But then they would have to go retrieve such a device. That may mean getting up from the kitchen table while enjoying lunch! I'm not sure that is such a reasonable thing if all it is for is suspected CSA.
Would Mike need to do that ?
But then they would have to go retrieve such a device. That may mean getting up from the kitchen table while enjoying lunch! I'm not sure that is such a reasonable thing if all it is for is suspected CSA.
What person who in charge of a multimillion enterprise doesn't carry a cell phone in 2001? If the athletic department was that far in the Stone Age then Curley should have been fired a well before he was.You brought it up, I simply pointed out how silly your point was. So in the future, please try harder to stay on topic.
BTW, those things hooked up to a wire still couldn't call someone who didn't have a cell phone and wasn't near a land line. Enough making you look stupid on the phone front. Your entire post just skips over the fact that not one person testified to hearing anything more than the equivalent of horseplay from MM, and MM has admitted to watering it down further for Joe which obviously didn't create a sense of urgency. Yet you try so hard to find fault in Joe's actions. This is a perfect example of how desperate people are to defame Joe. The desperation is really cult like. You'd fit in perfectly on the lair.
What person who in charge of a multimillion enterprise doesn't carry a cell phone in 2001? If the athletic department was that far in the Stone Age then Curley should have been fired a well before he was.
The topic was specifically that Joe followed the NCAA policy which he clearly did not. He didn't notify them immediately and he did involve himself in the "investigation".
Not to be a naysayer with your opinion b/c I'm totally with you on the cell phone stuff..but how urgent does a message have to be delivered when a grown man is SHOWERING with a boy that isn't his blood? Just sayinWhat AD did carry a cell phone in 2001? Please provide a list of which AD's did and did not have a cell phone at that time... I'll wait. While you're at it... people didn't use cell phones then like they do now. Many would turn them off for days at a time until they needed to make a call. So if you can prove Curley did in fact have a cell phone at the time, I am going to need you to document his usage habits at the time, and also that Joe had access to the number. Get him to sign and notarize. Secondly, the message MM delivered did not instill urgency in anyone. The excuses are amazing.
MM was required to report immediately, he did not. Joe was a "campus official", not a witness. He also clearly did not involve himself in the investigation.
No wonder I don't have you on ignore yet, as trolls go, you're a freaking amateur.
Not to be a naysayer with your opinion b/c I'm totally with you on the cell phone stuff..but how urgent does a message have to be delivered when a grown man is SHOWERING with a boy that isn't his blood? Just sayin
Yeah, I guess...you may be right. But there were grumblings for a long time about JS and his oddities. Who knows. MM handled it poorly from the start.You have to put yourself in their shoes at that time, they didn't know that it wasn't a foster kid. They also knew that JS was a local saint known for his charity work. The fact that MM didn't call the police, and also waited until morning to tell the football coach also frames the message as not urgent.
Yeah, I guess...you may be right. But there were grumblings for a long time about JS and his oddities. Who knows. MM handled it poorly from the start.
You have to put yourself in their shoes at that time, they didn't know that it wasn't a foster kid. They also knew that JS was a local saint known for his charity work. The fact that MM didn't call the police, and also waited until morning to tell the football coach also frames the message as not urgent.
Not to be a naysayer with your opinion b/c I'm totally with you on the cell phone stuff..but how urgent does a message have to be delivered when a grown man is SHOWERING with a boy that isn't his blood? Just sayin
So you're saying that MM wouldn't have know JS' foster children? I can understand the rest.
I keep hearing that now, but I never heard it before the scandal. I'm not sure how much I believe it. Regardless... being odd is not illegal.