No that's not my theory at all because you added your own definition of what you consider "sexual". That's not how experts think of it and that's not what I said. What i have said is that Sandusky was naked with a child in shower. That alone is a red flag to most qualified experts and it wasn't the admins' job to investigate such activity because they aren't experts. Sometimes even experts aren't sure what is going on. But Lo and behold CSS messed it up two ways to sunday.
What I do know is if any of them had reported it as Courtney suggested to one of the two agencies and documented it (like in notes or with a written communication of some sort) then they would all be free men today. Would Jerry have been arrested then? Maybe, maybe not, but that's a separate story.
They did report it to the Agency under PA Child Protective Services Law you raging douche - look it up yourself, The Second Mile had an AGENCY RELATIONSHIP with DPW/CYS under CPSL Code. And the code specifies that reporting to a Direct Agent of DPW/CYS satisfies the Mandated Report Requirements under the law, because the DPW/CYS Agent has a LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY to report and investigate the incident to and in conjunction with DPW/CYS. IOW, multiple parties at TSM broke the law in not reporting or investigating the incident, but the OAG busted none of them - go figure!?!?