Neal Brown post-game upset about Evans catch and Wallace TD.

Again, intentional use of the crown of the helmet was not required for this hit to be Targetting as player was defenseless - only thing required for hit to be ruled Targetting was intentionally initiating initial-contact "targetting" head or neck area.

Here is definition of NCAA Rulebook's "Defenesless Player":

According to the NCAA, a defenseless player is someone who is particularly vulnerable to injury due to their physical position or focus. The NCAA considers a player to be defenseless in the following situations:
  • A player who is in the act of throwing a pass, or just after releasing the ball
  • A player who is attempting to catch a forward or backward pass
  • A player who has completed a catch but has not had time to protect themselves or become the ball carrier
  • A kicker who is in the act of kicking or just after kicking the ball
  • A player who is on the ground
  • A player who receives a blind-side block
  • A player with the ball who is being held by an opponent and is unable to move forward
If a player is defenseless, a targeting penalty may be called even if the tackler didn't lead with their helmet. This includes any forcible contact above the shoulders.

This hit was made out-of-bounds after the player was down, while the offensive player was in the grasp of a second defensive player and on the ground.... PSU player was clearly a "Defenseless Player" under NCAA Rulebook and defender clearly "targetted" initial contact to PSU players head with his helmet - absolutely a Targetting Penalty under NCAA Rulebook no matter what portion of his helmet the defender initiated contact with, and intentionally directed into, the PSU player's head.
I am just telling you the argument that was made by the review analyst that the announcer and color person use to get rules descriptions live on TV.
Rewatching I think Wallace TD is questionable.

Both pretty reasonable calls. The defensive player initiated contact, and if that happens the receiver can reciprocate. Evans could have been called for the shove for sure but it wasn't like the ref didn't see it, he made an intentional non-call because the defender initiated contact.

The Wallace TD, it was reviewed and they decided not to overrule the call and that was certainly a reasonable ruling. It would have been super picky to invalidate that catch because Wallace did everything right, secured the ball and didn't lose it when he hit the ground.

I see a lot of complaining about the crew but I thought it was a reasonably well called game. Even the bogus WVa 1st down, it was a bad spot but those are really hard to correct because you need an absolutely perfect camera angle to know 100 percent where the ball should be spotted. On the replay you couldn't even see where the ball was exactly, and you can't overrule based on a circumstantial reading of the video.

Meanwhile, on the #9 fumble, when they reviewed they saw his calf touch the turf above the ankle, it was clear and they made the right call.

Seemed like a competent crew to me. Most of you on this board have been around for a few years, does everybody remember how bad B1G officiating used to be in the 90s and early 2000s? It is funny to think about it. I remember seeing an OSU player fumble and the ball actually bounced around on the ground and came back up into his body and he grabbed it and kept running -- and the B1G officials ignored it. That kind of shit used to happen in every game.
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Why don't you guys watch the entire PR because Brown gives total praise to PSU for winning the game. A coach can actually do both because I'm sure he knows WVU got a few calls. The fact is but not just the officials but the replay system was horrible. They had issues and just this morning our Tony Caridi (announcer) said he knew for a fact that the replay guys wanted to stop the game and review, either the pass interference no call or the TD at the end of the half but poor communication caused the game to go on. There were bad no calls on both sides, especially the roughing the kicker that wasn't called on PSU right at the beginning of the game. The fact is, WVU just played a very poor game and didn't take advantage of hardly any opportunities.
This was the first game (in this position) for the person who was the intermediary (at the stadium) between the refs and the replay office in Texas. For whatever reason the Big XII didn't assign an experienced person for such a high profile game. Much of the botched ref communications / replays, etc. were the direct result.
I see a lot of complaining about the crew but I thought it was a reasonably well called game. Even the bogus WVa 1st down, it was a bad spot but those are really hard to correct because you need an absolutely perfect camera angle to know 100 percent where the ball should be spotted. On the replay you couldn't even see where the ball was exactly, and you can't overrule based on a circumstantial reading of the video.
Please. It was an awful call, a bad spot and a review that was equally bad.

