How can I be "homerish" for a program I don't care about?The tunnel situation is what it is. There's literally nothing wrong with Franklin making a common sense observation that generally everyone, save for Michigan fans, seems to think has a common sense solution(s): separate the teams, build a different location, something besides saying "it's been there for 100 years".
The fact that you are adamant that Michigan has nearly no blame because "all they did was win and dominate and ..." isn't unbiased; its borderline homerish.
I've said repeatedly Harbaugh shouldn't have said anything either--he only did though because of Franklin. We all know that. That's just reality. Harbaugh is a douchebag so when he's attacked he's going to escalate it.
I'm all for making changes but blaming Michigan or Michigan State's players allegedly assaulting one of them is illogical and points to an inferiority complex this board (not you) has with Michigan and other programs. Hence the scUM and O$U nonsense.