My worst fear is realized. Not that we lost to Temple, but that I barely care.

Ten years ago this loss would have bothered me all week. Now, I'm watching our women's volleyball team and have put the game in my rear view mirror. I guess it started with STEP and my giving season tickets I held for nearly 40 years. Then there was our own BOT rushing to judgment on Joe, his firing, and our surrender to the NCAA. Throw in the continuing arrogance of our BOT, President, and Alumni Association, and I have a University I barely recognize and can no longer relate to. I've said before that I may wake up some day and just decide to turn my back on Penn State forever. If it happens, I will always have my memories, the friendships, and the joy of watching the golden years of Penn State football. I really think if I had not found this Board I would have been gone already. The fact that I could watch us get blown out by a very average college team and not feel badly means that day is very close.

I got together last week with an old roommate and a bunch of former floor mates, and our kids were playing together and we had a great time. It could best be described as an mm2 moment. What Penn State was came flooding back, but I also felt a bit sad for what it has become under the current leadership. The thing is, we weren't at Penn State, and we still had a great time like old times. I'm not sure where Penn State ends up, but I don't like where its heading. I refuse to let that mar what it once meant, but it's not the same. I hope it can recover, but the steps needed to do so are antithetical to the core values of the bot and current leadership.
It actually has the opposite effect in attempting to illustrate your point. You try to say you don't care but everything about you taking the time to make this post along with the timing says that you do. For those of us that truly stopped caring for the reasons you mentioned, simply turned off their TV and/or computer after the game, went to dinner and then went about their business for the rest of the day with families and friends. When you get to that point, then your actions will truly say "I barely care".
It may appear that way, but watch the games with little emotion, win or lose. I acknowledge I made a mistake and should have posted this after a win. I thought the fact that I barely care after our 1st loss to Temple in 40 games better illustrated my point. Apparently I was wrong. I took the time to post because I have spent considerable time here the past 4 years and I am sharing my thoughts with people who have become "Board friends". I make no apology for that.
I got together last week with an old roommate and a bunch of former floor mates, and our kids were playing together and we had a great time. It could best be described as an mm2 moment. What Penn State was came flooding back, but I also felt a bit sad for what it has become under the current leadership. The thing is, we weren't at Penn State, and we still had a great time like old times. I'm not sure where Penn State ends up, but I don't like where its heading. I refuse to let that mar what it once meant, but it's not the same. I hope it can recover, but the steps needed to do so are antithetical to the core values of the bot and current leadership.
And that squares with my thoughts. As I said, "I will always have my memories, the friendships...."
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I got together last week with an old roommate and a bunch of former floor mates, and our kids were playing together and we had a great time. It could best be described as an mm2 moment. What Penn State was came flooding back, but I also felt a bit sad for what it has become under the current leadership. The thing is, we weren't at Penn State, and we still had a great time like old times. I'm not sure where Penn State ends up, but I don't like where its heading. I refuse to let that mar what it once meant, but it's not the same. I hope it can recover, but the steps needed to do so are antithetical to the core values of the bot and current leadership.
Not going to happen to our liking. And if you've lost the feeling for the place, even though you may want to, it's very doubtful you'll ever really get it back. We've all been there with with other relationships, etc. You know what I mean? Personally, I'm pretty much there now.
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Not going to happen to our liking. And if you've lost the feeling for the place, even though you may want to, it's very doubtful you'll ever really get it back. We've all been there with with other relationships, etc. You know what I mean? Personally, I'm pretty much there now.
I agree, and that bothers me because I wish it were otherwise. At one time I lived and died with all things Penn State. I got upset when the tennis teams lost and I hate tennis. I've gone from that to almost total apathy and I just don't see it coming back. I've tried and nothing is working.
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It actually has the opposite effect in attempting to illustrate your point. You try to say you don't care but everything about you taking the time to make this post along with the timing says that you do. For those of us that truly stopped caring for the reasons you mentioned, simply turned off their TV and/or computer after the game, went to dinner and then went about their business for the rest of the day with families and friends. When you get to that point, then your actions will truly say "I barely care".
I agree, and that bothers me because I wish it were otherwise. At one time I lived and died with all things Penn State. I got upset when the tennis teams lost and I hate tennis. I've gone from that to almost total apathy and I just don't see it coming back. I've tried and nothing is working.
Yep, if you had asked me five years ago if I could ever envision such a scenario, I would have emphatically said no way. I'm OK with it now. Life lessons are remarkable sometimes.
It may appear that way, but watch the games with little emotion, win or lose. I acknowledge I made a mistake and should have posted this after a win. I thought the fact that I barely care after our 1st loss to Temple in 40 games better illustrated my point. Apparently I was wrong. I took the time to post because I have spent considerable time here the past 4 years and I am sharing my thoughts with people who have become "Board friends". I make no apology for that.

I used to plan my fall Saturday around Penn State's game. Did not even watch this one although I was surprised at the outcome.
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I used to plan my fall Saturday around Penn State's game. Did not even watch this one although I was surprised at the outcome.