The announcing crew of Gus Johnson and Klatt knew it was bad, and said so.

The only good news about it -- didn't impact the final result of the game. And the real question -- did the call come from bias or incompetence?
Both pretty reasonable calls. The defensive player initiated contact, and if that happens the receiver can reciprocate. Evans could have been called for the shove for sure but it wasn't like the ref didn't see it, he made an intentional non-call because the defender initiated contact.

The Wallace TD, it was reviewed and they decided not to overrule the call and that was certainly a reasonable ruling. It would have been super picky to invalidate that catch because Wallace did everything right, secured the ball and didn't lose it when he hit the ground.

I see a lot of complaining about the crew but I thought it was a reasonably well called game. Even the bogus WVa 1st down, it was a bad spot but those are really hard to correct because you need an absolutely perfect camera angle to know 100 percent where the ball should be spotted. On the replay you couldn't even see where the ball was exactly, and you can't overrule based on a circumstantial reading of the video.

Meanwhile, on the #9 fumble, when they reviewed they saw his calf touch the turf above the ankle, it was clear and they made the right call.

Seemed like a competent crew to me. Most of you on this board have been around for a few years, does everybody remember how bad B1G officiating used to be in the 90s and early 2000s? It is funny to think about it. I remember seeing an OSU player fumble and the ball actually bounced around on the ground and came back up into his body and he grabbed it and kept running -- and the B1G officials ignored it. That kind of shit used to happen in every game.

That's nonsense, the ball does not have to be visible for Review to change call. As the announcing crew pointed out - they showed a shot directly down the line on the 4th Down gift 1st down call and the ball carrier had ball in stomach with both arms covering ball running with a forward lean. Again, as announcing crew pointed out, ball carrier's head/helmet is well forward of ball and the ball carrier's helmet never comes close to the line-to-gain on camera angle directly down LOS. Replay Review is absolutely allowed to use the physical reality of the ball position relative to the ball carrier's body to reverse a call when the most forward part of the ball carrier's body (head/helmet) doesn't come close to line-to-gain and the physics of the human body dictate that the ball was even further away. You're absolutely wrong that there was not sufficient irrefutable video evidence on that play to reverse call just because they couldn't see the ball behind the ball carrier's arms - it is absolutely known that the ball is well behind the most forward portion of the carrier's body (his head/helmet) and the most forward point of the carrier's body never came anywhere close to the line-to-gain.
How soon we seem to forget the SEC crew that worked the Auburn game at Beaver Stadium a few years back. They were so bad that the SEC issued an apology. And then there was this:
And complaining at the press conference does what exactly?
WVU is a poor team and a poorly coached team that couldn't adjust even with the long half time. Unfortunately for Brown, McAfee has created unrealistic expectations for WVU and Brown's probably going to get fired in a couple month because of it. How he handled this wasn't remotely smart.
This is why no one on here takes you seriously. You said the same spiel last year and WVU was hardly a "poor" team. You were wrong last year and don't have the guts to admit it. This year? We'll see. But all Brown wanted was answers on why the replay system sucked. And I guess you missed the part where he blamed himself and his staff for the loss. The refs and replay system was poor for both teams. But once again, you ignore what someone has typed or what our coach was saying. So go ahead, continue with your arrogance if it makes you feel good like I know you will
This is why no one on here takes you seriously. You said the same spiel last year and WVU was hardly a "poor" team. You were wrong last year and don't have the guts to admit it. This year? We'll see. But all Brown wanted was answers on why the replay system sucked. The refs and replay system was poor for both teams. But once again, you ignore what someone has typed or what our coach was saying. So go ahead, continue with your arrogance if it makes you feel good like I know you will
I don't care if you refuse to take me seriously
I wasn't wrong last yaer--who did they beat? Who? Last year, who did WVU beat? Answer it
I always feel good--I don't care what you think--I'm not arrogant--I'm right
Let's see if Brown has a job in 3 months--he's focused on the wrong thing here. Greene is his biggest issue not the refs
He wants replay on the TD before the half, but they do review it upstairs and would have put it to a timeout if there was any question. Did anyone else see the ball move after Wallace caught that ball.

