NCAA Tickets


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2013
It appears the economics of available tickets may be starting to kick in. Or, rather, the economics are more favorable for buyers now.

Looking on StubHub, there now appears to be more and more available tickets. With the supply increasing, price appears to be coming down.

Right now, there are 11 tickets available for $700 or less. That's more than I've seen for the last several days. And, there are LOTS available in the arena. Right now, there is at least one ticket available in 23 of the 34 upper bowl sections.

This has been a PSA
Quick ticket check on Stubhub this AM.

There are now 7 tickets available for $600 or less, with a single ticket available for $547 and the lowest price pair at $550/ticket.

There are a total of 21 tickets available for $700 or less, up from 11 tickets in this price range just four days ago.

There are still tickets available in 23 of 34 upper bowl sections.

There are lots of tickets available in lower or club level, beginning at $1200.

This has been a PSA.
Yes, I've been watching for the past few weeks and prices have been slowly trending down so figured I'd risk it and wait. May still give it a few more days but eventually going to have to pull the trigger, lol.
Yes, I've been watching for the past few weeks and prices have been slowly trending down so figured I'd risk it and wait. May still give it a few more days but eventually going to have to pull the trigger, lol.

Tickets now look cheaper on Primesport
than on StubHub. Fees are lower too. I'm pulling the trigger tomorrow. Peace of mind worth it even if I could end up buying at lower price later in the week. Some sessions really inexpensive.
I am still awaiting tickets from the NCAA.... no idea when Ticketmaster will mail them out!
I am still awaiting tickets from the NCAA.... no idea when Ticketmaster will mail them out!
How frustrating.... I took ticketmaster for their word a month ago - tickets not mailed out yet - the message that is on one's account as well. I called this morning and they don't know if they were mailed out or not.. they did say they would mail them plus some assurances of 'will call'...
Now 70 tickets available at $700 or less in 27 of the 34 upper sections. Lowest prices trending quickly towards the $500 level with 11 available for $550 or less. Some lower bowl now selling for under $900.
Now 70 tickets available at $700 or less in 27 of the 34 upper sections. Lowest prices trending quickly towards the $500 level with 11 available for $550 or less. Some lower bowl now selling for under $900.

The trick now becomes leaving enough time to complete shipping + handling.
How frustrating.... I took ticketmaster for their word a month ago - tickets not mailed out yet - the message that is on one's account as well. I called this morning and they don't know if they were mailed out or not.. they did say they would mail them plus some assurances of 'will call'...

Ticketmaster sux.... I have bought tickets for a concert in Philly on the parkway this summer, 2 weeks before Christmas I bought them to give my kids as a present. Others have bought after me and already received their wrist bands. I have been told by those fools 4 times now they have mailed out new wristbands to me. Never to receive them and call again, get the customer rep to apologize and say "I see what they did wrong, I fixed it and they will be mailed out and you should receive them in 10 days...." So many others with the same experience. I would be on the phone with them raising hell.
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I would tell em screw you keep the dam tickets you dam asses trying make so much money lol
I would tell em screw you keep the dam tickets you dam asses trying make so much money lol
Agree 100%! Reduced allocations to all colleges funded the PrimeSport offerings. Shame on the NCAA for their grubby money grab. Greater shame to the Universities who allow the cart to precede the horse! Last time I checked the NCAA was supposed to serve its members.
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I ordered tickets from them for a the BJC match against Lehigh only to get a letter 2 weeks prior to the event telling me I did not have tickets since they sold tickets they never were allowed to!!!

Ticketmaster sux.... I have bought tickets for a concert in Philly on the parkway this summer, 2 weeks before Christmas I bought them to give my kids as a present. Others have bought after me and already received their wrist bands. I have been told by those fools 4 times now they have mailed out new wristbands to me. Never to receive them and call again, get the customer rep to apologize and say "I see what they did wrong, I fixed it and they will be mailed out and you should receive them in 10 days...." So many others with the same experience. I would be on the phone with them raising hell.
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