Olympic Qualifier in Istanbul, 5/9-12

Any one have a quick match summary for us non-FLO subscribers?
Hey friend. Haven't seen you around.
beauty and the beast disney GIF
Any one have a quick match summary for us non-FLO subscribers?

LFG, Zain.

Step out off the whistle. 1-0

Passivity warning against Kudiev. Zain pushing pace.

Kudiev doesn't like Zain's hands in his face.

Shot by Kud. Zain counters into scramble. Nothing. Great defense by Zain there to not give up exposure.

Cut on Kud's nose. Stoppage with under 1 in the first.

Kud shot. Zain feeds him heavy hips.

Missed shot by Kud. Go behind to quad pod for Zain. There's the TD!!!! 3-0


Zain continues heavy hands to the head.

Shot by Kud, counter by Zain for the TWOOOOOO. 5-0.

2:00 to go. Hand fighting. Zain still the aggressor.

Level changes by Zain has Kud guessing. No shots since that first one.

1:00 to go.

Shot by Kud. Zain avoids, almost picks up a leg of his own. Zain warned for something. Doesn't care.

Two for Kud on a double leg TD. 5-2.

And, that's where it will end.

2 down, 2 to go!!!!

LFG, Zain!!!Under 1 to go in the first match of the session.

That was an exciting match. Not sure I could take one like that.

And, here comes Zain. Everyone hum a little Johnny Cash for his walkout music. I hear that train a rollin', rollin' round the bend. LFG!! (I added that last part.)

Passivity warning to Sujeet. Zain testing the waters on a couple of different things. Crap, Zain got a single, lost it and gave us a counter TD. 0-2.

Zain shot, catches air.

End of 1.

Here we go. Period 2.

Zain working hard. Good defense by Suj.

2 to go. No change.

Blood on the side of Zain's head. Maybe that's what he needs.

Shot attempt by Suj. Zain counters and gets the TWWOOOO! 2-2, Zain up by criteria.

Another shot by Suj. Zain holds it off.

And another. Zain fights off a single.

30 to go. Zain takes a safe shot, backs out.

14 to go. Holy hell. And, that's it!!!!!! Zain makes it to the Go To the Olympics match!!!!
Skriabin had to win three matches today, too, and he's 34 years old. Just sayin'. Finished 4th in the European OG Qaulifier.
Skriabin is very good, but Zain is locked in today. I feel really confident about his chances. He will have to earn it, though. Skriabin won’t go down without a fight.
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Does anyone know approx. time to his next match?
@pennstate85–Last time ai saw you was at the S Scuffle I believe. I’m still around but don’t post as much. Went to NCAA’s this year and OTT’s at BJC. Go Zain!

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