And when his DB drapes himself around a WR and the WR pushes to create some space after getting mugged, 9 times out of 10 the officials won't call PI on the 2nd contact. Brown should know that.

Brown talks about the 4th and inches he didn't get, when the call seemed correct. But he didn't talk about the one they got the call on when the top official called it as a 1st down and the replay showed he had no view of the ball carrier, and that was a full yard short but when reviewed was not over turned.

Seemed like WVU got more than their share of the calls. I saw some holding where their OT's tackled Carter that weren't called. Yet PSU gets 8 penalties for 60 yards and WVU had 1 for 5 yards. Pretty disproportionate.

But by and large Brown gave PSU credit for being a talented team and playing better than his team and he seems like a respectful coach.

I'll be rooting for WVU to win 9 or 10 games in the B12.
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I don't care if you refuse to take me seriously
I wasn't wrong last yaer--who did they beat? Who? Last year, who did WVU beat? Answer it
I always feel good--I don't care what you think--I'm not arrogant--I'm right
Let's see if Brown has a job in 3 months--he's focused on the wrong thing here. Greene is his biggest issue not the refs
No you're not. It's nothing but your OPINION!
Regarding the fumbled snap … you can see on the live telecast … it was an overhead shot and the WVU safety was in view. He’s standing right next to the ump, and he actually steps over and in front of the ump - they couldn’t be any closer without touching - and double claps. Crazy the ump didn’t notice it or put 2 and 2 together that it was the cause of the bad snap. You could see it again on the last replay they showed with the angle from behind Allar, too.
Regarding the fumbled snap … you can see on the live telecast … it was an overhead shot and the WVU safety was in view. He’s standing right next to the ump, and he actually steps over and in front of the ump - they couldn’t be any closer without touching - and double claps. Crazy the ump didn’t notice it or put 2 and 2 together that it was the cause of the bad snap. You could see it again on the last replay they showed with the angle from behind Allar, too.
Wouldn’t this be a good time to apologize to me for lying by accusing me of being Bushwood when you’ve been arguing with the real Bushwood all day? Everyone on the board can clearly tell that I am not Bushwood and you are going to have to move on to user name number 11 if you don’t come clean.
Oh, I get the insult was meant for me, I just didn’t understand why and what the insult was. Other than that, you nailed it.

I’m against bashing refs, blaming them for losses, and slinging insults that they’re incompetent or biased, (unless it’s an incredibly unique situation … like Angel Hernandez in the MLB).

That doesn’t mean we can’t discuss what calls we think they got right or wrong. They missed a very tough call with that TD. In real time, unless you had the perfect angle, you probably could never have picked that up (even then, I don’t know). Oh well. Not a big deal.

What part of that do you take issue with enough to insult me, sparky?
Mostly, all of it Skippy. In particular, you took the most difficult bang bang missed call for the refs to interpret at issue while ignoring so many blatant non calls or outright bad calls. It was not a great game for the refs in total. A significant part of that was due to the speed and emotional intensity with which the game was played.

Neil 'Karen' Brown could better spend his time coaching and looking at why his offense got stuffed on so many 4th and ones rather than whining about the difficult plays the refs may or may not have missed.

People forget that it was the refs first game of the season and in this game there were many missed calls that broke both ways (some quite obvious and others tough calls).
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Mostly, all of it Skippy. In particular, you took the most difficult bang bang missed call for the refs to interpret at issue while ignoring so many blatant non calls or outright bad calls. It was not a great game for the refs in total. A significant part of that was due to the speed and emotional intensity with which the game was played.

Neil 'Karen' Brown could better spend his time coaching and looking at why his offense got stuffed on so many 4th and ones rather than whining about the difficult plays the refs may or may not have missed.

People forget that it was the refs first game of the season and in this game there were many missed calls that broke both ways (some quite obvious and others tough calls).

