Any updates if this article will be released tomorrow or Friday?
Supposedly the online version will go out next Monday and the print edition the following Friday.
Any updates if this article will be released tomorrow or Friday?
If J Paterno had been alive and healthy - many things would have gone down differently.
My crystal ball is no better than the next one (well, maybe a little), but I’d expect that not only would he not have been charged - but I doubt that the Curley Schultz and Spanier situations would have played out anything at all like they did ........
I would give a reasonably healthy J Paterno (of course, he was no where near “reasonably healthy” for some time) one hell of a lot me credit for being smarter, for not being a pussy and a douchebag, and for having some level of ethical conviction - - than I would most of the others involved - before, durIng, and since (especially more so than 99% of the douchebags who’ve tried to cash in on the “JVP Aura”)
I have to believe MM to believe the "Old Main screwed it up" quote, don't I?I think there is a chance that if Joe Paterno had been charged, he may have attempted to flip on Curley and Schultz. Remember he become convinced the "old main had screwed it up", though it was likely due to him having his memory "refreshed" by McQueary or even his son Scott rather than him actually remembering what went down in 2001.
I have to believe MM to believe the "Old Main screwed it up" quote, don't I?
I always thought it was a desperate attempt of MM's to try to get heat off JVP out of a sense of guilt.True, can't trust anything MM says. Though its believable that Joe would have said something like that to MM in 2011. The AOG was telling Joe that Jerry was a pedophile. MM was telling Joe that Jerry was a pedophile. Scott Paterno was telling Joe that Jerry was a pedophile. Joe had no reason to question it and had to been absolutely devastated by the news. Like all of us Penn Staters, looked for scapegoats.
Is that the right quote? Didn't he also tell Mike that he couldn't trust Old Main?I have to believe MM to believe the "Old Main screwed it up" quote, don't I?
Peetz and who else?Certain Trustees didn't have a penis until Joe got sick.
I agree with all of this--but it became a witch hunt pretty quickly on. That's why I figure they would have tried to charge him.... There were a number of folks demanding that, unfortunately.Be real -- the reason he wasn't charged is because he didn't do anything illegal or even immoral. Add to it he is still the only person with the integrity to show any kind of remorse ... with the benefit of hindsight.
Perhaps because they needed to lay the foundation for this PSU "conspiracy" and it would have been difficult to believe without JVP being involved. Frightening what the OAG can do to innocent people.If you will recall, at the Linda Kelly press conference to announce Spanier's arrest, she was directly asked that question. Her response was not a firm "no" or "yes", but, rather, that Coach Paterno is deceased. So, she planted it in everyone's heads that if Joe was alive, he very well would have been arrested. At least, I think that was her intention.
Perhaps because they needed to lay the foundation for this PSU "conspiracy" and it would have been difficult to believe without JVP being involved. Frightening what the OAG can do to innocent people.
Perhaps because they needed to lay the foundation for this PSU "conspiracy" and it would have been difficult to believe without JVP being involved. Frightening what the OAG can do to innocent people.
Spanier was charged almost a year after Curley and Schultz. And that was, in part, due to the emails which were discovered post Nov 2011 and post JVP's passing. They could have assigned guilt to JVP, as Freeh did.
They could have, but they would have been incorrect.
Furthermore, Spanier was indicted in 2012. In 2013, Fina gave the interview in which he said there was no evidence that Paterno did anything wrong, which pokes a hole in your theory.
While I think Fina is a piece of filth, he would have no reason to put that lie on national TV.
Spanier was charged almost a year after Curley and Schultz. And that was, in part, due to the emails which were discovered post Nov 2011 and post JVP's passing. They could have assigned guilt to JVP, as Freeh did.
They could have, but they would have been incorrect.
Furthermore, Spanier was indicted in 2012. In 2013, Fina gave the interview in which he said there was no evidence that Paterno did anything wrong, which pokes a hole in your theory.
While I think Fina is a piece of filth, he would have no reason to put that lie on national TV.
Spanier was charged almost a year after Curley and Schultz. And that was, in part, due to the emails which were discovered post Nov 2011 and post JVP's passing. They could have assigned guilt to JVP, as Freeh did.
Yet a disparaging "Paterno" movie is about to be released. I'm not aware of a Curley or Shultz movie.
no wishes. thanks for commenting, thoughAs well as his wishes, apparently.
I don't disagree with that. My point is that Spanier was largely charged based on those emails. Freeh assigned guilt to them all and especially JVP, saying that the plan changed after Tim met with JVP. OAG could have taken that same approach as Freeh. I am not saying it would have been correct.Those emails completely exonerate JVP. Tim wrote:
"...After giving it more thought and talking it over with Joe yesterday – I am uncomfortable with what we agreed were the next steps. I am having trouble with going to everyone, but the person involved. I think I would be more comfortable meeting with the person and tell him about the information we received...."
Forget that Tim said that he was giving it more thought before he spoke with Joe.
Forget that Tim repeatedly said "I". He never said "Joe is uncomfortable", or We are uncomfortable.
