Neal Brown post-game upset about Evans catch and Wallace TD.

So he admits it was DPI first, so quit whining. And the TD catch was absolutely a catch…not even any question about it. One thing WVU can’t complain about today is the officiating…they got a ton of calls and only had one penalty called against them, a 5 yard false start. Carter wasn’t getting blocked, he was getting tackled and nothing called.
If you rewatch, the ball moves as he is dragging feet. Wallace gets it back in his hands before going out of bounds. I can see his point
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Whiney beatch - at least the couches are safe in Morgantown tonight.
If you rewatch, the ball moves as he is dragging feet. Wallace gets it back in his hands before going out of bounds. I can see his point
I've watched it like 8 times. I don't see anything conclusive to overturn it and people usually think I'm trying to find ways to take points from us lol

45 sec, you get clear view of ball moving.
No, I know, I thought that watching the game live but it is so close. The ball moves ever so slightly and is inconclusive if his feet are in after the ball moved. Also a question if the ball moving slightly means he did not have control. I think they allow for a little of that movement.

Kind of ridiculous he is singling out plays like his team was robbed of winning the game because of these two plays when; 1) they were thoroughly outplayed and PSU wad clearly the superior team and; 2) they got two ridiculous breaks with spots that helped them yet of course he doesn't mention those.

45 sec, you get clear view of ball moving.
I don’t see it moving. And if it did move, then the one Fox caught for WVU hit the ground. He’s really grasping if he has complaints about officiating in that game….teams rarely get that many incorrect calls (with replays) go their way in one game.
No, I know, I thought that watching the game live but it is so close. The ball moves ever so slightly and is inconclusive if his feet are in after the ball moved. Also a question if the ball moving slightly means he did not have control. I think they allow for a little of that movement.

Kind of ridiculous he is singling out plays like his team was robbed of winning the game because of these two plays when; 1) they were thoroughly outplayed and PSU wad clearly the superior team and; 2) they got two ridiculous breaks with spots that helped them yet of course he doesn't mention those.
They also had a fumble that was never even reviewed.
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Is he upset at the non call of targeting against WVU……. or the first down that was given to him that led to 3 of his points…….. or the WVU TD that wasn’t a TD- all after replay reviews failed to correct the calls? 9 of their 12 points were gifted to them.

I get grumbling at a bad call here or there but at some point you have to look at the full game and realize those didn’t change the game. Plus, Penn St got some bad calls against them as well. The better team just won.
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If you rewatch, the ball moves as he is dragging feet. Wallace gets it back in his hands before going out of bounds. I can see his point
Well if he got it back in his hands before going out of bounds it’s a catch. This was one of the poorest and one-sided officiated games I have seen in a while and WVU was the beneficiaries of all of the lousy calls.
They also had a fumble that was never even reviewed.

How about having a DPI that was flagged waived off and then a series or two later benefitting from a DPI that featured far less obvious contact and grabbing??? How about benefitting from a Late Hit on sideline and then benefitting from no Late Hit call on sideline a couple series later when the 2nd tackler in, not only hits Drew Allar after he is already on ground, but does it when he is already a yard OB??? How about the two obvious non-called Delay of Games on WVU's opening possession of the game? How about the WVU "catch" where ball clearly hits ground as WVU receiver is attempting to possess it and clearly MOVES in the WVU players hands (actually the better description is WVU player's hands move on ball) after hitting ground (this is the textbook definition of a trapped ball) - catch wasn't even Reviewed by Booth despite ball clearly hitting the ground as WVU player is attempting to possess it??? Etc.... as there were even more inconsistent and biased calls.
the most interesting part of the the 4th and 1 spot is watch the ref at the top of the screen. He so carefully is watching the forward progress and then after getting his spot on the sideline his first step he move he moves 2 feet to the right as he moves to the center of the field.
Look, PSU had the ball inside the 20 yard line with 1st and ten. Even had the officials called no catch, they still likely score there. If there's ever a time where whining like this is justified, it's on 3rd and long, on 4th down or when time runs out on the play, not when PSU had at least 3 more shots at the endzone. Mark me down amongst those who think Brown should stop whining like a b*tch and worry about his own team.
How about having a DPI that was flagged waived off and then a series or two later benefitting from a DPI that featured far less obvious contact and grabbing??? How about benefitting from a Late Hit on sideline and then benefitting from no Late Hit call on sideline a couple series later when the 2nd tackler in, not only hits Drew Allar after he is already on ground, but does it when he is already a yard OB??? How about the two obvious non-called Delay of Games on WVU's opening possession of the game? How about the WVU "catch" where ball clearly hits ground as WVU receiver is attempting to possess it and clearly MOVES in the WVU players hands (actually the better description is WVU player's hands move on ball) after hitting ground (this is the textbook definition of a trapped ball) - catch wasn't even Reviewed by Booth despite ball clearly hitting the ground as WVU player is attempting to possess it??? Etc.... as there were even more inconsistent and biased calls.
I saw all of these and commented about them to those watching the game with me. Three late hits OOB. First is the targeting call mysteriously reversed and then no penalty even given for the late hit OOB. Then the late hit by #11 which was legit but against PSU. Then the late hit OOB on Allar not called but the coaches on the sideline having to calm the PSU players to prevent a brawl.