Come on, there were many inexplicable calls and then "no calls" all in WVU's favor. For example:

  • How can you explain WVU being called for a blatant late-hit and clear Targetting Penalty then have it waived off.... but then call a late hit penalty on PSU, no waive-off???
  • Call DPI on WVU D-Back, then Referee waives it off, then only a couple series later call DPI on PSU D-Back - no waive off despite far less contact, grabbing and shoving by the PSU D-Back.
  • How about clear Delay of Game being ignored on WVU during their first possession, not once, but twice, during a first possession that included only 5 snaps before WVU punted???
  • How about the non-called Late-Hit at least a yard Out-Of-Bounds on Drew Allar by a second defender in after Allar had been tackled, was on the ground and well out-of-bounds???
  • There were more, but it's a distortion to say the horrifically bad and obviously wrong "calls" and "non-calls" went "both ways" - the irrefutably egregiously bad "calls" and "non-calls" all went in one direction, in favor of WVU.
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Come on, there were many inexplicable calls and then "no calls" all in WVU's favor. For example:

  • How can you explain WVU being called for a blatant late-hit and clear Targetting Penalty then have it waived off.... but then call a late hit penalty on PSU, no waive-off???
  • Call DPI on WVU D-Back, then Referee waives it off, then only a couple series later call DPI on PSU D-Back - no waive off despite far less contact, grabbing and shoving by the PSU D-Back.
  • How about clear Delay of Game being ignored on WVU during their first possession, not once, but twice, during a first possession that included only 5 snaps before WVU punted???
  • How about the non-called Late-Hit at least a yard Out-Of-Bounds on Drew Allar by a second defender in after Allar had been tackled, was on the ground and well out-of-bounds???
  • There were more, but it's a distortion to say the horrifically bad and obviously wrong "calls" and "non-calls" went "both ways" - the irrefutably egregiously bad "calls" and "non-calls" all went in one direction, in favor of WVU.
You need some reading comprehension exercises. Toning down your emotion might help you with that. Perhaps you and coach Neil need the same therapy. Not all calls went against one team. I have heard the expression 'sore loser' which could apply to coach Neil but you are a rare breed of 'sore winner' like I have never witnessed.
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You need some reading comprehension exercises. Toning down your emotion might help you with that. Perhaps you and coach Neil need the same therapy. Not all calls went against one team. I have heard the expression 'sore loser' which could apply to coach Neil but you are a rare breed of 'sore winner' like I have never witnessed.

Nope, the egregiously bad and blatantly wrong "calls" and "non-calls" did not go in both directions - an utter distortion to say they did - the blatantly wrong "calls" and "non-calls" (of which there were many) all went in one direction - WVU's way. Please list a single call that was certifiably and blatantly incorrect (again, of which there were many) that went PSU's way.
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Mostly, all of it Skippy. In particular, you took the most difficult bang bang missed call for the refs to interpret at issue while ignoring so many blatant non calls or outright bad calls. It was not a great game for the refs in total. A significant part of that was due to the speed and emotional intensity with which the game was played.

Neil 'Karen' Brown could better spend his time coaching and looking at why his offense got stuffed on so many 4th and ones rather than whining about the difficult plays the refs may or may not have missed.

People forget that it was the refs first game of the season and in this game there were many missed calls that broke both ways (some quite obvious and others tough calls).

Again, Sparky, I have no idea what your issue is with me or my posting in this thread. You seem to want to fight and belittle ... but on which basis, I'm not quite sure. Are you angry at the refs, or no? And you're mad at me because I'm not angry at the refs? Are you not angry at the refs, but you're mad at me because you think I am? Are you mad because I'm discussing one call, and you don't think I should be discussing that call, but I should be discussing others?

Help me help you. Use your words.

It would appear that you have me confused with someone else, and you just want to fight ... someone ... and didn't actually read what I, and others, have written.
Wouldn’t this be a good time to apologize to me for lying by accusing me of being Bushwood when you’ve been arguing with the real Bushwood all day? Everyone on the board can clearly tell that I am not Bushwood and you are going to have to move on to user name number 11 if you don’t come clean.
Bushwood, what are you talking about? No more drunken late night posting for you. Sober up and do your stalking in the morning.
I see a lot of complaining about the crew but I thought it was a reasonably well called game.

