Memory Issues

They all knew for 8 months this was coming. What was Joe's plan? What was anyone's plan.

Why didn't anyone prepare?

It is called "compartmentalization". As humans, we do it when something horrible happens, so we can continue to function.

So, everyone locked the entire sequence of events (which were not any of their faults, no one asks for JS to be thrown in their laps), out of their minds and went about their business as if nothing had happened.

Per Wikipedia:
Compartmentalization is an unconscious psychological defense mechanism used to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.

In this case, the cognitive dissonance is "I think I am a good judge of people and have good friends and associates" vs. "Look right here - looks like Ole JS is a pedophile".
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Tell you what - read the transcripts when they come out. Linda says it was Schultz whose memory had to be refreshed - I know it was Curley. Then we'll see who is being "honest."

Meanwhile you'll be working hard on the MSU situation, am I right?
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Tell you what - read the transcripts when they come out. Linda says it was Schultz whose memory had to be refreshed - I know it was Curley. Then we'll see who is being "honest."

What are you saying? That Curley and Schultz knew stuff they should have acted on? I don't care.

I am saying that your particular line of attack is always directed at PSU people, and never anywhere else. Therefore, you are not an honest evaluator of the situation.

That fact has no bearing on whether C/S/S have lied, almost never lie, lie occasionally, or are habitual liars.
Surma was a horrible CEO at USX. Very poorly run company under him and his management team. The stock price spoke for itself and he was ultimately fired. Unlike a well run company that does the right thing and makes the media work for them, it's not surprising that he would do the opposite and cave to media pressure. He looked like a dear in the headlights that night. He's a full of himself asshole.

Agreed except I dont think he did it bc of media pressure, he did it bc this was the moment he was waiting for to finally axe Joe and also destroy his reputation (something the surmas were trying to do for YEARS). The OAG/Corbett lit the fire then surma gleefully dumped that gas onto it IMO. Corbett becoming actively involved on the BOT behind the scenes around the same time was no coincidence.

The fact that our BOT had lawyers such as frazier on it at the time who should have known that a GJP is meaningless as far as making huge personel decisions go, tells me something else was going on besides media pressure based on the GJP to cause the late night press conference and throwing of Joe under the bus. That was all Surma with an assist from Corbett, tomalis, and frazier IMO.
Agreed except I dont think he did it bc of media pressure, he did it bc this was the moment he was waiting for to finally axe Joe and also destroy his reputation (something the surmas were trying to do for YEARS). The OAG/Corbett lit the fire then surma gleefully dumped that gas onto it IMO. Corbett becoming actively involved on the BOT behind the scenes around the same time was no coincidence.

The fact that our BOT had lawyers such as frazier on it at the time who should have known that a GJP is meaningless as far as making huge personel decisions go, tells me something else was going on besides media pressure based on the GJP to cause the late night press conference and throwing of Joe under the bus. That was all Surma with an assist from Corbett, tomalis, and frazier IMO.

I am willing to entertain that BOT members COULD have a dislike for Paterno. After all, he was a giant in leadership, and they're all probably "modern leaders", meaning politicians and bureaucrats who couldn't lead anything. So, it would be no surprise that people would love JoePa and hate the BOT.

But I am asking one thing - where is any evidence, before all hell broke out, that the BOT felt this way toward Paterno?
I am willing to entertain that BOT members COULD have a dislike for Paterno. After all, he was a giant in leadership, and they're all probably "modern leaders", meaning politicians and bureaucrats who couldn't lead anything. So, it would be no surprise that people would love JoePa and hate the BOT.

But I am asking one thing - where is any evidence, before all hell broke out, that the BOT felt this way toward Paterno?

There was an email from Vic Surma (John's dickhead brother) from I think around 2007 that's full of vitriol towards Joe and talks of finally taking down "the rat" (as he affectionately liked to call Joe) to the press. This email was the smoking gun for me. I don't have a link handy but someone (maybe @JmmyW ) probably does.

