Official Graham Spanier trial thread.

You know who it helps? The young men who testified. Those who failed them have taken responsibility (pleaded guilty) or have/will be found guilty. That's part of their justice.
When the officials from the Second Mile, the court system that allowed Sandusky to foster & adopt, DPW and CYS are on trial, I'll agree with you.
As I said in my initial post. You can't tweet or send communications during proceedings. However before trial starts and during breaks, you can. If any of you had attended any trial you would know this.

Many tweets being sent now as they are on break. They go back in at 12.
Do you need the mailing address for the IRS so you can properly file your Charity's paperwork? Let me know.
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I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and cover up. Except mine occurred in my own family. So the reason I am so in tune with this topic is because when this story broke, it was the first time I spoke out about my abuse. It is very personal to me. It gave me the voice to talk about the sexual abuse I suffered as a child at the hands of my grandfather for the first time in over 30 years.

I hold multiple degrees and while not specifically in psychology, I have studied child sexual abuse because of the abuse I suffered.

I'm fairly certain that most of the regulars posting on this board are well acquainted with your history. What is tragic is that it took a national news story, with the prominent name of a respected, legendary football coach - who was never charged with a crime - to awaken you from your denial of the abuse suffered at the hands of your grandfather. I find that significant. Perhaps you're choosing to assuage your grief and anger from your sick grandfather's actions by using Joe Paterno as a surrogate? Think about that for a moment.

You claim to only want to learn the truth. Well guess what... the people here and within the PSU community want the same. The big difference is you seem to expect it from the Pennsylvania Judicial System. The same system that has been rife with corruption for years. Have you ever heard of Frank Fina? Try to familiarize yourself with his past, as well as some of his cronies. You'll discover that rules of fair play and justice mean nothing. But because you're a resident of Maryland we'll give you a pass on that.

As for Curley and Shultz copping a plea, I disagree mightily with their decision but can certainly understand the reasoning behind it. They're facing a stacked deck due to the infinite mounds of negative publicity garnered from the sensationalism seeking media, which continues to this day. One rarely heard a whisper during the past 5 - 6 years as the many charges against CS&S were slowly dismissed. But when an event such as a totally false accusation made by a money-seeking miscreant saying Joe Paterno knew about a cover-up since 1976, it becomes front-page news. Hell, even little known sources such as your blog in The Daily Kos couldn't resist writing and seeking comments on this scandalous behavior by the man who reported on a ex-assistant coach when Mike McQueary described a sketchy situation with minimal detail to him years ago. Do you find it strange that a man who has had his name dragged through the mud, his reputation besmirched and his family devastated by people like you doesn't even get the benefit of a day in court? We do.
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Appreciate your opinion and advice. As I've said before - I've posted here about 160 times in 4 years.

Public message board. If you don't like what I post - don't read it.


Yes it is a public message board and maybe the OP will open another thread and you can just keep posting here. kk?
You know who it helps? The young men who testified. Those who failed them have taken responsibility (pleaded guilty) or have/will be found guilty. That's part of their justice.

And therein lies the problem. They pleaded guilty to a single incident. You advocate tying them to other incidents they had nothing to do with...that's not's mob mentality that doesn't promote responsible reporting.
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Forcing these men (or anyone who cares for children) into pleading guilty for an honest mistake doesn't help your cause. Until the child abuse crusaders understand that concept, the movement won't make an iota of difference.

Thank you Joe "Hollywood" McGettigan :)

Who is responsibly tweeting from Harrisburg? I refuse to follow anyone from PennLive
When the officials from the Second Mile, the court system that allowed Sandusky to foster & adopt, DPW and CYS are on trial, I'll agree with you.

This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Everything until this happens is merely window dressing and does NOTHING to fix the broken child welfare system or figure out how a pillar of the community offender was able to found a victim farm charity and remain undetected for decades. Go figure the state has no curiosity in figuring out how they (and TSM officials) dropped the ball so horribly...smh. It's my fear that after the Spanier trial everyone will go, ok, book closed, we got our bad guys here when that couldn't be further from the truth.

For crying out loud, Roxine still can't bring herself to admit that JoePa had nothing to do with enabling JS. She wants to wait and see how the Spanier trial plays out first. Huh?? As if that had anything to do with Joe's role in all of this.
IIRC, Victim #2 testified in the Mike McQ hearing that no abuse took place, didn't he say the slapping sounds were probably cause palms of hands hitting the shower tile.

That info (roughly) was from the statement he gave prior to the Sandusky trial

OTTOMH, I am not sure if it was read into the record anywhere else........ but I am 99.999% sure it was never presented in the MM v PSU trial.
In that trial, IIRC, no information or testimony that had anything to do with that topic was presented, or allowed to be presented.
Appreciate your opinion and advice. As I've said before - I've posted here about 160 times in 4 years.

Public message board. If you don't like what I post - don't read it.

Its true...on the other hand, everyone else is free to post here as well.

