LiAngelo Ball dropped out of UCLA today

Delco Lion

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2017
Chadds Ford, PA
And in other Ball news, the Lakers today banned the press from interviewing friends and family in the Forum. Its being referred to as the Ball Rule. Not a great day for the Balls.
You took the time to read and post, so I guess you do. No?
I was interested in the article, Papa Ball has been criticizing the Lakers, thus no family interviews. The son, Lonzo, might be a decent player but with the out of control father why would any pro team want the son. This extends to the younger sons, why would any college want the accompanying circus.
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He can always be a shoe salesman like dildo Dad.

I was interested in the article, Papa Ball has been criticizing the Lakers, thus no family interviews. The son, Lonzo, might be a decent player but with the out of control father why would any pro team want the son. This extends to the younger sons, why would any college want the accompanying circus.

The Ball who left UCLA was ok at best. UCLA offered him to get the youngest Ball, . who may be the best. The family is a trainwreck and I cant imagine colleges or pro teams want this drama.
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And in other Ball news, the Lakers today banned the press from interviewing friends and family in the Forum. Its being referred to as the Ball Rule. Not a great day for the Balls.
The Lakers now share the Staples Center with the Clips. Old habits die hard. I have referenced the Forum several times myself. Saw a lot of games there back in the day.
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The Ball who left UCLA was ok at best. UCLA offered him to get the youngest Ball, . who may be the best. The family is a trainwreck and I cant imagine colleges or pro teams want this drama.

The youngest is really not as good as the eldest. The eldest "could" be another Jason Kidd. The middle one (aka the thief) is not as good as his older brother. The youngest is closest to the his father's personality which is bad news. He scored something like 80+ points in a HS game last year and if you watch the highlights, he cherry-picks and just shoots 3s. He's got his father's ego and being pulled out of HS and presumably no college is not going to measure his ego any.

Yanked out by Daddy.....yep!

By the time this family's escapades play out in the years ahead, ANYTHING is possible.
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This just shows what kind of people the Balls are. Dude breaks the law in a foreign country, and instead of having to take his lumps and WORK his way back onto the team, daddy takes him out of the school. Some people just don't like hard work, and can't accept that there are consequences to their actions. It starts at the top (poppa ball) and works down. "I know my kid broke the law in a foreign country. I know it shines a bad light on not only the Ball family, but also on UCLA. I think your suspension is bogus and instead of him having to work his way back into the good graces of the coaching staff, again, after breaking the law, I am going to remove him from the school because it's just not fair what you're doing to him."

ZERO accountability
"We are exploring other options with Gelo," LaVar Ball said.

I like a little fruit in mine, from time to time.
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This just shows what kind of people the Balls are. Dude breaks the law in a foreign country, and instead of having to take his lumps and WORK his way back onto the team, daddy takes him out of the school. Some people just don't like hard work, and can't accept that there are consequences to their actions. It starts at the top (poppa ball) and works down. "I know my kid broke the law in a foreign country. I know it shines a bad light on not only the Ball family, but also on UCLA. I think your suspension is bogus and instead of him having to work his way back into the good graces of the coaching staff, again, after breaking the law, I am going to remove him from the school because it's just not fair what you're doing to him."

ZERO accountability
Lonzo is a pretty good guy, humble guy.
The Ball who left UCLA was ok at best. UCLA offered him to get the youngest Ball, . who may be the best. The family is a trainwreck and I cant imagine colleges or pro teams want this drama.

The guy raised three sons two of whom will likely be playing in the NBA.

I wouldn't call them a train wreck.

I saw the Dad and Middle son interviewed this morning. What an Ass the dad is, SMH.

Next he was talking about having all three of his sons on the Lakers. Saying that he will make it happen that they will all be playing together on the Lakers in due time.

How Dumb could the Lakers be if they ever decide to draft the middle son. I can only imagine what the father would be like with 2 sons let alone 3 all on the same team.

The fact is he is trying to wrangle himself in as the coach. Maybe.

It’s going to come down to the kids having to tell their dad to STFU, obviously difficult and not likely. Or the kids will become plutonium and no team will touch them.
I saw the Dad and Middle son interviewed this morning. What an Ass the dad is, SMH.

Next he was talking about having all three of his sons on the Lakers. Saying that he will make it happen that they will all be playing together on the Lakers in due time.

How Dumb could the Lakers be if they ever decide to draft the middle son. I can only imagine what the father would be like with 2 sons let alone 3 all on the same team.

The fact is he is trying to wrangle himself in as the coach. Maybe.

It’s going to come down to the kids having to tell their dad to STFU, obviously difficult and not likely. Or the kids will become plutonium and no team will touch them.
This is an example of a father trying to live his failed athletic career through his sons. We all want our kids to do well, regardless of endeavor, not this jerk, he has to steal any glory his kids may receive. He has made his kids targets. Where is the mother, thought I read she might be a school principal?
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The kids are still pretty young (teenagers with Lonzo just turning 20) so I can see how their dad can dictate a lot of their life right now, but I would think they will start to separate themselves from dad in the coming years as they grow up. Lonzo is a real talent, but is getting a ton of heat on and off the court because of his dad (and brother's) antics. It would be different if Lonzo was acting like a clown, but 95% of the hate is because of his dad. I hope for his sake he becomes more independent in the coming years.
Basketball's version of the Kardasians - poor kids - can you divorce from your parents
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The kids are still pretty young (teenagers with Lonzo just turning 20) so I can see how their dad can dictate a lot of their life right now, but I would think they will start to separate themselves from dad in the coming years as they grow up. Lonzo is a real talent, but is getting a ton of heat on and off the court because of his dad (and brother's) antics. It would be different if Lonzo was acting like a clown, but 95% of the hate is because of his dad. I hope for his sake he becomes more independent in the coming years.

The best thing that could happen is that these kids get to have some time away from dad. Like going away to college, but in these kids situations it would be to be drafted be a NBA team on the East Coast.

Give them a chance to grow up away from the Dad. You watch the interviews and they can’t get a word in edgewise if they are there together. Of course the media can’t get enough of it because they like the controversy.
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Until Dad gets locked up for something, he’s gonna run / ruin the lives of all three of these kids.
The 3 ball brothers and the dad should all play for the Washington Generals. They would be a perfect fit.