At least three ball spots a half to full yard beyond where the player was down that benefitted WVU. I also noticed a couple of times PSU was shorted on their spots. One of the gifts to WVU was their phantom TD.

The radio broadcast team pointed out most of these and were completely exasperated by the refs decisions, so I am not making stuff up.

The WVU coach is a loser person with a soon to be loser program.
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Besides the two obvious poor spots on fourth down and at the goal line, there were at least three spots when Penn State had the ball on offense that were clearly marked over a half of a yard short. I know on one of Alan’s runs up the middle. He clearly got a full yard farther than the linesman gave him credit for. It was not a big play nor a key spot but super shady.
This wasn’t a TD but I’m not complaining after the previous missed call on 4th down.
The OT for WVU actually led WVU in tackles with the take downs on Abdul Carter. No holding calls against WVU...only 1 penalty in the game.

Carter forced WVU to use a tackle and a TE or RB and then hold on just about every passing play. You can wreck a play just by forcing so much attention to one player......
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the most interesting part of the the 4th and 1 spot is watch the ref at the top of the screen. He so carefully is watching the forward progress and then after getting his spot on the sideline his first step he move he moves 2 feet to the right as he moves to the center of the field.
Reminded me of the drunken official spots of Mike Hart carries in a game at Ann Arbor.
Was there ever any explanation given for the reversal of the targeting call? That looked like the true definition of targeting.
They argued that it was the forehead of the helmet, not the crown. I guess now we need to have the refs carry tape measures to determine where the crown starts and the forehead stops.
You can’t tell squat about where his body or feet were when he got control of the ball.
From what I can see, his right ankle and shin are out of bounds after he re-secured the ball after the juggle. Not complaining though.
So he admits it was DPI first, so quit whining. And the TD catch was absolutely a catch…not even any question about it. One thing WVU can’t complain about today is the officiating…they got a ton of calls and only had one penalty called against them, a 5 yard false start. Carter wasn’t getting blocked, he was getting tackled and nothing called.
And WVA got a bunch of no calls in their favor. The best way to give a team an edge is those no calls by the Refs suddenly going blind and terrible spots, in that case the head linesman was criminal.
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Look, PSU had the ball inside the 20 yard line with 1st and ten. Even had the officials called no catch, they still likely score there. If there's ever a time where whining like this is justified, it's on 3rd and long, on 4th down or when time runs out on the play, not when PSU had at least 3 more shots at the endzone. Mark me down amongst those who think Brown should stop whining like a b*tch and worry about his own team.

It was the at end of the half. PSU would have attempted a FG if it were overturned to no catch. That being said, it was pretty clearly a catch. The very minimal ball movement (which is going to be accentuated on slo mo) was not enough to indicate a loss of control and he was still in bounds when that happened anyway.
This wasn’t a TD but I’m not complaining after the previous missed call on 4th down.

The video does not support what poster is claiming - if you freeze-frame video, yes hand moves on ball, but if you freeze video at point where receiver re-positions hand (and keeps it there), the receiver's right foot is still clearly dragging on ground! LMFAO
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You can’t tell squat about where his body or feet were when he got control of the ball.

Yes you can if you freeze-frame video at point where he adjusts his hand on the ball to pin it on his stomach (i.e., ball is loose for a millisecond) - if you freeze-frame at point he re-adjusts his left hand, receiver's right foot is still touching ground.
They argued that it was the forehead of the helmet, not the crown. I guess now we need to have the refs carry tape measures to determine where the crown starts and the forehead stops.

It shouldn't have mattered as it was a late hit out-of-bounds - a dead-ball Personal Foul making the tackled player "defenseless". In this situation, the only thing that matters is if the offending defender intentionally initiated initial-contact to the head, or neck, area - the defensive player clearly initiates initial-contact with his helmet and directs it directly into PSU player's head. Absolutely Targetting given that it was called a dead-ball Late Hit OB.
You can’t tell squat about where his body or feet were when he got control of the ball.

Uh, yeah, you can. You can clearly see his foot and his ankle dragging on the ground, on the white (out of bounds) as he regrasps the ball.
From what I can see, his right ankle and shin are out of bounds after he re-secured the ball after the juggle. Not complaining though.

No, his right toe is dragging at moment he re-adjusts hands - go re-check the freeze frame.
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