More Franklin to USC conjecture (link)

We’ve been having this same discussion for years with the same posters giving all the reasons he will leave, yet he’s still here. But by all means, keep speculating like you know what Franklin is thinking. Then when the USC job and the LSU job both get filled by someone else, we can again have this discussion when the next job opens up.
Franklin has been very open about wanting to be the first black coach to win a national championship. So is he closer to that here or if he moves to USC? I think he's clearly closer at PSU.

Obviously, his family is the wild card. They trump everything.
I get a little tired of hear this. I'm sure all black head coaches in the P5 conferences want that.
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Ryan Day could easily screw things up and get fired at OSU. I don't know if Kelly is going anywhere at ND.

LOL. Day is one the better coaches OSU has had. They actually have an offense that resembles a real offense that could win the CFP. Outstanding recruiting too. They would be nuts to get rid of him.
I don’t think they can hand it over to a guy who has zero experience running a major college football program. The wrong hire would set the program back years. They would need someone who is proven that would hit the ground running to save the recruiting class. And someone is going to say “Ryan Day says hi”, BS, well good for them but I wouldn’t do it with Yurcich. Ohio State is a different animal

So we slow play MY and he runs off to a HC position at at another school???
Why keep posting something here EVERY FUDGING TIME some nobody / somewhere in the fudging world posts some nebulous thought about Franklin’s next coaching job… bullshit.

PSU is his personally-stated “dream job”…..if he ever moves on to another college job he loses any / all respect I have for him. (Can’t ever see him in the NFL…..)
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Why keep posting something here EVERY FUDGING TIME some nobody / somewhere in the fudging world posts some nebulous thought about Franklin’s next coaching job… bullshit.

PSU is his personally-stated “dream job”…..if he ever moves on to another college job he loses any / all respect I have for him. (Can’t ever see him in the NFL…..)
He will definitely never leave if he faces losing your respect.
He can’t get through the B1G and Ohio State. PSU missed its chance in 2017 and 2018 to swing the scales and blew it. McSorley could have been 3-0 vs. the Bucks. Those two O$U losses then cost them games vs. MSU.

Then they could of done it in 2019 but the Minnesota loss lingered and Clifford went down. And he can’t win the big one at big house. Last year was his only win in Ann Arbor.

He can’t get through the B1G with just 1 loss.

At LSU he wouldn’t be able to get through Bama and Georgia. At USC he would win pretty quickly.

If he is leaving then it’s USC.

Franklin should just give up.
I don’t think they can hand it over to a guy who has zero experience running a major college football program. The wrong hire would set the program back years. They would need someone who is proven that would hit the ground running to save the recruiting class. And someone is going to say “Ryan Day says hi”, BS, well good for them but I wouldn’t do it with Yurcich. Ohio State is a different animal
Ryan day says hi…he took Urban’s program and is actually taking it to the next level.
I can actually see this happening for many reasons

1. All modern, collegiate coaches have an institutional "shelf-life" (Exhibit A: Ed Orgeron at LSU et al)
2. Their coaching passion and messaging with internal / external audiences invariably diminishes with time
3. Franklin is in his 8th year at PSU and is now the 4th longest tenured coach at PSU.

I think James and Fumi are ready for a change of scenery and assignments. As is always the case, the wife is the decision maker.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Are you a mind reader?
Orgeron's problems at LSU go beyond his W-L record. Program is an absolute train wreck and his personal and professional behavior didn't help.
Agreed.Just a much larger challenge and as I said I don't think CJF's culture fits LSU's.
If LSU offers Franklin 9 million, he’s gone. And based on their resources I don’t think that’s too far off the table at this point.

It’s going to be a wait and see who LSU has at #1 on the wishlist.

There have been rumors over the past couple years about Franklin being frustrated with the lack of money/resources for the program. It’s something he’s pushed for his entire time here. I don’t know if it’s an AD issue, or a donor issue, but Franklin will walk if he thinks another school is offering better competitive resources to chase a national title. The LSU job might be the one.
ad issue, dont know how anyone can work for it, i mean her
A boatload of money from LSU aside, I just don't see James fitting in there.

USC's another story. I think he'd be a perfect match there. I imagine his wife and kids wouldn't mind living in LA, either. Plus you have the same arguments we've all read--it's a much easier annual path to the playoff, and easier to recruit the best talent.

Hopefully he stays. State College has its charms.
Franklins wife hates bugs, so no to LSU.
I’ve read a lot of back and forth over the years with reasons for Franklin to go or stay. It’s pretty much a yearly discussion.

Your post is the first one …… in a long time…… that I can honestly say brings new info to the table. Well done. ;)
Why keep posting something here EVERY FUDGING TIME some nobody / somewhere in the fudging world posts some nebulous thought about Franklin’s next coaching job… bullshit.

PSU is his personally-stated “dream job”…..if he ever moves on to another college job he loses any / all respect I have for him. (Can’t ever see him in the NFL…..)
Really Illinois? It was tweeted by a beat writer from the Pac-12 who said he spoke to insiders out there (West Coast). Is it true? Maybe, maybe not but this is a PSU message board and like it or not, this is out there, so don’t read the thread if it upsets you. I want Franklin to stay but I am definitely interested in any reports out there that come from legitimate beat writers…it’s not like Sekah posted it.
We have seen evidence of MY's offensive philosophy. I guess that's all anyone needs to know to be a HC at a major university. LOL LOL LOL LOL fanboys
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and this is different than PSU how, exactly?
The truth is that both LSU and PSU have achieved the very top (or right next to it) in college football.

