Official PSU - Auburn Whiteout Game Thread

I've never been a fan of blaming the refs, but I'm all for it tonight at this point. PSU is playing against the refs and Auburn. If we win, we get to W's. If we lose, two L's. One for Auburn and one for the refs.
In the car
Did they really stuff us on 4th down before that last drove
O needs to put a drive together here. D needs a breather and AU's kicker seems good from deep,
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we should have punted and not gone for a 4th down again. The refs aren't going to change; they are allowing holding, giving us BS spots, and doing the crooked walk for Auburn spots
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SEC refs:

I missed where they said it’s bad. I thought herbie is said Nix was outside the tackle box. Replay said no

Herbie contradicted himself - he correctly quoted the rule that the QB has to be fully OUTSIDE THE TACKLE BOX but then goes on to show Nix got EVEN with the Tackle, but NEVER OUTSIDE where the LT was lined up. QB has to get OUTSIDE where Tackle is lined up, replay proves it was IG.