Edit: click HERE for link.
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There was an email from Vic Surma (John's dickhead brother) from I think around 2007 that's full of vitriol towards Joe and talks of finally taking down "the rat" (as he liked to call Joe) to the press. This email was the smoking gun for me. I don't have a link handy but someone (maybe @JmmyW ) probably does.

just google "The Surma Vendetta"
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Tell me what I'm missing. Looks like the media absolutely preceded BOT action. I have no problem being wrong. Just show me where I am wrong.
You're missing a cerebellum $hithead!
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just google "The Surma Vendetta"

That's right, thanks. I updated my above post with the link.

Here's a little preview:
"Victor Surma <vsurma8215@> wrote: The Rat has hurt so many young men; destroyed their self esteem, ruined their confidence, etc. I feel it is my obligation to expose hisfraud to the nastional media before he ckecks out I'm starting with the Pittsburgh reporter and hope to take his fraud national!!! I hope you understand. I was a 3 year letterman, have no axe to grind ; just want to set the record straight on the RATS legacy. Vic S"

What a pleasant fellow!!
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That's right, thanks. I updated my above post with the link.

Here's a little preview:
"Victor Surma <vsurma8215@> wrote: The Rat has hurt so many young men; destroyed their self esteem, ruined their confidence, etc. I feel it is my obligation to expose hisfraud to the nastional media before he ckecks out I'm starting with the Pittsburgh reporter and hope to take his fraud national!!! I hope you understand. I was a 3 year letterman, have no axe to grind ; just want to set the record straight on the RATS legacy. Vic S"

What a pleasant fellow!!

they actually blamed Joe for "turning" Vic Jr gay and giving him a fatal drug habit

awful people
There was an email from Vic Surma (John's dickhead brother) from I think around 2007 that's full of vitriol towards Joe and talks of finally taking down "the rat" (as he affectionately liked to call Joe) to the press. This email was the smoking gun for me. I don't have a link handy but someone (maybe @JmmyW ) probably does.

Edit: click HERE for link.


Assuming that this is true, Surma is the lowest political operative that exists. Opportunist, plotting, politician. I can understand his anger at his nephew? not working out on the football team. Probably simply did not have enough talent.

But to help destroy someone for that....terrible.
It is called "compartmentalization". As humans, we do it when something horrible happens, so we can continue to function.

So, everyone locked the entire sequence of events (which were not any of their faults, no one asks for JS to be thrown in their laps), out of their minds and went about their business as if nothing had happened.

Per Wikipedia:
Compartmentalization is an unconscious psychological defense mechanism used to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person's having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves.

In this case, the cognitive dissonance is "I think I am a good judge of people and have good friends and associates" vs. "Look right here - looks like Ole JS is a pedophile".

Ridiculous. Joe & all the others have a staff, assistants, attorneys, and a PR department.
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Now where ARE those transcripts for Tim and Gary....thus far I've only seen Wendy post Mike and Jack's. Anyone ever wonder....why?

Roxine - it's not a big secret - I simply didn't request the Curley & Shultz transcripts, because I didn't care about them. I told folks here I'd post Raykovitz's as soon as Dauphin Co court reporting sent them to me. Jack's the dude I've always been interested in.

You have to PAY for the transcripts first. I'm not shelling out a couple hundred bucks for the entire court proceeding, especially when I sat at most of the trial and I'm not interested.

YOU want those particular transcripts - YOU contact the court, YOU request them, YOU pay for them and then YOU will get them.

Nothing's stopping you. I don't understand why it's gotta be some big secret or a conspiracy or something. Fork over $15 - $20 buck for each individual's transcript you desire and you'll get them.

Anyway - back to @JmmyW original point of his thread. I really think he should make it an OpEd. It's good stuff.
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The ACTUAL quote from his statement is:

"This is a tragedy.
It is one of the great sorrows of my life. With the benefit
of hindsight, I wish I had done more."

Think about that - one of the great sorrows of his life. Everyone seems to miss that part and only "hear" what they want to hear.

Of course it was one of the great sorrows of his life you ding dong. It has been one of the great sorrows of my life too. Good grief even the Paterno haters didn't dwell on that line.
Roxine - it's not a big secret - I simply didn't request the Curley & Shultz transcripts, because I didn't care about them. I told folks here I'd post Raykovitz's as soon as Dauphin Co court reporting sent them to me. Jack's the dude I've always been interested in.

You have to PAY for the transcripts first. I'm not shelling out a couple hundred bucks for the entire court proceeding, especially when I sat at most of the trial and I'm not interested.

