OT: Game of Thrones S8E1 - "Winterfell" - No Spoilers in First Post....

That could happen but The Mountain isn’t on her radar at this point is he? I do think she’ll be with The Hound though at the end.
Why not? He’s on the list and he’s with Cersei. And if she’s looking to KL and her list, gotta figure Ilyn Payne would likely be there too, although I’d think that’s too much detail for the show with only 5 episodes left.
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Housekeeping question for GoT discussion regulars - should someone start a new thread after each episode, or should we continue the discussions in this one (where I will change the thread title to the most current episode)? Not sure which is best noting I am not a fan of cluttering up the board (though new threads may be easier to dive into....).
I vote for same thread. Minimize clutter for others, especially those not interested. Besides, with multiple threads some good late posts can get lost as readers move to the new thread. But whatever.
They showed a drawing of that Dagger in one of the books Sam was reading and paging through at the Citidel. Possibly when he found the info on the dragon glass so that dagger is definitely going to play a part in the Whitewalkers. Remember its valayian steel too.
Valerian steel, dragon glass and fire.
Jaime I think but both have had remarkable story arcs. I will say Jaime is one of my favorites because he never revealed the real reason he killed Aerys Targaryen, which was because he was going to kill everyone in KL with wildfire, and instead lived with the Kingslayer moniker because he wouldn't break his oath to the King (even though, um, he killed him). The Hound is still mostly Chaotic Neutral, but he's on a different side now. He killed an innocent boy, but has protected Loras and Sansa when they would have otherwise been beaten/killed. Still, I love both characters but think Jaime has moved the most (assuming he's actually willing to go against Cersei).

He has said that to someone. Cant rmember who though Brie or Catlyn mabe
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Who do you think has changed more during the course of the series, Jamie or the Hound? Both have gone from Big Villain to Fighting for the Good Guys.
I’d say neither has really changed much. What’s changed was their curcumstances and the perspectives of others. Both preferred to do right when circumstances permitted. Both were ruthless when circumstances required. Both were rawly-human and subject to influences such as greed. The Hound has to fight to rise. Jaime was a born heir guided by a ruthless father and cunning sister.
He has said that to someone. Cant rmember who though Brie or Catlyn mabe
To keep the mad king from torching King’s landing with wildfire as it fell to robert’s Rebellion.
Why not? He’s on the list and he’s with Cersei. And if she’s looking to KL and her list, gotta figure Ilyn Payne would likely be there too, although I’d think that’s too much detail for the show with only 5 episodes left.

Forgot he was on the list but you’re right.
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Yes, he did to Brienne. I meant to say he never revealed before that when it would have saved him a lot of grief.

He did tell Ned Stark that as the king was dying (or just before he stabbed him?), that all the king kept saying was what he had been saying for (hours?), which was “burn them all.”

Not exactly telling the full story, but an inkling.
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He did tell Ned Stark that as the king was dying (or just before he stabbed him?), that all the king kept saying was what he had been saying for (hours?), which was “burn them all.”

Not exactly telling the full story, but an inkling.
Ned Stark's response to Jamie when Jamie told him what the mad king was saying was something along the lines of "you served the mad king well when serving him was safe."
Also I’m rewatching the whole thing with my wife right now (she’d never watched any) and hoping to have her caught up by the final episode. In season one, the first Baeklish vs Varys knowledge-off was just so great:

Man, that's really good stuff. Here's one with two great 'game' players (noting Cersei is still winning, and looks amazing here...). Baelish's accent seems 'less so' here too...

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I vote for same thread. Minimize clutter for others, especially those not interested. Besides, with multiple threads some good late posts can get lost as readers move to the new thread. But whatever.

Okay, I'll update the thread title before or shortly after the next episode. Since we're keeping one thread, be sure to note SPOILERS in early posts following the new episode...
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Also I’m rewatching the whole thing with my wife right now (she’d never watched any) and hoping to have her caught up by the final episode. In season one, the first Baeklish vs Varys knowledge-off was just so great:

How is she liking it? Additionally, how much stuff makes SO MUCH MORE sense when viewing with seven years of shows under your belt? That one scene alone takes on a much more significant meaning knowing what we know now about Baelish (and Varys).
Man, that's really good stuff. Here's one with two great 'game' players (noting Cersei is still winning, and looks amazing here...). Baelish's accent seems 'less so' here too...

