tic] 4 rushers and 7 db's is what they should do.
For law schools, I think that average starting salaries of their grads is a good metric of how they are perceived. Among Big Ten schools, NU ranks at one with $172K. UM comes in at number two at $127K. Number three is Illinois at somewhat more than UM, or $67K.
Thanks for the stats.

While I appreciate that starting salary is an interesting metric, I think a better metric of quality of education would be salary after 10 years. In other words, starting salary is going to be driven by the firm and the reputation of the school (which are probably correlated), so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy (i.e. we are telling you UM is good, therefore we demand higher salaries, which means we can say we get higher salaries which we can justify saying we are good).

After 10 years, you are no longer existing based on the reputation of your school but on what you have actually accomplished.

I'm not a lawyer, so I certainly don't care about this particular example, but I think it is a point with broader applications.
Thanks for the stats.

While I appreciate that starting salary is an interesting metric, I think a better metric of quality of education would be salary after 10 years. In other words, starting salary is going to be driven by the firm and the reputation of the school (which are probably correlated), so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy (i.e. we are telling you UM is good, therefore we demand higher salaries, which means we can say we get higher salaries which we can justify saying we are good).

After 10 years, you are no longer existing based on the reputation of your school but on what you have actually accomplished.

I'm not a lawyer, so I certainly don't care about this particular example, but I think it is a point with broader applications.

The longer one is removed from school the more one's accomplishments are based on factors unrelated to the education one received. So if one is to compare "quality" of a law school in the aggregate, starting salary, an immediate measure, is better than anything else you'll find.
The longer one is removed from school the more one's accomplishments are based on factors unrelated to the education one received. So if one is to compare "quality" of a law school in the aggregate, starting salary, an immediate measure, is better than anything else you'll find.
Disagree. The longer term salary reflects the caliber of the worker the program is producing and is less dependent on the bias associated with the name of the school.
OK. Call me stupid. But wouldn't either he or someone else have researched this before he entered the portal? I thought the main reason he entered the portal was to be with his old coach at Michigan.

I know his family was dissatisfied with playing time, but I also thought the MAIN reason he wanted to leave was to be with his old coach (and the rumored dollars that went with it). Could this be a case where his old coach in high school over delivered, which in turn may screw him out of his Penn State scholarship?

I realize we can reinstate it (the scholarship), but we don't have to. By pulling the portal trigger too soon, this kid could end up at Temple....... or worse. No guarantee Michigan State, WVU, or TCU would transfer the grades either.
I assume that's an issue for most plsyers who transfer. Transferring is a setback for academics.
I assume that's an issue for most plsyers who transfer. Transferring is a setback for academics.

It could be a "setback" for the pocketbook too.

If I'm Dixon and his family, I'm REALLY pi$$ed off right now. And it's not at Penn State.
All it takes is a little humble pie to call JF and ask to come back. I am pretty sure all Penn State credits will transfer to Penn State.

Worked out well for Wade and I believe from listening to him that JF respects the shit out of Lamont Wade.
Disagree. The longer term salary reflects the caliber of the worker the program is producing and is less dependent on the bias associated with the name of the school.
One can easily flip that one around. The school directly impacted the person for three years - finite amount of time. That gets diluted by other experiences that are ever-increasing. Plus their innate intellect, and work ethic likely isn’t going to be shaped by the school.
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Well - a michigan law degree and a Michigan business degree lap the field against any other Big Ten school excluding Northwestern
I'm perfectly happy with my Meteorology degree from Penn State....the #1 Meteorology department in the country. Has served me very well in my 30+ years starting in the National Weather Service and transitioning to broadcasting.
Just stop with the nonsense that one school is better than the next in the conference - $hitgan is known for its grad programs largely and that is where its reputation stems from...A motivated student can accomplish all his academic goals at either school...

Dixon was DUS at Penn State - probably wasn't taking major specific courses at PS. As an example, CAS 100 at PS (which just about every undergrad takes) is accepted at scUM as Speech 101X. Don't mindphuck yourselves that PS credit can't be used at mecheatagain - general credits transfer if they are C or better...

Just stop with the nonsense that one school is better than the next in the conference - $hitgan is known for its grad programs largely and that is where its reputation stems from...A motivated student can accomplish all his academic goals at either school...