YOU want those particular transcripts - YOU contact the court, YOU request them, YOU pay for them and then YOU will get them.

Nothing's stopping you. I don't understand why it's gotta be some big secret or a conspiracy or something. Fork over $15 - $20 buck for each transcript and you'll get them.

Anyway - back to @JmmyW original point of his thread. I really think he should make it an OpEd. It's good stuff.

Roxine never entertains an original thought. Apparently this little "selective transcripts conspiracy theory" was started by none other than @no1lion99 , attributing it to "PS4RS". Sorry but the young man who thinks he owns the sole right to 4 peoples' Second Mile Orphan's Court Dissolution case analysis and is sole "partners" with "his colleague" @rmb297 on this topic has gone a little whack. Maybe he'll grow up soon.
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Roxine never entertains an original thought. Apparently this little "selective transcripts conspiracy theory" was started by none other than @no1lion99 , attributing it to "PS4RS". Sorry but the young man who thinks he owns the sole right to 4 peoples' Second Mile case analysis and is sole "partners" with "his colleague" @rmb297 on this topic has gone a little whack.

Well - sorry to disappoint. It's really not all that exciting - the Jury had asked to have Jack's testimony read back to them on Friday morning. They did not request anyone else's. Not Tim's, not Gary's, not Dranov's, not Mike's - just Jack's.

Anyone who knows me knows that I've been complaining about the guy for - ah - quite some time now - and that I'd most likely procure that particular transcript ASAP. And I did it with great glee & was happy to pay for it.

Yes - I said it.
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Ridiculous. Joe & all the others have a staff, assistants, attorneys, and a PR department.'re telling me they had the resources to come up with a plan? Really? I would have never guessed that. Sarcasm deserved.


They did not prepare because preparing meant dealing with the issue. So, they put it out of their minds and went on with the rest of their lives. No one asks for Jerry Sandusky to become part of their one.
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Well - sorry to disappoint. It's really not all that exciting - the Jury had asked to have Jack's testimony read back to them on Friday morning. They did not request anyone else's. Not Tim's, not Gary's - just Jack's.

Anyone who knows me know that I've been complaining about the guy for - ah - quite some time now - and that I'd most likely procure that transcript ASAP. And I did it with great glee.

Yes - I said it.
IMHO it's entirely logical to procure the transcript of some of the most controversial testimony in the case. Considering the JURY had questions about it as well, just like the Jurors did in the Sandusky case on this same grooming incident, asking for MMQ's and Dr. Dranov's. They believed Dr. Dranov.

That's twice now that two completely different supposedly impartial vetted juries in two different counties decided that MMQ did NOT relay to anyone in the case that a rape or other criminal incident had occurred... even tho we now know with the benefit of hindsight it was a pattern of grooming being established that Dr. Jack of all people should have been able to decipher better than some Athletic staff at a University.

Good thing they REPORTED it to the trained child psychologist and Jack performed his legal and moral duty to protect his child clients! <--Oh wait he DIDNT!
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OK, I'll settle it.

Here is the distribution of blame for JS being allowed to continue abusing kids:
97% - Jerry Sandusky.
1.2% - C/S/S
0.7% - MM
0.4% - State Cops in 1998.
0.8% - Raykovitz.
0.7% - JoePa

Here is the blame distribution for the media firestorm that wrongly abused people who were essentially bystanders:
74% - Media
13% - BOT and Freeh (they really are the same, as Freeh did what BOT said to do)
8% - Prosecutors / Old OAG
6% - Tom Corbett
0.5% - Linda Kelly and New OAG
0.2% - Fina

Please feel free to add and subtract as you wish. We can make arguments all day as follows:

1. MM is the only actual eyewitness. Everyone else is only a "hearsay witness". So, reduce MM's culpability.
2. JR is a mandatory reporter and trained. Increase his culpability.
3. I hate Republicans, so increase Tom Corbett's culpability.
4. I hate the BOT, so increase their culpability.
5. I love JoePa, so decrease his culpability.

But we are talking about the minutiae.

No Gricar?

Assuming that this is true, Surma is the lowest political operative that exists. Opportunist, plotting, politician. I can understand his anger at his nephew? not working out on the football team. Probably simply did not have enough talent.

