Most depressing movie of all time?

What movie left you just beaten down by how depressing it was?

I nominate On the Beach from 1959

"This is how the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper"

On the Beach is classic and a good nomination.

But in the same genre there's a better flick...released in 1983 and under-appreciated but one of the best I've ever seen: Testament.

Depressing...but very powerful. There are scenes in the movie that stay with you a long time.
On the Beach is classic and a good nomination.

But in the same genre there's a better flick...released in 1983 and under-appreciated but one of the best I've ever seen: Testament.

Depressing...but very powerful. There are scenes in the movie that stay with you a long time.
Testament is a great, great movie. The scene of Jane Alexander sewing her dead daughter’s shroud, heartrending.
"Never Let Me Go," a 2010 film starring Carry Mulligan. It's a romantic movie about kids raised at a school, but they are unaware of what they are being raised for.
As I started to read this 2 immediately came to mind/. Only 1 mentioned. Both starring Jenifer Jason Leigh:

Leaving law vegas
Rush (early 90s)