That's another good point. My wife and I have a social gathering at our house on a Saturday in October and she asked me when our game started. I didn't even bother to check. I just told her to plan the event at whatever time she wanted and if I miss the game it would be no big deal. I never would have done that 10 years ago.
I agree, and that bothers me because I wish it were otherwise. At one time I lived and died with all things Penn State. I got upset when the tennis teams lost and I hate tennis. I've gone from that to almost total apathy and I just don't see it coming back. I've tried and nothing is working.

I think it could come back, but it would take special people in key leadership roles (PSU prez, board members, head coach, etc) for it to change. Even then I'm not sure. We had something unique that we all rallied behind for decades. There's a reason it was unique, and it's not because its easily replicable.
I think it could come back, but it would take special people in key leadership roles (PSU prez, board members, head coach, etc) for it to change. Even then I'm not sure. We had something unique that we all rallied behind for decades. There's a reason it was unique, and it's not because its easily replicable.
It truly was unique, and I really would like to have that feeling again. It was a part of my life for so long. I agree too, that it would take special leadership. Someone would need to come along and unite the various factions that have developed over the past 4 years. These damn trials still hanging over our heads does not help. I want the truth to come out, but I don't want it to take another 4 years. Unfortunately, there is not much we can do but wait.
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I think it could come back, but it would take special people in key leadership roles (PSU prez, board members, head coach, etc) for it to change. Even then I'm not sure. We had something unique that we all rallied behind for decades. There's a reason it was unique, and it's not because its easily replicable.
Exactly. Sort of like when you were a kid and you and friends did something that was really fun. Then when you tried to repeat it, it just wasn't the same.
Ten years ago this loss would have bothered me all week. Now, I'm watching our women's volleyball team and have put the game in my rear view mirror. I guess it started with STEP and my giving season tickets I held for nearly 40 years. Then there was our own BOT rushing to judgment on Joe, his firing, and our surrender to the NCAA. Throw in the continuing arrogance of our BOT, President, and Alumni Association, and I have a University I barely recognize and can no longer relate to. I've said before that I may wake up some day and just decide to turn my back on Penn State forever. If it happens, I will always have my memories, the friendships, and the joy of watching the golden years of Penn State football. I really think if I had not found this Board I would have been gone already. The fact that I could watch us get blown out by a very average college team and not feel badly means that day is very close.
I am giving it up. My message is being misunderstood. Like I said, I have posted this before on a number of occasions. I should have posted it again after a win and said I don't care much that we won. My bad.

Then just move on. You're not really doing anyone any favors by sticking around crying about it.
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Then just move on. You're not really doing anyone any favors by sticking around crying about it.
I'm not looking to do anyone any favors. I'm just looking to post on a message board. Apparently some people agree with me and have said so in this thread, so I don't think I'll move on just yet.
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Ten years ago this loss would have bothered me all week. Now, I'm watching our women's volleyball team and have put the game in my rear view mirror. I guess it started with STEP and my giving season tickets I held for nearly 40 years. Then there was our own BOT rushing to judgment on Joe, his firing, and our surrender to the NCAA. Throw in the continuing arrogance of our BOT, President, and Alumni Association, and I have a University I barely recognize and can no longer relate to. I've said before that I may wake up some day and just decide to turn my back on Penn State forever. If it happens, I will always have my memories, the friendships, and the joy of watching the golden years of Penn State football. I really think if I had not found this Board I would have been gone already. The fact that I could watch us get blown out by a very average college team and not feel badly means that day is very close.
Ten years ago this loss would have bothered me all week. Now, I'm watching our women's volleyball team and have put the game in my rear view mirror. I guess it started with STEP and my giving season tickets I held for nearly 40 years. Then there was our own BOT rushing to judgment on Joe, his firing, and our surrender to the NCAA. Throw in the continuing arrogance of our BOT, President, and Alumni Association, and I have a University I barely recognize and can no longer relate to. I've said before that I may wake up some day and just decide to turn my back on Penn State forever. If it happens, I will always have my memories, the friendships, and the joy of watching the golden years of Penn State football. I really think if I had not found this Board I would have been gone already. The fact that I could watch us get blown out by a very average college team and not feel badly means that day is very close.
So why even post anyhing.
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So why even post anything.
Because this is a message board and that's what people do. As I clearly stated, I have not walked away yet, and so I am expressing my thoughts. Apparently, enough people are interested enough in the thread to open it and post or it would have fallen to the bottom of the board and simply faded away.
Because this is a message board and that's what people do. As I clearly stated, I have not walked away yet, and so I am expressing my thoughts. Apparently, enough people are interested enough in the thread to open it and post or it would have fallen to the bottom of the board and simply faded away.

