OT: ‘Intersex’ Olympian loses appeal against IAAF testosterone rules...

  • Thread starter anon_xdc8rmuek44eq
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They’re going to let her compete in other distances as is. If she can compete in some she should be able to compete in them all

Yes. Also worth noting she has been beaten before.
Agree....can you define, legally, "female" for me? I no longer can. It appears to me, with this ruling, that is exactly what they are trying to do.

I'd explain it like this...and will keep politics and medicine out of it.
Sports are broken up by gender for one reason: biology. As with most animals, sexual dimorphism is present in humans. Hormonal differences make men bigger, stronger, and faster. If men and women competed against each other, women would not find much success. Trans women have male hormonal levels and are therefore bigger stronger and faster. It's why we have have trans girls dominating in HS track and pretty much anywhere they compete. Biologically speaking, regardless of how someone identifies this day/week/month, it's boys competing against girls and men competing against women

The only losers in this are females (ie 2 X chromosomes). Women have it so bad that you even have to be male to win women's sports.