Seemed like a competent crew to me.
Agree to disagree on this. There were a couple very noticeable blunders, but just as important was the fact that I don’t think they called a single holding penalty the entire game. I know the old saying about holding on every play, but I recall a number of plays where multiple PSU D linemen were being tackled/dragged down from behind as they broke through the O line and the holds were easily visible to anyone with vision. (The same could probably be said about the PSU O line on some plays.) Add all that up and I think the sum is it was not a well-called game at all and the crew was either not overly competent or was having a bad day. The failure of replay was apparently some sort of communications issue, so I won’t hold that entirely over the heads of the officials on the field.
Nope, the egregiously bad and blatantly wrong "calls" and "non-calls" did not go in both directions - an utter distortion to say they did - the blatantly wrong "calls" and "non-calls" (of which there were many) all went in one direction - WVU's way. Please list a single call that was certifiably and blatantly incorrect (again, of which there were many) that went PSU's way.
What your doing is called 'Pissing in the wind!' And it will do nothing. Franklin and his staff will address any ref issues through appropriate channels. Why don't you send your list with photos or videos to the NCAA. I am sure that will make a big difference. 😂
Mostly, all of it Skippy. In particular, you took the most difficult bang bang missed call for the refs to interpret at issue while ignoring so many blatant non calls or outright bad calls. It was not a great game for the refs in total. A significant part of that was due to the speed and emotional intensity with which the game was played.

Neil 'Karen' Brown could better spend his time coaching and looking at why his offense got stuffed on so many 4th and ones rather than whining about the difficult plays the refs may or may not have missed.

People forget that it was the refs first game of the season and in this game there were many missed calls that broke both ways (some quite obvious and others tough calls).
He whined last year that we ran up the score then he whines this year about the officiating. I used to like him, but his act is getting old.
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Nope, the egregiously bad and blatantly wrong "calls" and "non-calls" did not go in both directions - an utter distortion to say they did - the blatantly wrong "calls" and "non-calls" (of which there were many) all went in one direction - WVU's way. Please list a single call that was certifiably and blatantly incorrect (again, of which there were many) that went PSU's way.
Hey…as long as we can ALL agree that McCloskey was definitely IN bounds!
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He’s Bushwood. Unless you know some of his other aliases (other than CJF).
🤦‍♂️. Cjf is bushwood. Cjf and pnnylion have been the biggest dorks on this board for years. You are trying to join them in this category at this point. Up your game.
🤦‍♂️. Cjf is bushwood. Cjf and pnnylion have been the biggest dorks on this board for years. You are trying to join them in this category at this point. Up your game.
I know CJF is Bushwood. So is Kasparaitis. I don't know pnnylion ... what's his current moniker?
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Kasparatis doesn’t even post things anything close to bushwood style. Do your homework.
Of course he does. When I found the connection between the two, it was both of them yelling about "posers" and "dipshits" over and over again ... and Kasparaitis appeared exactly when CJF took a prolonged break from posting.
If you rewatch, the ball moves as he is dragging feet. Wallace gets it back in his hands before going out of bounds. I can see his point
I can see him questioning if it's a catch but I've watched it a ton of times and you absolutely cannot tell where he has control and when he doesn't. He's got his left hand on or covering the ball the whole time.

But some on this board want to argue just to cause an argument.

The officiating sucked plain and simple. Some of the worst I've seen.
Both pretty reasonable calls. The defensive player initiated contact, and if that happens the receiver can reciprocate. Evans could have been called for the shove for sure but it wasn't like the ref didn't see it, he made an intentional non-call because the defender initiated contact.

The Wallace TD, it was reviewed and they decided not to overrule the call and that was certainly a reasonable ruling. It would have been super picky to invalidate that catch because Wallace did everything right, secured the ball and didn't lose it when he hit the ground.

