OT: Getting rid of coyotes


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2016
York, PA
I was awoken by a group of howling coyote pups in the middle of the night. My property borders a farm and we are always seeing wildlife but this is a first. Has anyone here had to deal with them? I was hoping to gather some information before I go to the farm owner. I live in PA, should I contact the game commission?
I was awoken by a group of howling coyote pups in the middle of the night. My property borders a farm and we are always seeing wildlife but this is a first. Has anyone here had to deal with them? I was hoping to gather some information before I go to the farm owner. I live in PA, should I contact the game commission?
Leave them be.
I was awoken by a group of howling coyote pups in the middle of the night. My property borders a farm and we are always seeing wildlife but this is a first. Has anyone here had to deal with them? I was hoping to gather some information before I go to the farm owner. I live in PA, should I contact the game commission?
The PGC will do nothing. Coyotes are allowed to be there. Hopefully there are some hunters on that farm, they will take care of them. I have killed five in my days...always when I was deer or turkey hunting. I don't let them be!

I was awoken by a group of howling coyote pups in the middle of the night. My property borders a farm and we are always seeing wildlife but this is a first. Has anyone here had to deal with them? I was hoping to gather some information before I go to the farm owner. I live in PA, should I contact the game commission?
I was awoken by loud motorcycles and cars with modified exhausts the other night. 🙄
I was awoken by a group of howling coyote pups in the middle of the night. My property borders a farm and we are always seeing wildlife but this is a first. Has anyone here had to deal with them? I was hoping to gather some information before I go to the farm owner. I live in PA, should I contact the game commission?
Were they ugly?
As stated,
I was awoken by a group of howling coyote pups in the middle of the night. My property borders a farm and we are always seeing wildlife but this is a first. Has anyone here had to deal with them? I was hoping to gather some information before I go to the farm owner. I live in PA, should I contact the game commission?
if I were the farm owner I would tell you get used to it or move.
Move inside a Walmart and experience the beauty of our great land.

I was awoken by a family of raccoons walking across my roof around 3:30am, probably getting to a spot that a coyote can’t reach them. My home has heavy wire cages around all potential entry points so unless they get extra feisty I’ll continue to tolerate it. If a coyote gets a meal because they’re not quick enough, oh well. It’s their game to play.
Move inside a Walmart and experience the beauty of our great land.

I was awoken by a family of raccoons walking across my roof around 3:30am, probably getting to a spot that a coyote can’t reach them. My home has heavy wire cages around all potential entry points so unless they get extra feisty I’ll continue to tolerate it. If a coyote gets a meal because they’re not quick enough, oh well. It’s their game to play.
Raccoon will kick a coyotes a$$.
What I find to be true far more often than people admit is people naturally dislike or are uncomfortable about something, then they set out to conceive a plausible reason to support their dislike, even when it has no direct merit in their situation.

Wild animals bring that out in many for some reason.
What I find to be true far more often than people admit is people naturally dislike or are uncomfortable about something, then they set out to conceive a plausible reason to support their dislike, even when it has no direct merit in their situation.

Wild animals bring that out in many for some reason.
Coyote pups howling - let’s start conjuring up ways to kill them because they are bad. Let me find people on BWI who will confirm my dislike so I feel better about myself.
I was awoken by a group of howling coyote pups in the middle of the night. My property borders a farm and we are always seeing wildlife but this is a first. Has anyone here had to deal with them? I was hoping to gather some information before I go to the farm owner. I live in PA, should I contact the game commission?
Coyotes have been in every county in Pa for decades. They have been seen within the city limits of Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. If you live near a farm they have been there a long time but they are extremely shy and cunning so you never knew it. And they are about the smartest animal around so even if you or a hunter or a trapper or a farmer kill a few the others will quickly adapt. They will be there no matter what you do.

If you have cats, dogs, chickens or other small animals keep them in a protected space at night. They have been known to take out even big dogs like labs. An animal control guy I know said that the city of Erie tore down an abandoned house and found a coyote den with over 100 dog collars. People in the neighborhood never knew they were there and thought some one was kidnapping the dogs.
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I was awoken by loud motorcycles and cars with modified exhausts the other night. 🙄
Winter in AZ we have coyotes (they walk with us eyeing the dog) bobcats ,quail, mule deer ,road runners , pumas, gila monsters and a whole lot of other crawling stuff . I prefer them to the roaring boat engines and blasting bar music you can hear for miles across the water on our lake home . Animals are generally better neighbors then people:)
Probably. But I know they don’t appreciate suburbanites telling them how to manage their land
True, but a male Eastern Coyote is a 45-55 pound predator that has no difficulty taking down an adult deer and wouldn't struggle to do the same with young cattle or smaller farm animals. House pets are typically no match. When people hear about coyotes, many envision the Western Coyote which is roughly half the size and more of a pest than a threat. The eastern variety is something more than that.
In my area, our HOA rangers found their den and just kept going by periodically until the coyotes left and found a less traveled area. They were gone in a couple of weeks.
Oh come on. Live and let live. Peace and love. Lol.
You do know I’m kidding …