That info (roughly) was from the statement he gave prior to the Sandusky trial

OTTOMH, I am not sure if it was read into the record anywhere else........ but I am 99.999% sure it was never presented in the MM v PSU trial.
In that trial, IIRC, no information or testimony that had anything to do with that topic was presented, or allowed to be presented.
Yep, recalling that now.
I believe the next question presented was "Have you ever been abused"? answer : YES,
this was the Sandusky trial.
Judge Boccabella handed out questionnaires to all prospective jurors.

They have filled them out and the attorneys are reviewed no to make strikes. Live questioning to begin shortly.

Why don't you just go away, troll.
Post, I'd like some information. All I've learned is some poster named didier on a different thread mentioned Spanier requested transcripts of Curley and Schultz's statements.

Soooo, You can back to your crazy now.

If you are going to continue to break you promise and continue to post, please try to post in a legible manner, it makes you look uneducated and also makes it difficult to understand your trolling.

FYI, you can get information on this site without posting, it's called "reading".

How would you have any opinion on who is or is not crazy here if you just joined today?
This ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Everything until this happens is merely window dressing and does NOTHING to fix the broken child welfare system or figure out how a pillar of the community offender was able to found a victim farm charity and remain undetected for decades. Go figure the state has no curiosity in figuring out how they (and TSM officials) dropped the ball so horribly...smh. It's my fear that after the Spanier trial everyone will go, ok, book closed, we got our bad guys here when that couldn't be further from the truth.

For crying out loud, Roxine still can't bring herself to admit that JoePa had nothing to do with enabling JS. She wants to wait and see how the Spanier trial plays out first. Huh?? As if that had anything to do with Joe's role in all of this.
That more or less reflects a lot of my feelings wrt the current situation.

I wrote something earlier today - elsewhere - to the effect of:


"The case - in its entirety - doesn't even begin to open any doors on what might be called "the truth"

When folks like Raykovitz, Heim, Corbett, Lubert, etc etc etc. Entities like TSM, OAG, CYS, etc etc etc ....... aren't involved, in any way, how can anyone even pretend that there is any ongoing effort - - - by anyone, ANYONE, - to illuminate "the truth"?

Give me a f-ing break

Anything and EVERYTHING having to do with Curley / Schultz / McQ / Spanier.......all of that, taken together ...... IMO ......doesn't amount to squat.
Not a pimple on an elephant's ass relative to the "truth".

Without involving the folks and organizations at issue, I can't even begin to give the slightest weight at all to any contention that we are getting at that thing referred to as "the truth"

Not even close.

What we ARE getting - in this entire mess, even in a BEST CASE scenario (which, with the TC and GS plea deals, we know we won't even be getting that .....but that's a whole 'nuther issue) - is a snow job...... designed to obfuscate any meaningful "truth".

With all the things in this sordid affair that I DO NOT know - THAT, that we are getting a wrap-around snow job, is one of the few things I DO know..... without question.

I don't know if Curley, Schultz, Spanier are innocent as new born lambs, or as guilty as the Devil himself .....

DON'T REALLY MUCH CARE, to be perfectly frank.

But I do know that five years of focus on this clown show of "WTF TC / GS did vav a report from MM"?.......

When we've got a guy that we KNOW used $100 Million dollars - that didn't belong to him - to buy cover for himself and his pals.....

When we KNOW we have folks responsible for the charity that JS worked for (and allegedly harvested children from) that killed a report to them.....

When we KNOW we have had ONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, FIVE Attorney Generals all turn their heads - shove their faces up their own asses - and say "Nope - not going there"..... often times doing so while their word bubbles proclaiming "I'm going to leave no stone unturned" are still hanging in the air over their heads........

When we KNOW those things..... and others....... and spend five years focused on parsing words over a "report" - like a pack of retarded monkeys gang-humping a football .......

Good Grief

That's beyond a Circle-Jerk

That, I KNOW

The rest ........ this "Lasch Shower / MM / GS TC / JVP / GS cluster?
Without opening the important doors?

All that isn't nothing but an utter waste of time and resources that has served no good..... and will NEVER serve any good......
But that HAS caused more damage than anyone could ever calculate.
You know who it helps? The young men who testified. Those who failed them have taken responsibility (pleaded guilty) or have/will be found guilty. That's part of their justice.
The Second Mile, the CYS, the DPW, Corbett, the PSP all failed them and continue to fail them. Go talk to those bastards and report back. Otherwise, untwit yourself.
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If you are going to continue to break you promise and continue to post, please try to post in a legible manner, it makes you look uneducated and also makes it difficult to understand your trolling.

FYI, you can get information on this site without posting, it's called "reading".

How would you have any opinion on who is or is not crazy here if you just joined today?

Go back and read your post.
I'd like to know too - does the Public get a seat First Come First Served? Or - do you get a day pass from the court administrator? If so - doors open at 8 am, so when does "the line" form & where exactly?
If I could get a seat I might go when it actually starts.
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Is it possible to start a fresh thread? After 4 pages of Roxine, I'd really like to see discussion of the trial. Please and thank you.