Forget that Tim referenced "we" in "what we agreed were the next steps". Who are "we"? C/S/S! Not Joe Paterno.
The most important word in the entire email is "everyone". "Everyone, but the person involved" means the exact opposite of 'anyone, but the person involved'. We are told to believe that Tim was saying he was uncomfortable telling anyone other than Jerry. Thus, he supposedly had proposed that no outside report should have been made. That's not what he said at all. In fact, he was saying that he was uncomfortable telling everyone except Sandusky. He was saying he didn't like going behind Jerry's back and wanted to bring him into the loop.
'Anyone' is exclusive, while 'everyone' is inclusive.
The entire narrative falls apart with that one word....everyone.
For $8 million, does anyone really think Louis Freeh didn't know this?
For the same reason there won't be a "Klages" movie! Despite having a 1000000x more culpability.Yet a disparaging "Paterno" movie is about to be released. I'm not aware of a Curley or Shultz movie.
For the same reason there won't be a "Klages" movie! Despite having a 1000000x more culpability.
Nominating Lena Dunham for the lead role.HBO wouldn’t be the right vehicle for a klages movie. She needs to be on the big screen.
Exactly. This is pure fiction being passed off as "based on a true story" in an attempt for financial gain. Nobody gives a crap about Curley, Shultz, Spanier, Dranov, Raykovitz, etc. Even former governor Corbett. The way to make money is to disparage Paterno.thats because no one knows or cares who Curley and Shultz are.
Maybe it has something to do with treating defense arguments as though they’re fact? They’re legal arguments that fit certain criteria not holy scripture.Many of you argued that the number of boys that Sandusky harmed was somewhere between 40 and 100. at 10% that would be 4 to 10 people. You would think that that ratio would have yielded someone who did not have to be convinced through repressed memory techniques that they were molested. They still had to look under rocks to find victims and then used repressed memory techniques to get 8 victims to be witnesses. 2 of the 10 didn't show up at all at trial.
I think Jerry was guilty of some sort of harm but possibly not all of what he was found guilty of. Isn't it at least troubling to know JS had no porn on his computer? Doesn't that make you think that there is possibly an issue here with at least some of the verdict? If I recall correctly over 90% of sexual abuser have porn on their computers. The fact that some version of repressed memory techniques were used on just about all of the victims doesn't make you think twice about the possibility that the charges were trumped up or exaggerated? Isn't it weird that MM continued to take part in charity events with JS after the shower incident? Everybody's reaction to events back in 2001 seemed muted and unremarkable. Doesn't that make you wonder what the truth was?
When factual evidence comes out that does not add up and then we learn that the prosecution and the police lied during the process doesn't that make you think something may not be on the up and up?
Many people who are adamant that JS is unquestionably guilty do a great job in name calling saying that anybody who questions the facts are crazy loyalist but at the same time don't give any credence to the obvious inconsistencies in the case but still say we are blind. Is that credible?
None of this stopped the Judge in the Spanier trial from digging up the deceased guy and letting a bus run him over one more time.They could have, but they would have been incorrect.
Furthermore, Spanier was indicted in 2012. In 2013, Fina gave the interview in which he said there was no evidence that Paterno did anything wrong, which pokes a hole in your theory.
While I think Fina is a piece of filth, he would have no reason to put that lie on national TV.
Offering more evidence that this was an orchestrated hit job on Joe and CSS.None of this stopped the Judge in the Spanier trial from digging up the deceased guy and letting a bus run him over one more time.
Who wrote Victims of Memory? Oh yeah....hmmm, a man who was accused (may be falsely, have no idea) of abuse by his daughters and he still has no relationship with them today I believe. Then he writes another book on Jerry's behalf as the objective bystander (wink, wink). So Jerry reads his book mentions it to JZ, and poof a new book is out there proclaiming Jerry is the real victim here. Correct me if I'm wrong @L.T. Young but didn't the prosecution poopoo the RMT defense during the trial, yet some here are still claiming it as the savior.Maybe it has something to do with treating defense arguments as though they’re fact? They’re legal arguments that fit certain criteria not holy scripture.
Part of Sandusky’s appeal for a new trial is presenting an argument that wasn’t used at trial. RMT is essentially a stock defense in this type of case with professional experts always willing to take the stand for any defendant.
Look at this excerpt from Ziegler’s interview with Sandusky in early March of 2013:
Jerry: You read some books and things you understand why.
John: Why do you think that is? What’s your explanation?
Jerry: You have to read the book, Victims of Memory, and then, I’ve written my version of what that book meant relative to what happened to me, what transpired, when one person started the whole thing, the young man from Lock Haven.
The RMT defense was crafted out necessity by Sandusky and his lawyers using a book.
As far as porn, if 90% are found with porn on their computer that leaves 10% that aren’t. Plus Sandusky had two years to get rid of whatever he may have had stashed.
Complaining about being referred to as the ‘free Jerry crowd’ is a perfect example of the aforementioned intellectual dishonesty. For five years it’s been a one sided fight by definition. One side is creating and arguing whatever they can out of desperation. The other has to sit there consistently pointing to things that are often ignored or dismissed without supporting logic.
