Local weatherman fired over on-air racial slur ...

A minor mistake in addition to the derogatory term is that he called him "Dr." and not "Rev.".

King's work is grounded in his ministry, not his PhD.
Maybe the TV station consulted the PSU BOT for advice on how to handle a situation whereby an otherwise worldly individual with a long-time established history of honesty, integrity and doing the right thing in private and in public should be treated for an honest mistake/moment of weakness.

If the TV Station consulted the PSU BOT, they would put the blame on the stations softball team for having such a corrupting culture problem
If you watch the video he clearly flubs his delivery and it was in no way intentional.

I went to the article but didn't see the actual clip (anyone have it?). I think everyone knows I'm pretty liberal, but I can't believe this was intentional (seems like he mashed 'King' and 'Junior') and can't believe he was fired for it. I get how folks can be upset, and I get that the station has to protect its interests, but jeez - have him apologize on air and let him get back to work.

Yep. 20 years before. But I have heard that phrase in the last 5 years.
I grew up in the 70’s, also in NW PA and I never heard it used in every day language...I did hear it in a movie.
Fixed it for you.

That aside, I thought carefully about your comparison and 100% don't buy it. The TV guy, he said something he shouldn't have. Maybe it was a honest flub, I personally think that to be the most logical explanation. However and whyever it happened, it happened. The guy actually said what he said, and it makes perfect sense that his bosses would react in the way they did. Like it, not like it, wrong call or whatever, we can't say that we're surprised at how this this played out.

On the other hand, Joe was straight out railroaded by the BOT. Big difference.
I know, it's not an apple to apple comparison. I wasn't comparing the deed as much as the motive for the firing.
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A minor mistake in addition to the derogatory term is that he called him "Dr." and not "Rev.".

King's work is grounded in his ministry, not his PhD.

Mr. Sunshine, the park is called Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Park. Did the City of Rochester make the mistake??
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he is always almost always referred to as "Dr."

I know, but that wasn't always the case. Over the years, the secular Left and the media stripped away Reverend. In practice, I don't think MLKjr used either title in his writings, maybe we should follow that as his preference

In day to day life, I don't refer to people with PhDs as doctors and I haven't seen others do so either (and I'm around PhDs).
Back in the late 60’s or early 70’s there was weatherman in Philadelphia named Bill Custer. Prior to coming to Philadelphia, he worked at WGAL in Lancaster. One January after a week of gray, damp days he said, “ This weather has been a pain in the ass! I mean the neck. “ My father worked at the station and claimed that they had positive response to the gaff except for one Sunday school teacher who agreed with the comment but said he should watch his language because kids watch the weather.
I went to the article but didn't see the actual clip (anyone have it?). I think everyone knows I'm pretty liberal, but I can't believe this was intentional (seems like he mashed 'King' and 'Junior') and can't believe he was fired for it. I get how folks can be upset, and I get that the station has to protect its interests, but jeez - have him apologize on air and let him get back to work.


As a staunch conservative, I commend you for the rational and level-headed thought. Now why the hell cant the clowns in Washington find common ground like we just did.

P.S. I do it ALL for the Lulz.
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Agree with your first sentence but not your second. Assuming it’s an honest mistake, it’s stinks. And we can hope employers consider Context when possible. But this guy’s job requires him to NOT attract this kind of attention. If he were a back-office guy, maybe it’d play out differently and the station could be more restrained in its response.

I hope he gets a decent severance and he and his family will recover from this.
Trust me, there won't be any severance. All of us in TV sign contracts that make it very easy for the TV station to let us go.
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I think most of you are idiots. Ban me. You act like a bunch of 7th graders.