Reminds me of how shocking it is that Baelish made it as far as he did in the game. He wasn't from one of the royal houses, had no real power backing him, was overtly loyal to no one but himself, and continually made veiled threats to the wrong people, with a smirk that made you always want to smack him.
Man, that's really good stuff. Here's one with two great 'game' players (noting Cersei is still winning, and looks amazing here...). Baelish's accent seems 'less so' here too...

That’s awesome. I watched every season as it happened, so going back now is a lot of fun because I know who these characters are and what they’ll become, so I’m able to better appreciate some of the things they say and do in retrospect.

It’s funny watching this in that women are who allowed Baelish to become something, but his underestimation of them (here, and of course...later), is what ended him.
Reminds me of how shocking it is that Baelish made it as far as he did in the game. He wasn't from one of the royal houses, had no real power backing him, was overtly loyal to no one but himself, and continually made veiled threats to the wrong people, with a smirk that made you always want to smack him.

Right. He and Varys were sort of similar in that way. And Baelish could have had a pretty good life if he wasn't so greedy - could have easily kept control of the Vale and convinced Sansa to marry him after his rescue. But, too greedy.
How is she liking it? Additionally, how much stuff make SO MUCH MORE sense when viewing with seven years of shows under your belt? That one scene alone takes on a much more significant meaning knowing what we know now about Baelish (and Varys).

Through the first 5 episodes of season 1, she likes it, but doesn’t yet understand why I say it’s the best show in the history of television. Which is understandable, there is a lot of laying foundations in season 1. Also, season 1 does not do any favors to countering her prior argument for not watching of “isnt it just tits and dragons.”
Through the first 5 episodes of season 1, she likes it, but doesn’t yet understand why I say it’s the best show in the history of television. Which is understandable, there is a lot of laying foundations in season 1. Also, season 1 does not do any favors to countering her prior argument for not watching of “isnt it just tits and dragons.”

Yeah, it's gratuitous in S1 for sure. I mean, I don't mind, but I get how it can be distracting for some. My wife wants nothing at all to do with the show. It eases up a lot on the nudity once Littlefinger's brothel isn't a part of the show.
Okay, I'll update the thread title before or shortly after the next episode. Since we're keeping one thread, be sure to note SPOILERS in early posts following the new episode...
I can live with one thread, but I thihk we're gonna find it getting unwieldy (especially in terms of the thread loading slowly when you click on it) as the number of posts mounts up.
A few more questions after re-watching the episode:

7) Who will figure out what all the Night King's symbols mean? And how will they impact the story?

I read an interesting theory on this one (Warning - potential spoiler follows)

It’s not a symbol being left by the Night King, but by the wights, as a clue how to release them from control of the Night King. The center of the spiral is the weirwood tree where the Night King was created (Bran has this vision in The Door episode), and the spirals represent the magic power that emanates from the tree. Burn the tree and the power/magic is destroyed (like what happened after Lord Umber was burned, and the spiral caught on fire afterward). That would kill the Night King and anything else powered by it - which may also include Jon and Beric and the Three Eyed Raven.
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I read an interesting theory on this one (Warning - potential spoiler follows)

It’s not a symbol being left by the Night King, but by the wights, as a clue how to release them from control of the Night King. The center of the spiral is the weirwood tree where the Night King was created (Bran has this vision in The Door episode), and the spirals represent the magic power that emanates from the tree. Burn the tree and the power/magic is destroyed (like what happened after Lord Umber was burned, and the spiral caught on fire afterward). That would kill the Night King and anything else powered by it - which may also include Jon and Beric.
So are you positing that the Night King's power and Melisandre's power come from the same source? In that case, this Lord of Light whom Melisandre was invoking is a bigger deal than I previously thought.
So are you positing that the Night King's power and Melisandre's power come from the same source? In that case, this Lord of Light whom Melisandre was invoking is a bigger deal than I previously thought.