If the worst about C/S/S was true, doesn't it make sense that they would have wanted to keep Joe in the dark?
Corbett would later say that firing Joe may have been a mistake. Cynically, I always took that to mean that the "plan" to get us to move on would have worked had Joe's name not been unfairly dragged through the mud. So my question is why was it necessary to involve Joe in the first place?
Why did Corbett send Noonan out there to assassinate Joe's character, when Joe had not been a target of the investigation and was clearly a witness for the prosecution? Was the pretext for canning Spanier, his refusal to fire Joe? Was involving Joe intended to turn the whole thing into a media circus? Was it all just a ruse to keep prying eyes away from TSM?
PSU could have and should have come to Joe's defense. If not initially, certainly after his death. The Freeh report could have easily left Joe out of it, and still hammered C/S/S. It wasn't like Joe was going to be able to speak on their behalf.
Who wrote Victims of Memory? Oh yeah....hmmm, a man who was accused (may be falsely, have no idea) of abuse by his daughters and he still has no relationship with them today I believe. Then he writes another book on Jerry's behalf as the objective bystander (wink, wink). So Jerry reads his book mentions it to JZ, and poof a new book is out there proclaiming Jerry is the real victim here. Correct me if I'm wrong @L.T. Young but didn't the prosecution poopoo the RMT defense during the trial, yet some here are still claiming it as the savior.
He was never convicted nor charged...unlike JS. Funny thing how these people all hooked up....almost like someone was promoting a theory...nahhh. Birds of a feather....Wow, you actually acknowledged the possibility of a false accusation. That’s some real growth right there.
Maybe it has something to do with treating defense arguments as though they’re fact? They’re legal arguments that fit certain criteria not holy scripture.
Alternatively, the problem is treating prosecution arguments as holy scripture.
The RMT defense was crafted out necessity by Sandusky and his lawyers using a book.
So you are upset that the defense is doing research to bolster their defense? That's a confusing hill to take a stand on.
For five years it’s been a one sided fight by definition. One side is creating and arguing whatever they can out of desperation. The other has to sit there consistently pointing to things that are often ignored or dismissed without supporting logic.
Alternatively, my side (our side? the side you aren't on?) feels like we have to consistently point out the fallacies that your ilk insist on propagating on this forum.
A trade-off with Surma perhaps...
Who wrote Victims of Memory? Oh yeah....hmmm, a man who was accused (may be falsely, have no idea) of abuse by his daughters and he still has no relationship with them today I believe. Then he writes another book on Jerry's behalf as the objective bystander (wink, wink). So Jerry reads his book mentions it to JZ, and poof a new book is out there proclaiming Jerry is the real victim here. Correct me if I'm wrong @L.T. Young but didn't the prosecution poopoo the RMT defense during the trial, yet some here are still claiming it as the savior.
If the worst about C/S/S was true, doesn't it make sense that they would have wanted to keep Joe in the dark?
Corbett would later say that firing Joe may have been a mistake. Cynically, I always took that to mean that the "plan" to get us to move on would have worked had Joe's name not been unfairly dragged through the mud. So my question is why was it necessary to involve Joe in the first place?
Why did Corbett send Noonan out there to assassinate Joe's character, when Joe had not been a target of the investigation and was clearly a witness for the prosecution? Was the pretext for canning Spanier, his refusal to fire Joe? Was involving Joe intended to turn the whole thing into a media circus? Was it all just a ruse to keep prying eyes away from TSM?
PSU could have and should have come to Joe's defense. If not initially, certainly after his death. The Freeh report could have easily left Joe out of it, and still hammered C/S/S. It wasn't like Joe was going to be able to speak on their behalf.
Okie dokie.Victim 7 admitted he previously though highly of Sandusky but needed therapy to remember his abuse. Matt Sandusky also at one point seemed to believe his memories of abuse were recovered by therapy (he previously said the testimony of victim 4 refreshed his memory), but later claim he just “stopped being a coward”. It’s very likely his interview with Pendergrast is what led him to once again change his story. Pendergrast and Ziegler disagree on the role of RMT in the saga. Mark believes at least some accusers have created false memories of abuse via therapy, while Ziegler believes the recovered memories are only an excuse the accusers used for why they changed their stories so significantly.
Though many in the field believe repressed memory therapy to be garbage (and it may well be), I have to admit to viewing his book with a little more skepticism now knowing his past. One thing is reasonably certain, and that is his book will not change the narrative one bit, and in fact will, right or wrong, only serve to cement it.Who wrote Victims of Memory? Oh yeah....hmmm, a man who was accused (may be falsely, have no idea) of abuse by his daughters and he still has no relationship with them today I believe. Then he writes another book on Jerry's behalf as the objective bystander (wink, wink). So Jerry reads his book mentions it to JZ, and poof a new book is out there proclaiming Jerry is the real victim here. Correct me if I'm wrong @L.T. Young but didn't the prosecution poopoo the RMT defense during the trial, yet some here are still claiming it as the savior.