The weight prior to unlimited (hwt) has from 1928 to now increased in size from 175 to 197.I'm of the mindset that a 220 LB weight class is a clear omission from competition based on the physical development of athletes in 2018 versus 1928. Athletes and for that matter human beings in general are simply larger than they were nearly 100 years ago. On average how many 125-133 LB athletes are walking around on a daily basis compared to 200 LB+?
It seems like an entire group of athletes are being left out of competition. Weight management will always be a factor in wrestling, but there are a large number of talented kids that are starving themselves to compete at 197 because 285 is simply unrealistic. You think a kid like Kolin Moore doesn't wish a 220 LB Class existed? JMO but I think in the next 5 years they should give considerable thought to consolidating some of the lower weights and adding a 220 Class. Maybe something as simple as combining 125 & 133 into a 130 LB Class?
The question is not how many 125# people are walking around compared to 200#+ people, but how many 125# HS wrestlers versus 220# HS wrestlers.
Generally speaking, if you look at an early season open tournament the number of participants at 197 and Hwt is noticeably smaller than those at the 2 lighter weights 125 and 133.
So your proposal is to take 2 weight classes that currently have larger number of participants combine them into 1 weight class so we can add a 3rd weight class where we currently have our least number of participants?