MSU has their hands full


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2009
with Utah State. USU pushing MSU around on the line of scrimmage. 7-6 late in the first. MSU with 2 field goals.
It must be nice for a B1G team to have home conference officiating. Snodgrass &Co are B1G homers.

That said, Utah St is going to be a surprise in the MWC.
Is that something the booth could have called a penalty on or is it in,y targeting plays?

Refs call offsetting unsportsmanlike conducts penalties, even though the MSU DB clearly had a hold of the front of the jersey of the Utah State receiver and punched him squarely in the face shield. Home cooking refs at their best.
And then the Big 10(14) zebra incompetence continues.

No way was that a QB fumble.

How that play isn’t reviewed is stunning.
And then the Big 10(14) zebra incompetence continues.

No way was that a QB fumble.

How that play isn’t reviewed is stunning.
Makes up for the MSU defender grabbing the left hip of the USt player on 3rd down, which Glen “Fake Teeth” Mason conveniently didn’t comment on other than to say “great defensive play”.

MSU’s grab as much as scUM’s. It must be a Michigan thing.
Makes up for the MSU defender grabbing the left hip of the USt player on 3rd down, which Glen “Fake Teeth” Mason conveniently didn’t comment on other than to say “great defensive play”.

MSU’s grab as much as scUM’s. It must be a Michigan thing.

And then instant replay shows a completion and it’s reversed on the field.

OMG, can the officiating look any worse and it’s not even the first Sat of the season yet!
And then instant replay shows a completion and it’s reversed on the field.

OMG, can the officiating look any worse and it’s not even the first Sat of the season yet!
Like I said last night.....
Take it easy on the refs. This early in the season, the algorithm to determine how each call will benefit OSU and Michigan is incredibly complex. They'll get better (worse) as the season goes on and it becomes clearer who needs to win and who needs to lose. :)
Utah State may have a key to this keep the pace up as MSU is only subbing when Utah State does
Most surprising stat of the game so far: MSU total yards rushing with six minutes until half-time - six yards.
20-14 MSU @ halftime

Lewerke is better than capable, he's big and strong and can run. He looks like a schmuck with that haircut though.

Love on Utah State, is a pro. That boy throws a beautiful ball. We will see him in the NFL.
MSUs DL doesn't get much of a push. Lewerke is good when he has a pocket. Overall not so impressed with Sparty's performance in the 1st half.
Utah State is getting good pressure against the MSU OL. MSU isnt able to block straight up and is having to resort to screens and play action passes. That's not a good sign for MSU against a lesser OOC opponent at home.
Like I said last night.....
Take it easy on the refs. This early in the season, the algorithm to determine how each call will benefit OSU and Michigan is incredibly complex. They'll get better (worse) as the season goes on and it becomes clearer who needs to win and who needs to lose. :)
Hahaha. It’s like Jeff Sagarin’s rating system
crackback block....flag....oh wait....guess they don't always flag that after all
Heyward looking deceptively fast on the TD. Better looking drive for Sparty.
huh....disconcerting signals on the defense....never heard that called before....koff koff
Lewerke is better than capable, he's big and strong and can run. He looks like a schmuck with that haircut though.

Love on Utah State, is a pro. That boy throws a beautiful ball. We will see him in the NFL.

Kid really looks like a d*che with that haircut. Makes it easier to root against them even though Dantonio's sour puss is more than enough.
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