Crazed bikers tossed him a) down a well; b) down a mineshaft over drugs according to JockstrapJacobs; c) witness protection to avoid the crazed bikers. There was a great deal of fear(?) associated with the Spanier trial. Jurors were not to be identified by name or drawing (even though some came forward afterwards).
What was Judge Pokeafella so afraid of?
INFORMATION....The State of PA is concerned about the public having
factual information on everything it has done since 2010.
Reason for the extreme level of information control is that the "cracks" in the "Case" that they have constructed, both about Sandusky (and by this I mean THE
LEGAL CASE) and the cover-up "Story" of Paterno & PSU "Criminal Culture" would be exposed to question, criticism and then further investigation. This is something PACORN and their "backers" can NOT allow to happen. Hiding REAL $$$ Crimes and political abuse are at stake!
This is why, AFTER 6+ Years, there are ACTIVE attempts to maintain and control the "Story" of deception they created in 2011.
Everyone has their own opinion on the Spanier Trial and results. I am not alone in having an opinion which is based upon the results and how the court itself has been used to create the "opportunity" for media distortion so that the absurd "Story" of PSU guilt is maintained. What I see in objectively reviewing the evidence provided to the jury is that, on legal evidence alone, there was exposed the absurdity of bringing Spanier to trial. The actions taken by C/S/S BASED ON 2001 information available is totally reasonable. Under any form of analysis it was not any form of "crime". Yet, in spite of the strength of the "no evidence" in this case, the Jury convicted Spanier on a misdemeanor.
This action by the jury mathematically proved that the Jury pool was so tainted that a biased trial, based on media-fed and OAG spotlighted illusions from the past 6 years, was assured. This is what Curley & Shultz - both much closer to MAKING the decisions PSU made concerning Sandusky - feared and why they were FORCED to take the plea bargain offered.
Which brings us to the INFORMATION LEAK that terrifies the State (and the Judge who was hand selected to run the trail). Think back....when did the
State of PA expose ANY factual data on anyone here in which the
data it Publicly provided
DID NOT HAVE SIGNIFICANT opportunity for "information tampering"??
It is the media's responsibility to inform the public of "facts" on events they report on.
WHEN HAS THIS HAPPENED in the past 6 years with PSU? It is INFORMATION management that has been used to deceive the public throughout this matter. It is this control of what the public knows that PACORN needs to maintain (and expand if possible) in the foreseeable future. The judge is just one of their "control valves".