NCAA Rules changes coming!!

Holy crow, I never in a million years would have guessed we'd see so many massive changes all at once. Crazyness.

  • three-point takedowns
  • three-point near-falls will be back
  • a riding-time point without a turn will be a thing of the past
  • rule which states top position wrestlers must only aggressively work to break down the opponent would change to also requiring him to pursue near-fall points and/or a pin.
  • The current mandatory five-second count for waist and ankle rides would include all situations in which the top wrestler grasps the bottom wrestler’s ankle.
  • The hand-touch takedown would be eliminated, meaning all takedowns, in order to be secured, would require a demonstration of control beyond reaction time.
  • Video review would provide the referee with the authority to confirm or overturn all calls or missed calls during a video review challenged sequence rather a single move
  • The penalty for a delayed coach’s video review challenge request would be changed from a control of mat violation and team-point deduction to a loss of the video review request.
  • The first medical forfeit of a tournament would count as a loss on the wrestler’s record, unless the medical forfeit occurs immediately following an injury default in the tournament.
  • Standardized weigh-ins across all competition types would move to two hours or sooner rather than two hours for tournaments and one hours for duals.
  • Officials could let action continue after penalizing an illegal hold and not require a stoppage after imminent scoring finishes when the safety of wrestlers is not in danger.
  • The facial hair rule — which limited wrestlers to beards of no longer than a half inch in length — would be eliminated.
  • Any true placement matches in a tournament would not alter the final team score.
  • Weight certification for all institutions would be permitted to begin Sept. 1.
Not sure I understand the wording on this proposed rule change:

  • The current mandatory five-second count for waist and ankle rides would include all situations in which the top wrestler grasps the bottom wrestler’s ankle.

Would this only include situations where the ankle is grabbed with the hand or would it include latching onto the ankle with both knees as the bottom wrestler is quad-podding as AOC did to Haines repeatedly throughout his ride?
Further adding to the confusion, while the Flo article is written by Andy Hamilton, I'm not so sure the wording is the Committee's, more than his interpretation of the proposed changes. Will see if I can find a more original source.

It seems that lately, most proposed rules have gone through--though I could see that playing differently this time around.
Holy crow, I never in a million years would have guessed we'd see so many massive changes all at once. Crazyness.

  • three-point takedowns
  • three-point near-falls will be back
  • a riding-time point without a turn will be a thing of the past
  • rule which states top position wrestlers must only aggressively work to break down the opponent would change to also requiring him to pursue near-fall points and/or a pin.
  • The current mandatory five-second count for waist and ankle rides would include all situations in which the top wrestler grasps the bottom wrestler’s ankle.
  • The hand-touch takedown would be eliminated, meaning all takedowns, in order to be secured, would require a demonstration of control beyond reaction time.
  • Video review would provide the referee with the authority to confirm or overturn all calls or missed calls during a video review challenged sequence rather a single move
  • The penalty for a delayed coach’s video review challenge request would be changed from a control of mat violation and team-point deduction to a loss of the video review request.
  • The first medical forfeit of a tournament would count as a loss on the wrestler’s record, unless the medical forfeit occurs immediately following an injury default in the tournament.
  • Standardized weigh-ins across all competition types would move to two hours or sooner rather than two hours for tournaments and one hours for duals.
  • Officials could let action continue after penalizing an illegal hold and not require a stoppage after imminent scoring finishes when the safety of wrestlers is not in danger.
  • The facial hair rule — which limited wrestlers to beards of no longer than a half inch in length — would be eliminated.
  • Any true placement matches in a tournament would not alter the final team score.
  • Weight certification for all institutions would be permitted to begin Sept. 1.
Had to double check to make sure it wasn't a joke.
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For the record, I think these benefits us greatly. We have a lot more takedown artists than turners as @js8793 pointed out.

I also think Starocci has another gear to hit on top if he really is motivated (thought he was so close to cranking Foca over a few times) and if not, he sure as hell isn't lost in neutral.
If you are trying to discourage big weight cuts, make weigh-in’s 1 hour before start of the dual or your session in a tournament. That would include 1 hour weigh-in for NCAA finals.
So would this apply to certain cross body rides? I'm thinking I've seen Kerkvliet reach back and grab and elevate an ankle from time to time.
Is Nagao riding legs for a whole period a potential problem under these rules if adapted? Not sure if this is a question or a statement.
Is Nagao riding legs for a whole period a potential problem under these rules if adapted? Not sure if this is a question or a statement.
Not really - once Zain really teaches him how to master that hot he hit on Philippi ...
For the record, I think these benefits us greatly. We have a lot more takedown artists than turners as @js8793 pointed out.

I also think Starocci has another gear to hit on top if he really is motivated (thought he was so close to cranking Foca over a few times) and if not, he sure as hell isn't lost in neutral.
Oh this helps us, no question. We'll see if coaches want this knowing we will become even more unbeatable.
Does this
  • The current mandatory five-second count for the waist and ankle ride would be expanded to include all situations in which the top wrestler grasps the bottom wrestler's ankle.
mean when standing rear without loss of control? In other words, eliminate what AJ used to do?

That's how I'm taking it for now.
Also for the record, if Carter rides someone out a period, he can still win that way, it would just be 1-0 instead of 2-0. Seeing how confident Carter is in controlling people for a period, I can see see him going for it otherwise.
Yeah, whenever rules are changed, I'd put my money on the most adaptable coaching staff to come out smelling like roses, every time. There are no anti-PSU rule changes.
Is Nagao riding legs for a whole period a potential problem under these rules if adapted? Not sure if this is a question or a statement.
I don't think so. Casey needs to teach him to turn. It just means he won't get a riding time point if he doesn't get at least one 2-point nearfall. He can still ride. He just can't win 2-1 based on a riding time point.

Just checked his WrestleStat. No 2-1 wins last year. One 2-0 win his RS FR season.
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My first reaction is they might need to increase the TF standard.
What was the score of that Jack Cuvo match before TFs?

Edit: 43-1

Jason Nolf with a 3 point TD… I can almost see his confusion. Do I want to pin this guy? I can’t let him up; it’s too many points to take him down and risks a tech fall.
Really don’t like the three point takedown. More action comes from penalties for stalling but they can’t ever seem to fix that. Hell I’d rather them hit a guy for stalling after each period a point isnt scored.
Really don’t like the three point takedown. More action comes from penalties for stalling but they can’t ever seem to fix that. Hell I’d rather them hit a guy for stalling after each period a point isnt scored.
That’s the thing being missed in my opinion: the unintended consequence of leads being able to be accumulated at an easier rate, but no impetus to keep guys ahead to stay engaged.

Current rules aren’t great at that either, in college. But the freestyle ones are, and they went halfway, leaving out the good part.
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