Official Penn State vs Michigan game thread!

I want to see Cain in on every snap in second half. Need to establish the run with him.
Dline pash rush not very good. Patterson has loads of time
Yep. The thing I've hated most about Franklin football is not having four DT's (2x2) that can that can completely dominate the interior line.
Who cares how you feel? Is that supposed to be meaningful to us - how toolboy, know-nothing about football, but thinks he knows everything feels? As my Granddad used to say, Franklin will forget more about football than you'll ever know Doodles.
Thanks Bushy. Go refill the meds.
They called the time out because they were considering going for it. There were 20 seconds left in the half, and Michigan was going to take a knee. Come on - this whole clock management complaining is a big nothing.
We should have taken the time out after the FIRST DOWN play. If we were going to go for it, too much time ran off the clock between first and second down. After 2nd down, it certainly didn't look like we had enough time to score, we should have just let he clock run rather than risk having to punt.
Michigan just over 19 mins TOP, PSU just under 11. PSU needs good drives and ball control in 2nd half.
That's why the substitutions throughout the game can pay dividends later in the game, enabling whoever is in the game at the time to be just a little fresher / less fatigued.
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We should have taken the time out after the FIRST DOWN play. If we were going to go for it, too much time ran off the clock between first and second down. After 2nd down, it certainly didn't look like we had enough time to score, we should have just let he clock run rather than risk having to punt.
3 time outs and Boy Genius manages to F those up.. Can someone explain to me what goes through his head?
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Michigan OL is playing very well pass-blocking. Run blocking not so much. If by chance we lose this game not running the ball in the 1st half when we can plainly run on them will be the reason. Seems to be a theme. I don't get it.
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Seriously dude, why are you doing this? We know you’re trolling, so let it go during the game thread. And if you want us to believe you’re not trolling, then go to your own f’n board.
He was outed as an tOSU fan earlier this week when he mistakenly typed scUM in a thread and then came clean.
on the play where Toney twisted inside and almost got to Patterson he was flat out tackled by the OL.....they showed the replay and I was surprised the announcers didn't comment
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He was outed as an tOSU fan earlier this week when he mistakenly typed scUM in a thread and then came clean.
Then why doesn’t he just go away especially during the game...or better yet, why doesn’t one of the mods ban him? His BS is annoying and adds nothing to the thread.
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Michigan OL is playing very well pass-blocking. Run blocking not so much. If by chance we lose this game not running the ball in the 1st half when we can plainly run on them will be the reason. Seems to be a theme. I don't get it.
Rahnes play calling seems to go down hill as the game progresses
We need that 14 point lead.

Not confident for the 2nd half. We may win, but so far our secondary does not match up with Michigan's receivers, and I'd expect them to pass even more being down 14. We play too loose when in zone coverage, especially on 3rd down. It's almost like we play to prevent the TD instead of preventing the first down.

Pressure on Patterson is a must. It looked like we stopped blitzing during the 2nd quarter. Patterson was able to just stand back there and pass them down the field.
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Apparently Michigan made some adjustments. Michigan starting to move ball. Don't like it!! We need now adjust. Its time for us to numb them up with some >>>>>>>>>> Nova Caine!!!!! One half to play lets get it done.
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We need that 14 point lead.

Not confident for the 2nd half. We may win, but so far our secondary does not match up with Michigan's receivers, and I'd expect them to pass even more being down 14. We play too loose when in zone coverage, especially on 3rd down. It's almost like we play to prevent the TD instead of preventing the first down.

Pressure on Patterson is a must. It looked like we stopped blitzing during the 2nd quarter. Patterson was able to just stand back there and pass them down the field.
No sacks in the first half. They are getting it out quick. Look for Pry to mix and adjust.
on the play where Toney twisted inside and almost got to Patterson he was flat out tackled by the OL.....they showed the replay and I was surprised the announcers didn't comment

There was beyond obvious holding on scUM TD - Herbie didn't say a word. The scUM TE sealing corner had his entire right arm (i.e., outside arm on play) wrapped around PSU defenders shoulder and locked onto PSU defender's outside shoulder (left shoulder). That is the "textbook hold" Officials are taight to look for on sweep on corner seal block. Replay shows a beyond obvious, blatant hold - no flag....and no bullshit comment from Homer Herbie about how scUM "got away with one".
They called the time out because they were considering going for it. There were 20 seconds left in the half, and Michigan was going to take a knee. Come on - this whole clock management complaining is a big nothing.

Yup.... some people just need to bitch about something.... anything
There was beyond obvious holding on scUM TD - Herbie didn't say a word. The scUM TE sealing corner had his entire right arm (i.e., outside arm on play) wrapped around PSU defenders shoulder and locked onto PSU defender's outside shoulder (left shoulder). That is the "textbook hold" Officials are taight to look for on sweep on corner seal block. Replay shows a beyond obvious, blatant hold - no flag....and no bullshit comment from Homer Herbie about how scUM "got away with one".
The refs did a fine job. No big daggers in our backs like last week.
We can run on this team. It’s not too late to start pounding it at them. Wisconsin sucked the life out of them, by pounding the snot out of them. Would love to see one of the patented, long, Noah Cain TD drive to start this half and rip out their heart.