I see a lot of complaining about the crew but I thought it was a reasonably well called game. Even the bogus WVa 1st down, it was a bad spot but those are really hard to correct because you need an absolutely perfect camera angle to know 100 percent where the ball should be spotted. On the replay you couldn't even see where the ball was exactly, and you can't overrule based on a circumstantial reading of the video.

Meanwhile, on the #9 fumble, when they reviewed they saw his calf touch the turf above the ankle, it was clear and they made the right call.

Seemed like a competent crew to me. Most of you on this board have been around for a few years, does everybody remember how bad B1G officiating used to be in the 90s and early 2000s? It is funny to think about it. I remember seeing an OSU player fumble and the ball actually bounced around on the ground and came back up into his body and he grabbed it and kept running -- and the B1G officials ignored it. That kind of shit used to happen in every game.
I agree. I thought the only really bad call was the review on the first down when Henderson turned his back and they gave him another half yard. It appeared to me that the new replay setup doesn't want to overturn calls. That the "irrefutable evidence" thingy is more pronounced.

The NCAA, this year, goes back to a centralized replay center and not to officials at the stadium like before. So it is, hopefully, more consistent and inline with the rules.

I'll also add that I would not have been shocked to have that pass play be called as defensive or offensive PI. Both players were getting at it but it sure did look like our player pushed off, extending his arms, at the end. The only other issue of note is that we see Allar, for perhaps the first time, throwing 50/50 balls.
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I agree. I thought the only really bad call was the review on the first down when Henderson turned his back and they gave him another half yard. It appeared to me that the new replay setup doesn't want to overturn calls. That the "irrefutable evidence" thingy is more pronounced.

In terms of the WVU ball place calls....

1. the 4th down call was more egregious on the field. It even had the ref do a Michigan-esque crooked line from where he initially called the ball to a farther forward spot that made the 1st down. (To be fair, it looked like the official at the bottom of the screen had a spot that was further forward than the top of the screen guy we saw more clearly, so it's possible he was just conceding the call to the other official).

But reply was more difficult on that play and I don't know if I could fault them for not overturning. Was it "incontrovertible" evidence on replay? I would say no honestly. Though IIRC they said "confirmed" instead of "stands" which I thought was bizarre.

2. The goal line was a tough call live and I am not surprised they called him in; it was real close. but the replay was pretty crystal clear that he did not break the plane before being down - goal line of course has the advantage of a bold white line you need to pass. His hand didn't even break the plane, let alone the ball that was further back. I was actually shocked that that play wasn't overturned as it was about as obvious as could be in the situation. They might have gone for it on 4th down and gotten the TD anyway of course, but it was wrong for that not to be overturned.
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In terms of the WVU ball place calls....

1. the 4th down call was more egregious on the field. It even had the ref do a Michigan-esque crooked line from where he initially called the ball to a farther forward spot that made the 1st down. (To be fair, it looked like the official at the bottom of the screen had a spot that was further forward than the top of the screen guy we saw more clearly, so it's possible he was just conceding the call to the other official).

But reply was more difficult on that play and I don't know if I could fault them for not overturning. Was it "incontrovertible" evidence on replay? I would say no honestly. Though IIRC they said "confirmed" instead of "stands" which I thought was bizarre.

2. The goal line was a tough call live and I am not surprised they called him in; it was real close. but the replay was pretty crystal clear that he did not break the plane before being down - goal line of course has the advantage of a bold white line you need to pass. His hand didn't even break the plane, let alone the ball that was further back. I was actually shocked that that play wasn't overturned as it was about as obvious as could be in the situation. They might have gone for it on 4th down and gotten the TD anyway of course, but it was wrong for that not to be overturned.
I totally agree. On those really short yardage plays, it is tough for the replay official to move the ball back a foot when they don't have the field stripes to quantify the change so they tend to just leave it stand as called.

on your second point, the problem was that you couldn't see the ball in the replay that really counted. Again, I think the new NCAA booth will support the call on the field more. By that I mean, we will see less overturned calls unless the evidence is irrefutable.
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