Well, that goes with the first one, to the extent it's true. But with respect to the two PSU related scandals I mentioned, Sandusky was merely a tool with which to destroy JVP.
Answer me this:
When PSU learned of inappropriate behavior between a former employee and a child with no ties to the university, those in authority took steps designed to prevent that behavior in the future.
When TSM learned of inappropriate behavior between a current employee and a child participant in TSM programs, those in authority took steps designed to allow that behavior to continue in the future.
Can you honestly tell me that Graham Spanier should go to jail, but Jack Raykovitz should not? Of the two, which endangered the welfare of a child? Who is the pedophile enabler?
The press is lazy, largely narcissistic and sanctimonious. It is almost entirely liberal. I think Joe represented a dinosaur to them, and one whose moral authority and traditional values they found offensive. I have nothing but contempt for the MSM.
However, PSU has always had it within its power to change the narrative. PSU could come out and say they rushed to judgment and got it wrong. The press would have had no choice but to give Joe the respect he deserved. That still holds true. What's keeping the BOT from doing so?