They are movies ... not reality. Maybe just watch them for the enjoyment and escape the reality of the world for 2 hours. Yes.......There are plot holes, time continuums that are impossible, fantasy characters, dragons, robots, superpowers - enjoy it for what it is and not what it is not. They are for entertainment. 30 yrs ago.....the movies were fine and people loved them and people did not wet themselves every two minutes. We didnt have the woke police searching for something to cry in a corner about.
Its actually sad when people spend their time cutting everything down because it is not perfect, Everything has to fit into their woke, social justice, Im so offended mind set.... eventually the offended, woke cancel culture turns on itself...
What is laughable.... all the negative posters havent even seen the movie but they have it all figured out. Just dont go see it.
Its actually sad when people spend their time cutting everything down because it is not perfect, Everything has to fit into their woke, social justice, Im so offended mind set.... eventually the offended, woke cancel culture turns on itself...
What is laughable.... all the negative posters havent even seen the movie but they have it all figured out. Just dont go see it.