I really don’t need to live my life vicariously through a bunch of 18 year olds anyway.
Trust me, there won't be any severance. All of us in TV sign contracts that make it very easy for the TV station to let us go.
I know. Very easy to let go for sure. And likely let go for cause. But while I’d expect the station could likely succeed in avoiding a severance for the man, that doesn’t mean they will refuse to support him where possible. Lots of severance dollars COULD be avoided but aren’t for several reasons. I hopeful for him and his family.
Looks like this is making national waves now. Local Rochester weatherman was fired for using a racial slur when referring to Rochester's Martin Luther King park.
When I first read the slur with letters blotted out it took a while to figure out what it was. Pretty odd.
The news station apologized for the not pulling the on-air broadcast last Friday and immediately fired him on Sunday.
He says that he's never used that racial slur and says he was fired without being given chance to explain his side of the story. Can't imagine what it could be but maybe a teleprompter error.
Jeremy is using Mike Greenburg of ESPNs Mike and Mike show as an example of someone else who made the same flub and was able to explain what happen and eventually keep his job 10 years ago.
Stupid. In no way was it intentional.
Looks like this is making national waves now. Local Rochester weatherman was fired for using a racial slur when referring to Rochester's Martin Luther King park.
When I first read the slur with letters blotted out it took a while to figure out what it was. Pretty odd.
The news station apologized for the not pulling the on-air broadcast last Friday and immediately fired him on Sunday.
He says that he's never used that racial slur and says he was fired without being given chance to explain his side of the story. Can't imagine what it could be but maybe a teleprompter error.
Jeremy is using Mike Greenburg of ESPNs Mike and Mike show as an example of someone else who made the same flub and was able to explain what happen and eventually keep his job 10 years ago.
We are such a Nation of Political Correct Babies. Don't smile the wrong way or you are a racist.
Or don't kneel during the Anthem or you're a traitor, right. Btw, did you see the horizontally displayed flag at the MNC game the other night? Violation of the Flag Code.

"The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free."
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I think most of you are idiots. Ban me. You act like a bunch of 7th graders.

I really don’t need to live my life vicariously through a bunch of 18 year olds anyway.
You mean you need someone here to ban you in order to not show up anymore? Wow.

Sounds like you DO need to live vicariously.....
Or don't kneel during the Anthem or you're a traitor, right. Btw, did you see the horizontally displayed flag at the MNC game the other night? Violation of the Flag Code.

"The flag should never be carried flat or horizontally, but always aloft and free."


It’s the veneer of patriotism that people looking for anyway... ala virtue-signaling
Of all the injustice in the world, the worst thing that has happened in recent memory is the disgraceful treatment of this poor TV weatherman. Thank god for you brave internet posters to fight this.
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Hopefully the management of this station isn’t as thoroughly idiotic as that outfit in NY.

Of course, the Moral Outrage Mountain climbing idiots are everywhere, and you know every SJW group - the traditional and the nouveau-offended - will be expressing their mortification.
(And, obviously :) , CNN, in the construct of their Headline, has done their part to try and light the kindling of stoopidity)

But maybe, just once, there will be one person involved with enough intelligence and decency to tell them (very nicely :) ) to go f^ck themselves.

It’s St. Louis... prolly won’t be a big hubbub *
I think people are so concerned with not saying it, that it gets in their head. So ironically, by making a big deal out of it, the twitter mob may be causing it.

I’m not sure why it matters. It was either a mistake, which is no big deal... or the guy believes what he said and that’s OK too according to liberals. The Gillette thread has taught me that liberals believe that you can’t be offended by “another person's expression of belief”. It doesn’t matter if they do it on an employers time. It’s their first amendment right.
I think people are so concerned with not saying it, that it gets in their head. So ironically, by making a big deal out of it, the twitter mob may be causing it.

I’m not sure why it matters. It was either a mistake, which is no big deal... or the guy believes what he said and that’s OK too according to liberals. The Gillette thread has taught me that liberals believe that you can’t be offended by “another person's expression of belief”. It doesn’t matter if they do it on an employers time. It’s their first amendment right.
You can be offended. You just have to be prepared for folks to dismiss it as "political correctness." Y'all taught me that's what deeply held beliefs are-pc.
I know, but that wasn't always the case. Over the years, the secular Left and the media stripped away Reverend. In practice, I don't think MLKjr used either title in his writings, maybe we should follow that as his preference

In day to day life, I don't refer to people with PhDs as doctors and I haven't seen others do so either (and I'm around PhDs).
Depends on your day to day life. I work for a scientific organization. You'd *better* use Dr. when you are writing an author or customer (we rarely use it internally, though--I think the average degree level where I work is north of a Masters.

I do know in some church circles (the Baptist Church I went to as a teen for one), the term Dr. often trumped Rev.
Don't believe it was a simple matter of merging sounds. Dr. King was derisively referred to in that manner by his opponents in the '60s, and probably after his death.
You really think someone paid to speak on tv is going to say that intentionally? That would be career suicide. I would like to think we could give someone the benefit of the doubt.