As I said in an earlier post, there is no reason to think that a new thread will run any better. roxine will just come in and pollute that thread, and many here will oblige her by continuing the same endless arguments.

The solution is for everyone first to put roxine (and the other obvious trolls) on their Ignore List. Then a new thread has a chance of being meaningful. If the good contributors here refuse to use their Ignore List, there is no chance of a good thread on this topic.
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Reporters at the Colligian just Tweeted that C/S are to be called as witnesses. They didn't say for which side though.

Is this a pick-up basketball game?

Either the defense or (more likely) the state will call them to the stand - to give testimony.
The nature of that testimony - if the court operates the way a court is supposed to operate (yeah, I know - but just "hypothetically" :) ) will be evaluated by the jury as to its impact.

Now - if that testimony is anything at all similar to the testimonies they have on record?
If that's what we get?
Get out the hand lotion and Kleenex for the eminently pestiferous C-Jers.

In the bigger picture:

In the end, I will be (pleasantly) surprised if the trial - in its entirety - is not another circle-jerk over the same old tired (and nonproductive) story lines
Maybe I WILL be surprised.
I hope so.
But I'm not gonna' hold my breath.
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so it is official - Tim and Gary will take the stand............

I guess it won't be against Graham it will just be for the state as someone insists that it is
How many prospective jurors summoned? McQ had 300 but only the first 19 or so who didn't follow the judge's instructions about filling out the questionnaire and did so ahead of time even got considered. Why bother calling so many if you are only going to look at the fastest?

Is this a pick-up basketball game?

Either the defense or (more likely) the state will call them to the stand - to give testimony.
The nature of that testimony - if the court operates the way a court is supposed to operate (yeah, I know - but just "hypothetically" :) ) will be evaluated by the jury as to its impact.

Now - if that testimony is anything at all similar to the testimonies they have on record?
If that's what we get?
Get out the hand lotion and Kleenex for the eminently pestiferous C-Jers.

In the bigger picture:

In the end, I will be (pleasantly) surprised if the trial - in its entirety - is not another circle-jerk over the same old tired (and nonproductive) story lines
Maybe I WILL be surprised.
I hope so.
But I'm not gonna' hold my breath.
I'm just trying to add some substance to this thread. Take a Xanex dude.
So serious question--and I have no dog in this fight--why are you on a PSU message board bickering with PSU fans/alums when it is pretty clear that the majority of posters here (and it's the same ones over and over for years) don't want you here. If you are the victims advocate, you are not impartial to anything involving this scandal, but you're here on a PSU message board wanting people to hear you report on their former president's trial. In what universe does that even makes sense?

If you are truly a victim's advocate, then you shouldn't be on a message board arguing with PSU fans/alums, you should be out there in the field advocating, protesting, getting signatures to change laws and policies. Why are you having a problem digesting that?

If she was truly a victim's advocate be on the MSU message board. She would be all over TSM/DPW/CYS. Yet she spends her time here lecturing the last people on earth who need lectured about the topic. That tells you all you need to know.

Sorry - forgot to add Victims 3 and 4:

— Victim 3: Sandusky was accused of hugging him in the shower and fondling him between July 1999 and December 2001, at Sandusky's home and in team showers. The boy was 12-14. Sandusky was found guilty of indecent assault, unlawful contact with minor, corruption of minors, endangering a child's welfare.

— Victim 4: Prosecutors said more than 50 incidents occurred between 1996 and 2000, at the Sandusky home, hotels and university facilities while the boy was 12-17. He also traveled with the Sandusky family to bowl games in Texas and Florida. Sandusky was convicted of involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, indecent assault, unlawful contact with minor, corruption of minors, endangering a child's welfare.

And this isn't my reporting - it's from Fox News:

So you can not point to one instance of alleged abuse on Penn State's campus after the infamous shower incident in 2001, where PSU first became aware of Sandusky's suspicious activities. (Remember the "professionals" you want to ignore cleared Sandusky in 1998)

Just because JS was found guilty of the crime, doesn't instantly make every accusation fact. Their attorneys know that adding the "PSU hook" is what needed to happen to get paid. Despite actually being abused other places, it's possible that all alleged on campus abuse is untrue. It makes zero sense for a serial criminal to commit his crimes in public. PSU is not the common thread between these victims, it's absurd for you to spend another second here.
OAG calling a "confidential witness" they would not name
So we have it confirmed that the prosecution plans on calling, at a minimum, Curley, Schultz, McQueary, and the confidential witness to testify against Spanier. Who that witness is is anyone's guess. We'll find out soon!
If I could get a seat I might go when it actually starts.
Can't say for sure - but I would be very surprised if there is much of a crowd...... beyond a handful of reporters (most of whom won't be paying much attention - and just hoping that a "sound bite" catches their ear) I'd be surprised if there were many folks
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