Ten years ago this loss would have bothered me all week. Now, I'm watching our women's volleyball team and have put the game in my rear view mirror. I guess it started with STEP and my giving season tickets I held for nearly 40 years. Then there was our own BOT rushing to judgment on Joe, his firing, and our surrender to the NCAA. Throw in the continuing arrogance of our BOT, President, and Alumni Association, and I have a University I barely recognize and can no longer relate to. I've said before that I may wake up some day and just decide to turn my back on Penn State forever. If it happens, I will always have my memories, the friendships, and the joy of watching the golden years of Penn State football. I really think if I had not found this Board I would have been gone already. The fact that I could watch us get blown out by a very average college team and not feel badly means that day is very close.
I got together last week with an old roommate and a bunch of former floor mates, and our kids were playing together and we had a great time. It could best be described as an mm2 moment. What Penn State was came flooding back, but I also felt a bit sad for what it has become under the current leadership. The thing is, we weren't at Penn State, and we still had a great time like old times. I'm not sure where Penn State ends up, but I don't like where its heading. I refuse to let that mar what it once meant, but it's not the same. I hope it can recover, but the steps needed to do so are antithetical to the core values of the bot and current leadership.