Wanted to start a discussion about a comment Willie made (or maybe it was CP), I believe, in FRL154. Anyone else hear his discussion with CP about picking Bo #1 at 184?
They mentioned several things about this pick, including Bo being a challenging match-up for Dean, style-wise. It was another comment I found intriguing. (Paraphrased) ...that the wear-and-tear on the body after 4 years or so, is such that wrestlers level off, and I think they even said that they may regress. Not sure the data supports their hypothesis, and I'm careful even suggesting it's a comment that applies to all wrestlers. Thoughts??
They mentioned several things about this pick, including Bo being a challenging match-up for Dean, style-wise. It was another comment I found intriguing. (Paraphrased) ...that the wear-and-tear on the body after 4 years or so, is such that wrestlers level off, and I think they even said that they may regress. Not sure the data supports their hypothesis, and I'm careful even suggesting it's a comment that applies to all wrestlers. Thoughts??