@Jaroslav Hasek usually pipes in quickly to defend rankings. So Spey, what are your thoughts on FLO's conspicuous silence?[/QUOTE
So on FRL today, CP addressed the unflattering article (un-named), about them not covering an event (un-named). He said they never talk about what great things they do to promote the sport. But he was going to spend some time telling listeners about all the great things they do to promote the sport. He detailed the millions of dollars they have paid out to athletes and tournament directors. He detailed the fact that FLO has not laid off employees like so many other businesses. Although he did not detail the $2,000,000-$5,000,000 that FLO received from the SBA in the form of a PPP Loan to keep those employees on the payroll. I'm not a FLO-basher. I subscribe and do not complain about the service. However, if FLO and their staff are strictly content providers and not wrestling journalists, just say as much. When it's convenient, they put on the journalist hat. When $ is involved, they are strictly content providers and business is business.
And in the interest of full disclosure, my company received a PPP loan. However, I will not beat my own drum about how great we are by keeping people on the payroll. Taxpayers were keeping our people on the payroll. Thank you taxpayers.