My worst fear is realized. Not that we lost to Temple, but that I barely care.

I had season tickets from 1954. Step aggravated me. But firing Joe made me angrier and I hung in for three years.
One of the things I admired about our fan base was the way they stood up for Joe and challenged the powers that be. The same people behind STEP.

Now we are on the road to recovery and people whine about where we are now a bout where we could have been. PSU has lost many games it should have won. We are better and will become even better.
Let's hang in and make Penn State football great again.
I agree. Penn State is better. Patience will be rewarded. I'm prepared to stick it out no matter what. I can't see how it won't take several more years though. The obvious talent of some of the younger players should give hope. Also, the Penn State foundation is still there and the guys coming up are hungry to bring PSU back to gridiron glory. They want it bad. You could see the desire was there against Pitt. The skill positions are fine. The trenches are the concern. PSU will not get back to elite status unless there is big improvement there.

I still get so worked up during the games that I have to walk away sometimes. I'm talking high anxiety. I want to hit somebody. As soon as the games ends, I'm fine.
What would you do if you caught one?
throw it back!
Ten years ago this loss would have bothered me all week. Now, I'm watching our women's volleyball team and have put the game in my rear view mirror. I guess it started with STEP and my giving season tickets I held for nearly 40 years. Then there was our own BOT rushing to judgment on Joe, his firing, and our surrender to the NCAA. Throw in the continuing arrogance of our BOT, President, and Alumni Association, and I have a University I barely recognize and can no longer relate to. I've said before that I may wake up some day and just decide to turn my back on Penn State forever. If it happens, I will always have my memories, the friendships, and the joy of watching the golden years of Penn State football. I really think if I had not found this Board I would have been gone already. The fact that I could watch us get blown out by a very average college team and not feel badly means that day is very close.

Who gives a fying crap what you care about troll???