Olympic Qualifier in Istanbul, 5/9-12

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In your best Johnny Cash, at the top of your lungs, wake up the dog, scare your wife and kids...

I hear that train a rollin', rollin' 'round the bend.

Here we go. Zain in blue.

Nothing but handfighting through 1:00. No shots. Zain tapping head. Skri gets passivity warning.
Hard snaps from Zain. Skri on the shot clock now.
Zain gets warned for hard handfighting.
1-0 Zain for passivity.
Zain heavy on head, but gets warned again. Blood time for Zain. Same cut from last match opened back up. 0:37 to go in first.

Back under way.
Zain moving him around pretty good. And, TWWWOOOOO for Zain!!! 3-0.

Relax, Zain. Three minutes to go.
Skri pushing into him now. Zain going to get warned for passivity, I'll bet. Reshot off of Skri leads to another TWWWWOO!!!! for Zain, and two more for exposure!!!! 7-0 with 1:39 to go. I can't take this.

Skri slow to center. Shot by Skri. Zain says here are my hips.
1:00 to go.
Skri has got nothing for him. Nothing but tired forward movement. If he shoots now, Zain will no doubt spin behind.
And, Zain Retherford is GOING TO THE OLYMPICS!!!!!!
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