But to help destroy someone for that....terrible.

Some further commentary. What a wonderful tool is the internet.

Prior to this most recent era, the detail about Surma and what does appear to be a personal vendetta would have easily been kept secret. No one would have known (well, maybe one or two people), but not as many as know now.

This information has changed my view that the BOT harbored no ill-will toward Paterno, but were only protecting themselves.

Now, it appears to me that at least one BOT member had a reason for an active dislike (note that the documentation only shows that Surma's brother had the active dislike) of Paterno, and that it is completely reasonable that he acted as he did out of that motivation.

Also, thank you to those who took the time to explain their beliefs rather than simply say "You're stupid".
Some further commentary. What a wonderful tool is the internet.

Prior to this most recent era, the detail about Surma and what does appear to be a personal vendetta would have easily been kept secret. No one would have known (well, maybe one or two people), but not as many as know now.

This information has changed my view that the BOT harbored no ill-will toward Paterno, but were only protecting themselves.

Now, it appears to me that at least one BOT member had a reason for an active dislike (note that the documentation only shows that Surma's brother had the active dislike) of Paterno, and that it is completely reasonable that he acted as he did out of that motivation.

Also, thank you to those who took the time to explain their beliefs rather than simply say "You're stupid".

At least one. Now go read the emails between Ron Tomalis , Omar McNeil and Kenneth Frazier about "The Paterno Hook" media narrative their lord and master Tom Corbett decided was to be the outcome of their SITF (Special Investigations Task Force) and the Freeh Fraud.

This was after a pow-wow between Surma and Corbett, BTW.

PSUBOT was to deliver Spanier for a Corbett trophy pelt in exchange for a Paterno scalp for Surma's hunting wall display.

All because of petty jealousies. We have narcissistic kindergartners running our government and our corporations. This should be no news to anyone.
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Some further commentary. What a wonderful tool is the internet.

Prior to this most recent era, the detail about Surma and what does appear to be a personal vendetta would have easily been kept secret. No one would have known (well, maybe one or two people), but not as many as know now.

This information has changed my view that the BOT harbored no ill-will toward Paterno, but were only protecting themselves.

Now, it appears to me that at least one BOT member had a reason for an active dislike (note that the documentation only shows that Surma's brother had the active dislike) of Paterno, and that it is completely reasonable that he acted as he did out of that motivation.

Also, thank you to those who took the time to explain their beliefs rather than simply say "You're stupid".

Prior to this most recent era, the detail about Surma and what does appear to be a personal vendetta would have easily been kept secret. No one would have known (well, maybe one or two people), but not as many as know now.

Fyi, Vic Surma Sr. sent his anti-Joe manifesto to all the PSU Football Lettermen via the Lettermen's Club email list. They all got it, and the reaction was a combination of strongly condemning what he said and ignoring it as partly a grieving father along with him being a bit of a loony tunes.
So, it was well known, and was talked about, and gave great insight into why things transpired as they did, including Garban being unable to deliver the message that night and John Surma gleefully stepping in to do so. Garban knew the action they were about to take was wrong, but was run over with the runaway truck and apparently could not bring himself to deliver the message.
At least that is how it was explained to me at the time. I did see a print-out of Vic Sr's email. It was as vile a advertised. And this after he paid tribute to JVP in the one book about him featuring PSU football captains.
Just now catching up on this thread. It seems there's been a few examples of memory issues among some posters here and there, several with regard to things that happened in early November 2011.

If you are interested in the statements issued back then, along with links, I put them all in this blogpost:

And here is brief snip from the middle of that blogpost:

Recapping Early November 2011

On Saturday November 5, 2011, Sandusky was arrested and Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly publicly released the Grand Jury Presentment.

The presentment created the false implication that Mike McQueary saw an anal rape and reported that to Joe Paterno.

On Sunday November 6, 2011, Joe Paterno released a statement attempting to correct that false implication stating, “It was obvious that the witness was distraught over what he saw, but he at no time related to me the very specific actions contained in the Grand Jury report.

On Monday November 7, 2011, Attorney General Linda Kelly held a press conference detailing the charges against Sandusky. She stated that Paterno was a cooperative witness and was not considered a target of the investigation. One reporter asked her about the implication in the presentment that Paterno was told explicitly of an anal rape. This presented her with an opportunity to correct the false implication; however, she chose to say she couldn’t share more than what appears in the presentment.

