Now that Chambers has saved his job, what about Women's BB??

In the first paragraph, "by" should be "my." I also just think the racial discussion is unnecessary and does nothing to assist your point and instead detracts from it. Just leave it at the performance of the team, IMO.

I don't believe race plays a part, but there is a deep Notre Dame connection.
I'd shitcan the letter. If Annie doesn't realize that a change should be made, the eloquence of Churchill won't get her up to speed.

I can’t believe I am going to say this, but you overestimate her. Remember how she got bullied on Twitter by a michigan athletic supporter?

Who cares? We had a good coach and she was let go because she wasn't politically correct. As far as I'm concerned, we have what we deserve. After what happened to Rene, I could care less about girls basketball.

She was crucified by the PC vrowd
Firing a good, successful coach because she is also a bigot is exactly the kind of “success with honor” mentality that I want my school’s athletic department to have.

Are you a bigot ?
Coquese should be fired. It is obvious that she can't run a coordinated offense or defense with any stability.

Maggie Lucas was her savior and then... The WBB program should be successful. In the past the support was there. I still would love to see Sandy at least make a move for Carolyn Peck.
The latter. Plus, she would assure concerned parents of recruits (and the recruits themselves) that they wouldn't have to put up with intra-team same sex sexual pressure. Good for her.

Since Rene left, the girls can fraternize however they want. And they play like it. They are now free to play their game (and drama) however they want. And no one (except a few on here) really care.

There were gay players on Rene's teams at PSU. Arguably the best player in her era, Kelly Mazante, was (and is) gay. That was no secret. Rene had no issue with her! As you state, Rene didn't want fraternization to the tune of romantic relationships within the squad. She didn't want any of the gay players to pressure the straight players into "experimenting". Rene also got on girls for dressing sloppily, like in plaid/flannel shorts and such.

Rene's views certainly weren't liberal, but she wasn't the oppressive ogre some make her to be, either. She was ham-handed in dealing with the issues, which allowed for speculation about what her intentions were, and then started to lose her team - and the admin - over it. She had a real good run here, but her time had passed, and it was time to bring in a fresh approach. It's too bad we can't remember her for the good stuff she did, and we tend to allow this issue overshadow all others aspects of her career. She wasn't my fave coach by far, but I'm glad she was here and elevated the program to the extent she did.

Now, it's time to move on again to the next WBB head coach. Gotta be some Pat Summit or Geno proteges out there, ripe for the taking!
Coquese should be fired. It is obvious that she can't run a coordinated offense or defense with any stability.

Maggie Lucas was her savior and then... The WBB program should be successful. In the past the support was there. I still would love to see Sandy at least make a move for Carolyn Peck.

Peck certainly has the great resume, but she has been out of coaching for a long time, I think. Is she still interested in coaching? That could be a great hire, or it could out to be no more than wishful thinking.
Peck certainly has the great resume, but she has been out of coaching for a long time, I think. Is she still interested in coaching? That could be a great hire, or it could out to be no more than wishful thinking.

She is still pretty young and is a head assistant at Vanderbilt.

Maybe she doesn't want to be a head coach again, but I would think PSU would be interesting to her.
I know Washington hasn't had much (any) success recently but I'd be shocked if she's fired. She's still seems to be well respected. I'm not against firing her...jus t being realistic. I think WBB and MBB could benefit from change
Gail Goestenkors is also out there if she is interested in coaching again she had 18 ncaa appearances at Duke and Texas.
So you are saying that disagreeing with the OP means you are not interested? I thought he/she demonstrated very well his/her interest in the subject. And Board Nanny? Really? One disagrees with an OP and gets that label?

Perhaps the board nannys are the ones that are constantly calling for coaches to get canned. You know, the same ones that were after Franklin's ass after the 2016 Mich game?

Man sometimes this board is really an alternative universe.

When you give directives such as “give it a rest for one”, yes that is board nanny talk, and not disagreement....
I question how anyone can care enough about that snooze-fest of a sport to watch a single game, let alone write a letter to anyone on the subject...but whatever floats your boat, Greg.

There are lots of PSU alums that had a sincere interest in the success of the Women's BB team when the games were more interesting. i.e. when the team played better BB. And I do not believe it was necessarily much better recruiting. There were role players, scorers, and a more disciplined approach to the way the PSU team played. Just better basketball being played.

Over the years there have been many threads on this board about the women's BB team. Sure, it's women's BB and attendance will never compete with some sports. But there were better crowds, as someone above pointed out above with attendance down 50%. Why just let the program flounder when PSU has the facilities and is a great league for the sport?
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Introducing the completely gratuitous race angle overshadows any other argument you may wish to make. In the mind of the reader, that becomes your real purpose, whether it actually is or not. But since you bring it up, there's a decent chance that reason is at least part of your purpose. And with that, I would dismiss all of it.

