Do you have any interest in the injustice in the Penn State fiasco? I once thought that you did, but I am now starting to think differently. If you think that Tim Curley and Gary Schultz received punishment appropriate to their crimes, then I wholeheartedly disagree with you.
I don't believe the case against Jerry Sandusky has been made. IMO, his trial was patently unfair including totally ineffective defense counsel and serial acts of prosecutorial misconduct. I am not surprised that his appeals have not gotten much traction since Pennsylvania judges must be elected and the judicial system takes public opinion into account in their decisions. The OAG has done a very good job in poisoning public opinion in this case.
I have read Mark Pendergrast's book "The Most Hated Man in America" as well as the opinions of NCIS Special Agent John Snedden. Based on their extensive research, they found scant evidence to support the jury's verdict. I agree with Snedden's conclusions that there was no sex scandal at Penn State, but rather only a political job.
You are of the opinion that Sandusky is guilty of CSA and I respect your opinion. I believe the reason that you don't want to reprove the case against Sandusky is because the case is very weak. Penn State paid 36 claimants for their allegations against Sandusky. I suspect that you might acknowledge that at least some of these 36 claimants may not be Sandusky victims. However, you seem to believe that at least some of them are. I ask you again, are you convinced that any of these 36 men are in fact Sandusky victims? If you are, please provide specific details of why you have come to that conclusion. I suspect that you have no interest in doing so. If that is the case, it will only reinforce my belief that the case that Sandusky is a predator who committed serial acts of CSA is very weak.