Nittanyville or Paternoville


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2014
So ESPN is covering the game. Sorry that I am so ignorant, however, I always thought that it was referred to as Paternoville. ESPN reports it as Nittanyville. Thanks
So ESPN is covering the game. Sorry that I am so ignorant, however, I always thought that it was referred to as Paternoville. ESPN reports it as Nittanyville. Thanks

It was changed to Nittanyville after November 2011.

The actual change took place in July 2012, shortly after the Fact Freeh Report was released.

Paternoville was named as such by a student in 2005. Students ran the organization which set the rules, guidelines, etc. for Paternoville. The student leadership of the organization decided to change the name to Nittanyville in July 2012.

The students can call it what they like. However, except in a paragraph like above where I'm describing what took place, I have never called it anything other than Paternoville. Perhaps I'll feel differently in 20 years, though I tend to doubt that.

FWIW, there was a large segment of the student population in 2012 which strongly disagreed with the decision of the leadership of the organization which ran Paternoville.
Our BoT followed the precedent set by the Kremlin in 1953 following the death of their leader, whom they wanted to forget. The process was called De-Stalinization. With people like Ken Frazier, Karen Peetz and John Surma in charge what would you expect.

Paternoville forever! :)
It should be Franklinville. He's the boss, they're there to see him put his men and their classmates out there to kick ass. When the next coach comes along, they can call it his name.

I don't think anybody would have argued that it's the problem with how the name was stripped. And we believe this just is to decisive bullshit.
Joe was always about team and university above the individual. Hence no names on the back of uniforms. I think he’d be Ok with Nittanyville!
Literally every penn state social media post for the past 5+ years has called it nittanyville, not because “espn is covering the game”