Dixon was DUS at Penn State - probably wasn't taking major specific courses at PS. As an example, CAS 100 at PS (which just about every undergrad takes) is accepted at scUM as Speech 101X. Don't mindphuck yourselves that PS credit can't be used at mecheatagain - general credits transfer if they are C or better...

yeah he enrolled Jan. 2019, and entered transfer portal Jan 2021. IF HE HAS ANY core credits, it's very few. say he's sitting on what, 70 or so at most total credits? Of those 70, 60? 62? are GEN ED credits? so he's not going to UM because he's gonna miss out on 10 at most credits? And even if he didn't have a C average or better, i'm pretty sure that UM would pencil whip what they needed to get him on scholarship if they really wanted him. doesn't pass the sniff test. Feels like there's something else going on. Maybe UM didn't like what they saw on tape from the former 247 4 star, which jives with what A LOT of PSU fans saw as well. Maybe he wanted to "test" the market and see who he could get on with once the skirt was lifted, and he's just not getting all that many bites...

who knows. good luck young man.
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Just speculation, but the whole credit transfer thing might just be a graceful way of Michigan saying “we’ve seen some film of you at PSU, don’t call us, we’ll call you”.
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Just speculation, but the whole credit transfer thing might just be a graceful way of Michigan saying “we’ve seen some film of you at PSU, don’t call us, we’ll call you”.
I wouldn’t think so. Credit transfers are handled outside the athletic department.

This is a weird look. The fact that they are talking about credit transfers in the first place says that UM is likely interested in Dixon. But signs seem to point to UM not being interested. No idea.
I think it's not arguable that Michigan is a better institution than Penn State. And I don't think it's very close.

The funny thing about comparing Michigan to Penn State is the apples and oranges nature of such an exercise. Penn State is a much larger school with many programs that tend to drag down opinion. Apples to apples, Penn State stands toe to toe with Michigan trailing in some areas whiles coming out ahead in others.
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The funny thing about comparing Michigan to Penn State is the apples and oranges nature of such an exercise. Penn State is a much larger school with many programs that tend to drag down opinion. Apples to apples, Penn State stands toe to toe with Michigan trailing in some areas whiles coming out ahead in others.

They are compared all the time in journals and other publications, and by businesses who hire their graduates. Michigan is an elite public school by any metric; Penn State isn’t.
The funny thing about comparing Michigan to Penn State is the apples and oranges nature of such an exercise. Penn State is a much larger school with many programs that tend to drag down opinion. Apples to apples, Penn State stands toe to toe with Michigan trailing in some areas whiles coming out ahead in others.

The one area that many overlook is the "culture fit" of an employee. I have been extremely wary of hiring Michigan grads because in my my prior experiences, I have found them to be exceedingly arrogant and less likely to mesh with a team.
I wouldn’t think so. Credit transfers are handled outside the athletic department.

This is a weird look. The fact that they are talking about credit transfers in the first place says that UM is likely interested in Dixon. But signs seem to point to UM not being interested. No idea.

So you think Michigan has difficulty in telling a kid a flat-out "no" if it doesn't want him?

One possibility that we've overlooked is that Farrell either got it wrong or is making it up. The man is simply a fvcking moron.
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So you think Michigan has difficulty in telling a kid a flat-out "no" if it doesn't want him?

One possibility that we've overlooked is that Farrell either got it wrong or is making it up. The man is simply a fvcking moron.

Isn't that what he meant (Lion Jim) ? UM (the football team) is likely interested in Dixon, but UM (the University) is not?

Can't believe Bellamy didn't run this by Harbaugh before letting the kid pull the trigger. Either way, someone was negligent on performing some due diligence.
If you think Michigan doesn't bend their so-called standards for scholarship athletes they want, I have some land to sell you.
There is ZERO chance Dixon is getting his transfer blocked due to academic issues.

