Stuck at work with the dual in one part of the screen, initial takeaways:
125: Clutch late 4NF, love that he never stopped looking to score.
133: DeSanto never planned on finishing those head inside shots and I'm glad Angel eventually stopped rewarding it, but RBY needs to be better. He has the offense to make sure that's not that close.
141: Silly, silly mistakes from both. Luckily Eierman made 2 and Nick only made 1.
149: Thought this was Beau's worst match of the year and by a good bit. Low scoring is one thing as he works through the process, but tonight he didn't give himself a chance to win. That can't happen.
157: Solid showing, but gotta get out. How Young was never hit for stalling I'll never know. Apparently you don't have to work to return?