Head coaching positions have to be merit-based appointments. In my opinion, CW has not merited staying on at this point based on overall recruiting success and on-court success. I am not enough of a basketball expert to know whether or not the fundamentals are truly lacking, but the team does not pass the eye test, imo, in the very few times I have watched them in the last couple seasons. I hope we go in another direction, and I don't care if the new coach is male or female, black or white or purple (as long as he or she can bleed Blue & White), tall or short, old or young, thin or fat.... just get 'er done in recruiting, and on and off the court.

Now let's talk about the softball coach and her lack of success....
That’s another team that has spiraled out of control!!! They can’t hit and the pitcher recruiting and development has been horrible.
If they lose to Pitt again I think I might just lose it.
Was she against gays or against gays on the team and the strife that can happen when players on the same team are in relationships together?

Ask yourself why she had to have some separate standard that all the other programs do not have and manage to have consistent success. Seems to me it was a completely unnecessary standard to maintain, as Notre Dame, UConn, etc seem to have no problem with this "issue." So why did Rene have a problem with it?
Just curious.....what’s the next WBB recruiting class look like at this point in time?


the roster is kind of interesting, in that not one player was in their last year of eligibility this season. I know they got a verbal from a guard from CA that's a ESPN top 100 prospect (#58). I don't know if they have any other verbals.

Next year will be huge for recruiting, as PSU has 5 ladies on the current roster for whom next year will be their last year of eligibility.
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I know they got a verbal from a guard from CA that's a ESPN top 100 prospect (#58). I don't know if they have any other verbals.

I checked a bit more, and they have three recruits. The top one is the guard from CA. ESPN has her as a 4 star. They also have a 6-2 player from MD, and a 6-2 player from OH, both of whom are rated 3 stars.
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It seems to be that the women's basketball team went downhill after CW became a mother. Just an observation.
Who cares? We had a good coach and she was let go because she wasn't politically correct. As far as I'm concerned, we have what we deserve. After what happened to Rene, I could care less about girls basketball.
Rene's time had passed irrespective of her views on homosexuality in women's athletics. Her last few teams were bad.
Rene's time had passed irrespective of her views on homosexuality in women's athletics. Her last few teams were bad.

Portland may have taken some unfair heat regarding her position on lesbians on her team, but the program was on the down slide her last two seasons, she ran off entire recruiting classes, and she sometimes ignored direction from Tim Curley and crew, thinking that JoePa would protect her no matter what.
Have you seen what she has done at Pitt?

Suzy did well for a year or two at pitt. In fact, some folks here wanted Penn State to go after her at the time with Coquese failing. I don't know what happened with Suzy. Poor recruiting? Recruits didn't pan out?
There were gay players on Rene's teams at PSU. Arguably the best player in her era, Kelly Mazante, was (and is) gay. That was no secret. Rene had no issue with her! As you state, Rene didn't want fraternization to the tune of romantic relationships within the squad. She didn't want any of the gay players to pressure the straight players into "experimenting". Rene also got on girls for dressing sloppily, like in plaid/flannel shorts and such.

Rene's views certainly weren't liberal, but she wasn't the oppressive ogre some make her to be, either. She was ham-handed in dealing with the issues, which allowed for speculation about what her intentions were, and then started to lose her team - and the admin - over it. She had a real good run here, but her time had passed, and it was time to bring in a fresh approach. It's too bad we can't remember her for the good stuff she did, and we tend to allow this issue overshadow all others aspects of her career. She wasn't my fave coach by far, but I'm glad she was here and elevated the program to the extent she did.

Now, it's time to move on again to the next WBB head coach. Gotta be some Pat Summit or Geno proteges out there, ripe for the taking!

I wasn't going to post in this threat but there is just so much stupidity in the last two sentences of your first paragraph .... it amazes me that those two thoughts could come out of someone's mouth (well fingers)
IMO, the most glaring problem, has been the staff's inability to recruit help in the post. They haven't had an inside threat since Greene and East. Williams and Smith play hard ,but are often overmatched inside.
Page is a terrific player, but the ankle injury took its toll as the season progressed. Most of the team is comprised of guards and wing players, who at times shot the ball well, but with not much inside help ,the offense sputtered.
Time for Suzy. Hire Kelly Mazzante as an assistant.

Because hiring a 67-87 coach who has managed one winning season out of the last five seasons is a great hire. You want to know how much of a train wreck Suzy team at Pitt is? They lost to IUP in an exhibition game. Her roster is a revolving door since kids simply do not want to play for her. Their top player last year decided to transfer. You would only be doing Pitt a favor by buying her out.
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Suzy did well for a year or two at pitt. In fact, some folks here wanted Penn State to go after her at the time with Coquese failing. I don't know what happened with Suzy. Poor recruiting? Recruits didn't pan out?

I believe that she's only had one winning season at Pitt and was never that impressive at Duqhesne. It appears that her roster's defection rate rivals that of Portland's.

When Portland left, I thought PSU should have went after Dawn Staley who was crushing it at Temple and being a Philly native might have been open to staying close to home. Instead she was hired by South Carolina a year later and she has turned them into one of the best programs outside of Storrs. Huge missed opportunity.