PSU especially in the late 70's, 80's and up to the mid 90s was probably the top program in the country.....
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This is so tiresome. If he goes, he goes. PSU will get a new coach and we’ll root hard for that coach

What do you wish to talk about then, your favorite color. And why are you here? Should it get tiresome then don't open up the message.

Let's put it this way. Sure, CJF has had a nice run but how he handled the QB depth chart in this day of the Transfer Portal is not exactly a resume builder. Not for a program like USC.
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He can’t get through the B1G and Ohio State. PSU missed its chance in 2017 and 2018 to swing the scales and blew it. McSorley could have been 3-0 vs. the Bucks. Those two O$U losses then cost them games vs. MSU.

Then they could of done it in 2019 but the Minnesota loss lingered and Clifford went down. And he can’t win the big one at big house. Last year was his only win in Ann Arbor.

He can’t get through the B1G with just 1 loss.

At LSU he wouldn’t be able to get through Bama and Georgia. At USC he would win pretty quickly.

If he is leaving then it’s USC.

I agree, it would be easier to win at USC than the SEC. However, at USC (like Texas) the talent just falls into your lap and yet successive coaches are unable to win there. Why?? Could it be due to cultural problems. Surely this figures into CJF's calculus. Moreover, I thought PSU was CJF's "dream job."
I totally blame the 2017 loss to OSU on Moorhead. We had 18 point leads twice and he couldn't close it out or even deviate from his stupid formation for a single play.

I also thought that 2019 was Franklin's best shot at the playoff. We really blew it at Minnesota

He has a tendency to do this, as many coaches do. But in some crazy place like LSU they will demand that you take them back to a level that never existed in the first place. Also the recruiting situation will be as shady as it gets. Only a few types of people could navigate that

In every job interview you're asked to explain your foul-ups. And yet Moorhead got the HC gig at MSU. Go figure.

In this "discussion" let's remember CJF has had a taste of how things are done in the SEC.
What do you wish to talk about then, your favorite color. And why are you here? Should it get tiresome then don't open up the message.

Let's put it this way. Sure, CJF has had a nice run but how he handled the QB depth chart in this day of the Transfer Portal is not exactly a resume builder. Not for a program like USC.
Oh good lord.
We have seen evidence of MY's offensive philosophy. I guess that's all anyone needs to know to be a HC at a major university. LOL LOL LOL LOL fanboys

How about this? If Franklin leaves, how about we hire LaVar Arrington as the next head coach? Arrington played football and knows PSU.
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I get a little tired of hear this. I'm sure all black head coaches in the P5 conferences
I'm sure that they do but only 2 or 3 are in positions that make that a realistic goal.
Correct. And for this reason I think it’s smart of Franklin to openly state that personal goal. Half of FBS players are black yet there are only 8 black head coaches - it gives a real recruiting advantage.
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What do you wish to talk about then, your favorite color. And why are you here? Should it get tiresome then don't open up the message.

Let's put it this way. Sure, CJF has had a nice run but how he handled the QB depth chart in this day of the Transfer Portal is not exactly a resume builder. Not for a program like USC.
Such an idiotic take. How many quality Transfer Portal QBs want to come in and sit on the bench? I’ll answer that: none. It isn’t a grocery store that you just pick a QB off the shelf. There was no one in the transfer portal that wanted to sit behind Clifford, because that was the situation and everyone knew it.
Such an idiotic take. How many quality Transfer Portal QBs want to come in and sit on the bench? I’ll answer that: none. It isn’t a grocery store that you just pick a QB off the shelf. There was no one in the transfer portal that wanted to sit behind Clifford, because that was the situation and everyone knew it.
Yes, only on a message board would having a third year starting QB that no one wants to sit behind be looked at as a coaching failure.
USC's another story. I think he'd be a perfect match there. I imagine his wife and kids wouldn't mind living in LA, either. Plus you have the same arguments we've all read--it's a much easier annual path to the playoff, and easier to recruit the best talent.
You’re imagining his wife and kids would prefer LA? That’s just another way of saying you have no idea. Or maybe you’ve spoken to them and they told you. I don’t get the assumption by many that anyone with a family would prefer to live in LA. I can think if hundreds of places I’d rather live.
I think he uses these rumors and the threat of leaving to extract more money from PSU for facilities and better assistants. And frankly, I have no problem with that. PSU's board deserves it
That sounds very noble on his part but I’m certain he doesn’t forget himself either.
Such an idiotic take. How many quality Transfer Portal QBs want to come in and sit on the bench? I’ll answer that: none. It isn’t a grocery store that you just pick a QB off the shelf. There was no one in the transfer portal that wanted to sit behind Clifford, because that was the situation and everyone knew it.
I agree. The big issue was striking out on Johnson, Bowins and possibly Roberson
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There‘s that Sword of Damocles hanging over the program making yet another appearance. When will this tiresome dance become completely intolerable? Coach Franklin has won exactly one conference title at PSU. He is 1-6 vs O$U. His Defensive Coordinator just blew yet another 4th quarter lead for yet another PSU loss. This situation is absurd, and it appears as though most of Nittany Nation is fine with it. Unbelievable If he wants to go - then go. We can find another coaching staff that can win one title in 8 years, bleep away 4th quarter leads every season, and go 1-6 ( soon to be 1-7, almost inevitably) against our main rival.
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