That would be the theory. The Lord of Light and the old gods are one and the same - and embodied in the weirwood trees and fire.
I read an interesting theory on this one (Warning - potential spoiler follows)

It’s not a symbol being left by the Night King, but by the wights, as a clue how to release them from control of the Night King. The center of the spiral is the weirwood tree where the Night King was created (Bran has this vision in The Door episode), and the spirals represent the magic power that emanates from the tree. Burn the tree and the power/magic is destroyed (like what happened after Lord Umber was burned, and the spiral caught on fire afterward). That would kill the Night King and anything else powered by it - which may also include Jon and Beric.
Interesting, but how would the Night King and his White Walkers not know what the wights are up to and aren't they under their control? This would indicate that the wights have some self-awareness and can act independently of their Masters.
Interesting theory. They do predominantly show the tree in the opening credits too
Interesting, but how would the Night King and his White Walkers not know what the wights are up to and aren't they under their control? This would indicate that the wights have some self-awareness and can act independently of their Masters.

Great questions. Perhaps the wights have some level of self-awareness. Or perhaps some (or all) of this theory is just wrong. Although having the weirwood tree be the key, just seems to make sense and relatively neatly (and poetically) ties up a lot of loose ends.
Interesting theory. They do predominantly show the tree in the opening credits too

Note this isn't the first time we've seen that it is previously at the Fist of the First Men...

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Note this isn't the first time we've seen that it is previously at the Fist of the First Men...


yeah I believe it on the wall in the cave at dragon stone too. Plus I think there was one more episode it was in
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Housekeeping question for GoT discussion regulars - should someone start a new thread after each episode, or should we continue the discussions in this one (where I will change the thread title to the most current episode)? Not sure which is best noting I am not a fan of cluttering up the board (though new threads may be easier to dive into....).
My vote is a new thread after each episode to discuss that episode and an overall season 8 thread to cover general discussion
I can live with one thread, but I thihk we're gonna find it getting unwieldy (especially in terms of the thread loading slowly when you click on it) as the number of posts mounts up.
I agree, as I just suggested, separate threads for discussion of latest episode and a larger thread to collect the general discussion
Typically we have single game threads, and single it's Game of Thrones (singular) we should stick to a single thread. Not to mention all the episodes are related.

On a side note, will discussions about politics in Game of Thrones be moved to the test board?
I have a question ... What is the level of belief everyone has with Bran's 3-eyed-raven all-seeing abilities??? It seems to me that Bran has an incredible power that no one is really tapping into. Think about it. Bran has the ability to see all things past, present and future. He can basically time warp himself at will. With power like this at their disposal, wouldn't they all be using it more as a weaponized advantage.

> They could ask Bran to time warp back to the beginning of the Night King to see how the Knight King was created in hopes that learning more about him could help them defeat him.

> They could ask Bran to look into the next 48-72 hours to see exactly when the White Walkers & Army Of Dead will be arriving at Winterfell so they can be ready at the exact time.

Are they not using Bran more out of stupidity? Or, is it that they are just not believing him?
I have a question ... What is the level of belief everyone has with Bran's 3-eyed-raven all-seeing abilities??? It seems to me that Bran has an incredible power that no one is really tapping into. Think about it. Bran has the ability to see all things past, present and future. He can basically time warp himself at will. With power like this at their disposal, wouldn't they all be using it more as a weaponized advantage.

> They could ask Bran to time warp back to the beginning of the Night King to see how the Knight King was created in hopes that learning more about him could help them defeat him.

> They could ask Bran to look into the next 48-72 hours to see exactly when the White Walkers & Army Of Dead will be arriving at Winterfell so they can be ready at the exact time.

Are they not using Bran more out of stupidity? Or, is it that they are just not believing him?
I am not recalling a time when he saw the future. I didn’t think he could see into the future but I may be wrong. With respect to the rest of your post, I have a feeling his powers are going to play a big part moving forward.