Not sure why the self-appointed message board police mind you expressing your thoughtful ideas
Truth is that STEP and recent issues is not where this all started. It was when our administration decided to join a conference that does not fit for Penn State. It was the beginning of selling our souls for the almighty dollar.
Truth is that STEP and recent issues is not where this all started. It was when our administration decided to join a conference that does not fit for Penn State. It was the beginning of selling our souls for the almighty dollar.
Interesting thought redbyrds. I'll mull that one over a bit, but you may be on to something. Of course, these days it seems like every school is selling their souls, so maybe it was inevitable.
The Message Boad Police no longer care, which is understandable, because what is there really to care about?
And I don't care that they don't care, nor would I care if they did care, but I would care if I didn't care that I didn't care because that would mean I did care (or something like that).:confused:
And I don't care that they don't care, nor would I care if they did care, but I would care if I didn't care that I didn't care because that would mean I did care (or something like that).:confused:
Might be time to leave the computer and watch TV with your wife/girlfriend.
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Truth is that STEP and recent issues is not where this all started. It was when our administration decided to join a conference that does not fit for Penn State. It was the beginning of selling our souls for the almighty dollar.
Now you hit it right on the head. "Step" is when I jumped ship after 37 years of season tickets.
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Now you hit it right on the head. "Step" is when I jumped ship after 37 years of season tickets.
That's what did it for me and I was at 39 seasons. STEP was poorly thought out and poorly implemented. If they had gotten more input from season ticket holders they could have gotten it right.
I congratulated Temple, but they are less a good team than we are a poor one. 90 other college teams could have beaten us today. If Temple beats Cincinnati next week come back and I will admit they are pretty good.
More like all of the fbs could have beaten psu today
I find myself really disappointed but at the end of the day its only football and theres always next week and next year. I shudder to think how this could hurt recruiting though. So Im guessing I do care quite a bit.
Giving up on the football program or the school because of disappointments over how the Sandusky scandal played out and was handled by school administrators seems truly self defeating and counterproductive. What happened has happened elsewhere. Gradually, it fades away and life returns to normal. Until the next scandal at some other school.

Penn State handled it in such away that did not meet the approval of some people but clearly met the approval of others. Nobody except Sandusky and Paterno know what really happened, and the truth may never come out.

But that should not stop the love for this school. The university is much bigger than the scandals that have rocked it for the past several years.
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Giving up on the football program or the school because of disappointments over how the Sandusky scandal played out and was handled by school administrators seems truly self defeating and counterproductive. What happened has happened elsewhere. Gradually, it fades away and life returns to normal. Until the next scandal at some other school.

Penn State handled it in such away that did not meet the approval of some people but clearly met the approval of others. Nobody except Sandusky and Paterno know what really happened, and the truth may never come out.

But that should not stop the love for this school. The university is much bigger than the scandals that have rocked it for the past several years.
My feelings about Penn State preceed, and are not limited to, Sandusky. I have stated them many times & I will not repeat them here. I consider them neither self defeating nor counterproductive. They were arrived at thoughtfully and over time. They are what is best for me. Others may choose differently.
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It actually has the opposite effect in attempting to illustrate your point. You try to say you don't care but everything about you taking the time to make this post along with the timing says that you do. For those of us that truly stopped caring for the reasons you mentioned, simply turned off their TV and/or computer after the game, went to dinner and then went about their business for the rest of the day with families and friends. When you get to that point, then your actions will truly say "I barely care".

Well, he does "care." But what he cares about is that he thinks it sucks that he feels this way. It sucks when you once identified with something that made you proud, and now that's gone.
Too much overreaction here. Temple has its best team in many years. The Lions still are a few years from recovery. Result today not surprising. No team has a manifest destiny to always be good.
You cannot actually be serious with what you just wrote.

I've heard of apologists, but you just raised the bar.

Penn State losing to Temple in a 27-10 domination, is a big damn surprise and the low point of not only the sanctions era, but perhaps the programs history, including the dark years.

This football team gave up 10 sacks in one game, one of them on a 2 man rush.

Some of you are comical.
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Truth is that STEP and recent issues is not where this all started. It was when our administration decided to join a conference that does not fit for Penn State. It was the beginning of selling our souls for the almighty dollar.

I disagree. A symptom, perhaps. But we were going to have to join a conference at some point. The only team who could stay independent is ND, much as I do not like them, and even there, they are kinda in a conference right now.. Imagine where we would be if we'd stayed independent? for all some complain about how the conference treated us after 2011, being an independent would have been worse. We might have had no one to play. I could easy see a scenario where our games were dropped from the schedule. At the time we joined, we weren't getting into the Big East, which precipitated things. We would not have been considered for the SEC, where we would really not have fit. The ACC? We would have been in a similar situation to the Big 10, where the Carolina team rule the roost--and they are basketball teams. There was a reason Maryland wanted out.

Note that there are now *three* independents. Three. Army, BYU, and the Dohmers. And they are all part of a conference outside of football. Only ND was never part of a conference. And the way ND now schedules, they are partly in a conference.
I feel the same way. "Penn State" was embodied by great yet flawed (as we all are) leaders such as Bryce Jordan, Rip Engle, Graham Spanier, and Joe Paterno. "Penn State 2.0" is embodied by loathsome people such as Keith Masser, Kay Salvino, Rick Dandrea, and Keith Eckel as well as the 27 assistant athletic directors and a hiss-poor $128,000 logo. I naively viewed Barron's hiring as a source of hope, but he has been a huge disappointment. At some point, my bitterness turned into apathy, which is actually the better place to be mentally and emotionally. Unfortunately a person cannot will apathy to arrive, it works on its own schedule.
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