In fact, despite all of the nonsense posted here about UM being "elite" and PSU "not," the academic qualifications for undergrads at Michigan and Penn State UP are pretty small. In the sciences and engineering, the differences don't really exist. Both schools are top 20 public universities.
Look at the schools on his list.....that tells you what the issue is.....he can't play top 25 football.
The one area that many overlook is the "culture fit" of an employee. I have been extremely wary of hiring Michigan grads because in my my prior experiences, I have found them to be exceedingly arrogant and less likely to mesh with a team.
Eric, so interesting that you say this. I have a younger nephew who is now around 30 and is enjoying a very successful start to a career in banking. He grew up dreaming of attending UM; to say it was his dream school would be a huge understatement. He was an excellent student and certainly had a chance to be accepted to UM. During his junior year in high school he went to Ann Arbor to spend a weekend on campus in a dorm. When he returned I asked him how it was, expecting a glowing report. Instead he said he encountered the most arrogant group of people he had ever met, from prospective students, to students, to administrators who were overseeing the weekend visit. He never applied to UM and ended up at BC. I know it is just an anecdote but it supports your experiences.
Both are public ivies.

I guess.....but, that's sort of a made up designation. And Penn State wasn't on the original 1985 list (below).

Moll's list of Public Ivies (1985)
Worthy runners-up
Moll also offered in the same book "a list of worthy runners-up":[8]

It is included in the 2001 list. But, Michigan, Cal, UCLA, Texas, Virginia, UNC, and Texas are the top tier public schools IMO (and by most other metrics). Not that Penn State isn't a good or elite school in some specialty areas, but on the whole, I am not surprised if someone at Penn State could not get into Michigan (noting there are people who get into both). That's all.
Isn't that what he meant (Lion Jim) ? UM (the football team) is likely interested in Dixon, but UM (the University) is not?

Can't believe Bellamy didn't run this by Harbaugh before letting the kid pull the trigger. Either way, someone was negligent on performing some due diligence.
If Michigan football were interested, the only thing that could be holding this up is bad grades. (Not transfer credits.)

If Michigan is not interested, then we’re back at Art’s question, why not just come out and say so?
Eric, so interesting that you say this. I have a younger nephew who is now around 30 and is enjoying a very successful start to a career in banking. He grew up dreaming of attending UM; to say it was his dream school would be a huge understatement. He was an excellent student and certainly had a chance to be accepted to UM. During his junior year in high school he went to Ann Arbor to spend a weekend on campus in a dorm. When he returned I asked him how it was, expecting a glowing report. Instead he said he encountered the most arrogant group of people he had ever met, from prospective students, to students, to administrators who were overseeing the weekend visit. He never applied to UM and ended up at BC. I know it is just an anecdote but it supports your experiences.
Different individual perceptions always amaze me. Conversely I have a niece who also is on a rapid upward projection in the banking industry. She attended BC and while attending was constantly dismayed by the snobbery, elitism and arrogant behavior of both her fellow students and professors. On several occasions she mentioned to me that she should have attended Michigan which also accepted her and was her second choice. Go figure. 🥸
I guess.....but, that's sort of a made up designation. And Penn State wasn't on the original 1985 list (below).

Moll's list of Public Ivies (1985)
Worthy runners-up
Moll also offered in the same book "a list of worthy runners-up":[8]

It is included in the 2001 list. But, Michigan, Cal, UCLA, Texas, Virginia, UNC, and Texas are the top tier public schools IMO (and by most other metrics). Not that Penn State isn't a good or elite school in some specialty areas, but on the whole, I am not surprised if someone at Penn State could not get into Michigan (noting there are people who get into both). That's all.
It is a made up list in the same way that all of the other lists (US News etc) are made up lists.

Michigan makes the same allowances for athletes in admissions that PSU does. If Dixon doesn't end up at Michigan, it isn't because of academics.
If Michigan football were interested, the only thing that could be holding this up is bad grades. (Not transfer credits.)

If Michigan is not interested, then we’re back at Art’s question, why not just come out and say so?
The transfer credits issue might have more to do with his major and trying to graduate in three years.

A minimum of 12 out of the 22 Additional Advanced Communication and Media Credits must be taken on the Ann Arbor campus. All other required courses must be taken on the Ann Arbor campus."
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If Michigan football were interested, the only thing that could be holding this up is bad grades. (Not transfer credits.)

If Michigan is not interested, then we’re back at Art’s question, why not just come out and say so?
Maybe there is something else going on. Does he have character issues like lazy, not a team player, off the field issues? Does he have a younger brother they want and don’t want to anger? Or close friend? Maybe his high school coach if that school has others in the pipeline? Lots of politics involved in these things.