Open Heart Surgery to Replace My Aortic Valve

Congrats. Keep us posted periodically on how things are going and what differences you notice with your stamina. That is something I may need done in the next 10 years or so, as I have a bicuspid aortic valve that has some regurgitation. I’ve know about mine since I was 18, and as I approach 50, I feel like a walking time bomb sometimes. Lol.
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Good to ‘hear’ from you.

Get you up and walking yet? That’s always fun! But you hafta do it as the sooner and the more you walk around the quicker you will heal and get outta there!
My mom had a valve replaced a month or so ago. She was lucky though and they were able to do the procedure by going up through the groin. She got the pig valve. My understanding is that the pig valve is given to older people because they don't have to take blood thinners -- which can be bad for the elderly. The downside is the pig valve only lasts about 15 years vs. the artificial valve that lasts forever (but requires medication forever as well). But, in the world of medicine, things can improve so much in 15 years that I might make that choice regardless of my age.
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Get well soon. My sister had one done last year. She chose the pig valve and has recovered nicely.
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Best wishes for a speedy recovery. My pops had one many years ago and lived to the ripe old age of 96.
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Cow tissue.
Good luck. Hope you're up and moo-ving around soon. :)

I wish you well. I had mine replaced by Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR) two years ago. I didn't have open-heart surgery, but I suppose it's in my future. My brother-in-law had the open heart procedure performed at Penn a few years ago, and I believe he received the cow valve.
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Successful. First 24 hours after was brutal but getting better
Welcome to the club. I've been there done that 13 years ago. I chose a mechanical valve so that I hopefully never have to do it again. The daily coumadin is not an issue at all for those facing this surgery and trying to decide which valve type.

Quick story. After my surgery, I was feeling like crap. At about 24 hours after the surgery ended and I was lying in bed, the nurse could see I was uncomfortable and writhing with pain. She asks, "Do you want some pain killers?" I told her I thought they'd automatically give me them. They do not. :eek:

My surgery was on a Monday. I left hospital Friday AM. I took a 4-mile walk on Saturday. I was very fortunate and had a very easy recovery (following the initial day of severe pain). Best of luck to you
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I will be drinking a Brown Cow this afternoon in thanks that all went well.

As you walk the halls to the Nursing Station, find out if any young cute ones have a thing for basset hounds. (Asking for a friend! 🐾)
Felicitations on your successful surgery, Parkland, and best wishes for a speedy recuperation.
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