These post-arrest accusations are more than just questionable. Jerry Sandusky DID NOT EVEN KNOW more than half of them. John Ziegler provided the full list of accusers and separately asked both Jerry and Dottie to confirm which ones the Sandusky's knew. Both provided the exact same names.
Considering this article was published just after the arrest, it shouldn't surprise anyone who whole bunch of con artists came out of the woodwork
Logic would indicate that the two post-arrest accusers that were actually brought to trial would be the most credible. And both their stories are pathetic. Victim 9, Sebastian Paden is the only one who testified to anal rape (conveniently after the GJ report was released that falsely claimed anal rape was witnessed). He also claimed to be locked in the Sandusky's basement for days (though the basement did not lock from the outside) and claimed to be at the Sandusky's house every weekend despite the fact that the time how he claimed abuse was the exact same time period that keystone accuser Aaron Fisher also claimed abuse, but the two boys only met each other once. Also, despite supposedly being subjected to such unspeakable horrors, Paden attended a football game with Sandusky as a 19 year old man just weeks before the arrest.
Victim 10, Ryan Rittmeyer is another accuser whom both Jerry and Dottie Sandusky did not even recognize. He also gave a TV Interview after the trial in which he contradicts his trial testimony, something noted by Ray Blehar, who does not believe Sandusky to be innocent.