After Linda Kelly took questions from the media, and the press conference was over, Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan went back to where the reporters were gathered. He was asked about Paterno’s responsibility. Rather than stick to what the legal requirements were, Noonan chose to question Paterno’s morality.

On Tuesday November 8, 2011, roughly one hundred members of the media gathered for Paterno’s regularly scheduled press conference. The Penn State Board of Trustees cancelled it.

A half hour later the New York Times published an article citing two sources with information that the Penn State Board of Trustees was planning Paterno’s exit. (A former assistant managing editor at the New York Times was a member of the Penn State board.)

That same article also cites a source that claims Paterno was explicitly told of an anal rape, refuting Paterno’s denial two days prior.

By mid-afternoon Tuesday, ESPN’s coverage of the scandal finally found the right moral outrage, according to independent ombudsman Kelly McBride, one of the country’s leading voices on media ethics. She also wrote that the mob of normally vitriolic web commenters were “right to take up its virtual torches and pitchforks.”

Late Tuesday evening, the Penn State Board of Trustees issued its first statement on the scandal, and “aligned itself with the anger the public is expressing over this incident.” They committed to forming a committee to conduct a “full and complete investigation of the circumstances that gave rise to the Grand Jury Report,” and, “to determine what failures occurred.”

On Wednesday, November 9, 2011, Joe Paterno released a statement in the morning expressing his sorrow and announcing his retirement effective at the end of the season. A source close to Paterno said it was the coach’s decision to retire and that he has had no contact with the board of trustees.

Late Wednesday evening, the Penn State Board of Trustees met behind closed doors before holding a press conference where they announced Paterno was fired.

The board fired Joe Paterno without ever speaking to him. When questioned, Vice Chairman John Surma justified the firing “in consideration of all the facts,” which he said amounted to nothing more than what was in the grand jury presentment and whatever the media had written.
Actually - I see it a bit differently. In speaking with these lawyers, the power of the Office of Attorney General is immense.
Now, when that awesome power is in the hands of chimpanzees on crack wielding Uzi's........
^^^^^^^^^^^ This is an exquisite "turn of a phrase". ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.
It portrays the sickening situation precisely! Thanks! ;)
Just now catching up on this thread. It seems there's been a few examples of memory issues among some posters here and there, several with regard to things that happened in early November 2011.

If you are interested in the statements issued back then, along with links, I put them all in this blogpost:

And here is brief snip from the middle of that blogpost:

Recapping Early November 2011

On Saturday November 5, 2011, Sandusky was arrested and Pennsylvania Attorney General Linda Kelly publicly released the Grand Jury Presentment.

The presentment created the false implication that Mike McQueary saw an anal rape and reported that to Joe Paterno.

On Sunday November 6, 2011, Joe Paterno released a statement attempting to correct that false implication stating, “It was obvious that the witness was distraught over what he saw, but he at no time related to me the very specific actions contained in the Grand Jury report.

On Monday November 7, 2011, Attorney General Linda Kelly held a press conference detailing the charges against Sandusky. She stated that Paterno was a cooperative witness and was not considered a target of the investigation. One reporter asked her about the implication in the presentment that Paterno was told explicitly of an anal rape. This presented her with an opportunity to correct the false implication; however, she chose to say she couldn’t share more than what appears in the presentment.

After Linda Kelly took questions from the media, and the press conference was over, Pennsylvania State Police Commissioner Frank Noonan went back to where the reporters were gathered. He was asked about Paterno’s responsibility. Rather than stick to what the legal requirements were, Noonan chose to question Paterno’s morality.

On Tuesday November 8, 2011, roughly one hundred members of the media gathered for Paterno’s regularly scheduled press conference. The Penn State Board of Trustees cancelled it.

A half hour later the New York Times published an article citing two sources with information that the Penn State Board of Trustees was planning Paterno’s exit. (A former assistant managing editor at the New York Times was a member of the Penn State board.)

That same article also cites a source that claims Paterno was explicitly told of an anal rape, refuting Paterno’s denial two days prior.

