Official PSU - Ohio State Game Thread

No. You have a lead with O$U at their own 4. D has to be good enough to not let them drive 96 yards for a TD. IT WASNT THE COACHES. If we catch all our dropped balls we win this game by 3 TDS. That’s not on the staff. Trace dropped a ball on a dime into Johnson’s hand in the end zone. You have to catch it. That’s not on the coaching staff. O$U came in scoring 55 a game. We shut them out most of the night. We just don’t have that one defensive stopper this year like Cabinda and Allen.

It is the coaches. Brent Pry is nothing but a bag of excriment.
Herbstreit was as dumbfounded as we were. Why take the mall out of the hands of your most effective offensive player
I blame:
1. Poor tackling on the D.
2. Poor play call at the end (both the 2nd and 4th down).
3. My damn wife. She is a jinx and she stayed up to watch this game. If she went to bed at her usual time, we win. Period.
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Coaching on both sides was strange as hell. Glad to come out with a victory but Penn St had this game won easy. This was one of the weirdest games I have ever seen. Like each team was playing against themselves instead of against each other. Tough one
No. You have a lead with O$U at their own 4. D has to be good enough to not let them drive 96 yards for a TD. IT WASNT THE COACHES. If we catch all our dropped balls we win this game by 3 TDS. That’s not on the staff. Trace dropped a ball on a dime into Johnson’s hand in the end zone. You have to catch it. That’s not on the coaching staff. O$U came in scoring 55 a game. We shut them out most of the night. We just don’t have that one defensive stopper this year like Cabinda and Allen.
those same defensive Stoppers that did the same thing last year losing to Ohio State and Michigan State... Bottom line is Ohio State made adjustments with the screen game and just enough to get the win... Our staff doesn't make adjustments in all these close losses that we see
Trace was incredible the entire night and you don’t let him create on the last play. That was bad.

No guarantees on that play anyway. Defense folded was the real story
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Game ends on perhaps the worst play call I have seen in watching football for over 50 years.
Was just thinking, I have 40 years of Penn State football. Worst play call ever. Joe beat his head against the wall repeatedly against Bama, but this is a different era, different game. You put the game in Trace's hands and live with the outcome. That was absurd.............................tackling in the secondary was horrendous on those last two drives.
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Hard to win a game when you convert 4 third Downs drop 5 passes including one in the end zone and miss a field goal against an elite team... Bottom line
Can’t take the ball out of the hands of your best player. Miles had no room all night. A Hail Mary would make more sense.
tried that on 2nd down! It didn't work either!!

Just completely terrible and unexplainable last 4 play calls.

Big play to 87 to start and then just crap!
The horrible thing is that the whole night recruits are in a once-in-a-lifetime environment. We had that part of the battle won, then they witness that from our staff. Ugh.

Even if they saw something like the middle opening up and decided that was the best play, they did not consider the optics of failure if it did not work. It was a heck of a gamble that gives you no option if a defender happens to get in the right gap. Took the ball away from the guy who made plays all night. Ugh again.
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First of all, you don't blitz on every down,eventually they are going to get the quick short passes for long gains. Mix it up. 2nd, use the tight ends.
So much for using Tommy Stevens.

I have to hear the ultimate douch
Almost expect our D to fold under pressure in fourth quarter. USC. OSU '17. MSU '17. OSU '18.

We played such a good game. Too many errors. Bad turnover. But, that Penn St team showed up. A lot to be proud of. Shareef is a beast. McSorely is magical. We are headed the right way. Da O$U was supposed to be so much more talented. That not what I saw at all. We are right with them and rising
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How many games have we GIVEN away in the fourth quarter by our coaching decisions?

How many points did we leave on the field tonight?

I hope the coaching staff apologizes to the team and then gives them the next week off.

Recruits? They’re gonna be laughing their ass off at the final play call. Heck, ANYONE between 8 and 80, blind crippled or crazy is out there laughing their ass off.
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Getting constantly burned on screens is on the coaches. The screen to Dobbins most likely won them the game. Can't have them pinned inside the 5 and give up 40 on a screen.
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No. You have a lead with O$U at their own 4. D has to be good enough to not let them drive 96 yards for a TD. IT WASNT THE COACHES. If we catch all our dropped balls we win this game by 3 TDS. That’s not on the staff. Trace dropped a ball on a dime into Johnson’s hand in the end zone. You have to catch it. That’s not on the coaching staff. O$U came in scoring 55 a game. We shut them out most of the night. We just don’t have that one defensive stopper this year like Cabinda and Allen.

If that's your belief, the coaches can never lose the game, because the players should've just executed better. The first half Stevens crap was a disaster and they refused to accept it for way too long. The fourth down play calls were atrocious. Yes, the players failed to make some plays, no doubt. But that happens every game. They played well enough to win. The coaches took points away from them. And this is the third time it's happened in big games. At some point it isn't just a coincidence, but something to be concerned about with Franklin.
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I would’ve thrown to the TE. With Hamler knocked out of the game, he is our best weapon. The drops cost us the game, not the last play but the drops. It’s evident the staff has little confidence in the WRS, so they thought Miles was their best option. Let’s also not forget the targeting penalty that eliminated one of her best d-lineman.
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