Waiting for some righteous indignation tweets from Mitch Lyons.
With the benefit of hindsight, Dean Strampel shoulda STFU.
Are you effing kidding me??? Every media outlet known to man would have come in their pants if they found anyone at PSU (C/S/S/P) had video on their computer of JS doing anything even remotely sexual in nature. How is this not blowing up everywhere? Oh yeah, no one has heard of William Strampel.
I find it odd that Nassar's boss goes to jail and Sandusky's boss TESTIFIED IN COURT against Spanier and walks FREE. Or should I say, Freeh...WTF!Good grief; Sandusky should wear shorts and Nassar should wear gloves, then it's all good. smdh
On a side note: John Manly, the Cali attorney, is situated to become an extremely rich man. No offense to the lawyers on the board, but I hate you all!![]()
At Penn State, the DOE stepped in and gave the university a figurative colonoscopy. Clery violations were found but hardly any of them had to do with Sandusky. Rather, they were administrative and procedural problems which had no effect on student safety. Most other universities would have had similar violations but since PSU was under a microscope we were slapped with fines in excess of $2 million.Granted, I haven't really followed all of the intricate details of the case... but if this is the tangible, hard proof it seems to be, how has the FBI not torn down the walls of the university at this point? Also, depending on who the age of the victim in the video.... ???
I think this is the tip of the iceberg...videos of nassar abusing women? Yikes...no wonder he was doing everything he could to protect him. MSU is f'ed.At Penn State, the DOE stepped in and gave the university a figurative colonoscopy. Clery violations were found but hardly any of them had to do with Sandusky. Rather, they were administrative and procedural problems which had no effect on student safety. Most other universities would have had similar violations but since PSU was under a microscope we were slapped with fines in excess of $2 million.
It's likely the DOE will also look into the Clery compliance at Michigan State. It's apparent many violations were committed which had a direct effect on the safety of multiple students. If the PSU fine was $2 million+, I shudder to think what kind of hammer will be dropped on MSU.
ChoadjugglerTo channel my inner Carnac . . . .
What is:
A toad, a choad, and a load??????
"Never again - this time we mean it!"
In Pennsylvania that is a precursor to joining The Bench.So Strample is being prosecuted for having porn on his work computer and in Pa. Prosecutors had porn on their work computers?How'd that work out?
I think this is the tip of the iceberg...videos of nassar abusing women? Yikes...no wonder he was doing everything he could to protect him. MSU is f'ed.
In Pa. they spend a million bucks to find it and then cover it up.In Pennsylvania that is a precursor to joining The Bench.
Live events aside, I don't watch ESPN so I have a question for those who do. Are they having wall-to-wall 24/7 coverage of Nassar, Strempel and Michigan State like they did with Sandusky? And what is being said by the likes of Bernstein, Brennan and Jemele Hill?
This couldn't have happened to a more deserving bunch of hypocrites. I can recall reading vicious BS lies on their board when the Sandusky stuff was coming out. Many there called for the death penalty and/or kicking Penn State out of the conference because they were such caring people about pedophilia that they couldn't stand being associated with us. They were gleeful. And, their outrage always seems to return just around the time they have to face Penn State in a big game......the rest of time....not so much....funny......Anybody think that MSU should be kicked out of the Big Ten? Or at least have their bowl money stolen?
While not related to Nassar, I would not be one bit surprised if you found evidence pointing to others, possibly the two coaches mentioned, having evidence showing cover up of sexual assaults.So...the question is...are Dantonio and Izzo far behind?
Remember the olympic VB telecast where the dumbass announcer had to point out that one (many actually) woman made the team despite being from "Penn State with all that went on there..." or something to that effect.And, that every one of their sports team ought to be associated with Nassar's crimes for the FOREVER....all of that would be a good start in returning the favor to those blowhards....
Well, now the shoe is on the other foot and I feel nothing but joy that that group of jerks are getting a dose of their own medicine. Now if we can just come up with a nickname like Ped State to shove up their noses.....maybe the nasspartans .
While not related to Nassar, I would not be one bit surprised if you found evidence pointing to others, possibly the two coaches mentioned, having evidence showing cover up of sexual assaults.
I say this only because who would have thunk a 70-year old man (I believe Strampel's age) would posses this type of material when supposedly "all was well" in East Lansing?