By mid-afternoon Tuesday, ESPN’s coverage of the scandal finally found the right moral outrage, according to independent ombudsman Kelly McBride, one of the country’s leading voices on media ethics. She also wrote that the mob of normally vitriolic web commenters were “right to take up its virtual torches and pitchforks.”

Late Tuesday evening, the Penn State Board of Trustees issued its first statement on the scandal, and “aligned itself with the anger the public is expressing over this incident.” They committed to forming a committee to conduct a “full and complete investigation of the circumstances that gave rise to the Grand Jury Report,” and, “to determine what failures occurred.”

On Wednesday, November 9, 2011, Joe Paterno released a statement in the morning expressing his sorrow and announcing his retirement effective at the end of the season. A source close to Paterno said it was the coach’s decision to retire and that he has had no contact with the board of trustees.

Late Wednesday evening, the Penn State Board of Trustees met behind closed doors before holding a press conference where they announced Paterno was fired.

The board fired Joe Paterno without ever speaking to him. When questioned, Vice Chairman John Surma justified the firing “in consideration of all the facts,” which he said amounted to nothing more than what was in the grand jury presentment and whatever the media had written.

Well - there you have it. Linda Kelly as our State Attorney General - could have changed the narrative & saved all this destruction to so many regular people, their families, their finances, their careers, their legacies.

Instead - she shifted focus back to that inflammatory presentment, exited stage left and let the media take over.

Everyone deserved better.

This is why all of us regular schmoes should be very afraid if we were ever targeted by a prosecutor like this.
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Well - there you have it. Linda Kelly as our State Attorney General - could have changed the narrative & saved all this destruction to so many regular people, their families, their finances, their careers, their legacies.

Instead - she shifted focus back to that inflammatory presentment, exited stage left and let the media take over.

Everyone deserved better.

This is why all of us regular schmoes should be very afraid if we were ever targeted by a prosecutor like this.

I mention this as frequently as I can . . . the 1997 episode of "Law & Order" with Burt Young (S7 E18) called "Mad Dog" was the first time I saw the extent to which a prosecutor can screw with someone's life, with complete impunity. Should be required viewing for all law school grads.

That said, let's also acknowledge the inherent bias inside the common prosecutorial practice of "over-charging" . . . prosecutors need convictions. A common tactic is to knowingly apply more charges to "suspects" in order to get them to plea to lesser charges. The the prosecutor can appear to be "tough on crime", and potentially innocent people are forced to plead to a charge to avoid potential longer jail times. Most victims of this tactic do not have the resources to fight the state and clear their names.

This is how you get tools like Toxine parading around GUILTY verdicts when, in fact, the state spent millions of dollars and did untold damage to its most important institute of higher learning, to secure 3 misdemeanors. out of 14 felonies and 10 misdemeanors.
I am willing to entertain that BOT members COULD have a dislike for Paterno. After all, he was a giant in leadership, and they're all probably "modern leaders", meaning politicians and bureaucrats who couldn't lead anything. So, it would be no surprise that people would love JoePa and hate the BOT.

But I am asking one thing - where is any evidence, before all hell broke out, that the BOT felt this way toward Paterno?
Surma was known to comment "what is he still doing around here?" It wasn't just the slimy, sweaty Surma Bros., take a close look at Paul Suhey. Dave Joyner was having a hissee fit because he thought he should be team surgeon.
Surma was known to comment "what is he still doing around here?" It wasn't just the slimy, sweaty Surma Bros., take a close look at Paul Suhey. Dave Joyner was having a hissee fit because he thought he should be team surgeon.

Lubrano has publicly commented on Peetz's attitude, but some day ask the founder of PS4RS about HER meeting with Peetz, and Peetz's contempt fot Joe and the football program.

Sadly, Surma was merely the ringleader of the circus that hated Joe. Scum, all of them
It is telling about the illustrious Ship of Fools, that at the end of his life......after everything JVP gave to PSU.....he was axed by "Trustees" who felt he didn't give them enough preferential treatment for themselves or their little boys.
Lubrano has publicly commented on Peetz's attitude, but some day ask the founder of PS4RS about HER meeting with Peetz, and Peetz's contempt fot Joe and the football program.

Sadly, Surma was merely the ringleader of the circus that hated Joe. Scum, all of them
Even though he wasn't a trustee at the time, AT is no better than the worst of them.