I did get a nice note from a new neighbor who I met for the first time last weekend. I was cleaning up acorns and leaves when he came down asking whether I’d seen his escaped black mini poodle. As soon as he left I put down the rake and combed the neighborhood and tracked down the little girl.

To quote the great Bo Nickal, “it’s what we do!”
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True, but a male Eastern Coyote is a 45-55 pound predator that has no difficulty taking down an adult deer and wouldn't struggle to do the same with young cattle or smaller farm animals. House pets are typically no match. When people hear about coyotes, many envision the Western Coyote which is roughly half the size and more of a pest than a threat. The eastern variety is something more than that.
The late Arnie Hayden was a biologist for the PGC who originally was world renowned for his knowledge on wild turkeys and was switched over to study coyotes before his retirement. He spoke at a local church about coyotes and said our eastern coyotes were bigger because they had inbred with wolves from Canada.
He also said that if you had a dog that is afraid to leave your yard, he probably escaped from a pack ambush. A coyote will lure a dog into the woods where a pack will ambush and kill them.
The late Arnie Hayden was a biologist for the PGC who originally was world renowned for his knowledge on wild turkeys and was switched over to study coyotes before his retirement. He spoke at a local church about coyotes and said our eastern coyotes were bigger because they had inbred with wolves from Canada.
He also said that if you had a dog that is afraid to leave your yard, he probably escaped from a pack ambush. A coyote will lure a dog into the woods where a pack will ambush and kill them.
I recommend applying Bayes Rule to that assertion…
I was awoken by a group of howling coyote pups in the middle of the night. My property borders a farm and we are always seeing wildlife but this is a first. Has anyone here had to deal with them? I was hoping to gather some information before I go to the farm owner. I live in PA, should I contact the game commission?
Thermal predator hunting - that's the ticket. Just kidding. Nevertheless, some people do shoot coyotes to protect their livestock. For those who do, the ends justify the means when it comes to coyotes. Skimming the comments section will give you the pro and con arguments in a short period of time. Three paragraphs summarizing the argument for killing them appears under SHOW MORE - Why do we hunt coyotes?

WARNING: some might find this video objectionable.

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True, but a male Eastern Coyote is a 45-55 pound predator that has no difficulty taking down an adult deer and wouldn't struggle to do the same with young cattle or smaller farm animals. House pets are typically no match. When people hear about coyotes, many envision the Western Coyote which is roughly half the size and more of a pest than a threat. The eastern variety is something more than that.
Thanks for the education. I have 26 acres and see coyotes weekly. My neighbors have 60 and 125 acres. I’m pretty familiar with the issues. There is nothing he can do if he doesn’t own the land
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The farmer is probably no happier with the coyotes than the OP.
Actually, if they are crop farmers, they are probably thrilled with the yotes. Do you know what a family of raccoons can do to a cornfield? Or what a couple of deer can do to a tomato field? I can go on, but having coyotes around is $$$ for crop farmers.

That being said, they are a deer hunters worst enemy and I've harvested my share in the past. You really want to get spooked out?? I harvested a deer in archery season years ago and was field dressing it in the woods at night with a friend of mine. A pack of yotes approached closely howling and carrying on because they could smell the blood. We had flashlights and a knife to fend them of if they decided they wanted the deer more than me. I dragged the deer out with a flashlight to see where I was going and my buddy was shining his light all around looking for an ambush. It was nuts.
Actually, if they are crop farmers, they are probably thrilled with the yotes. Do you know what a family of raccoons can do to a cornfield? Or what a couple of deer can do to a tomato field? I can go on, but having coyotes around is $$$ for crop farmers.

That being said, they are a deer hunters worst enemy and I've harvested my share in the past. You really want to get spooked out?? I harvested a deer in archery season years ago and was field dressing it in the woods at night with a friend of mine. A pack of yotes approached closely howling and carrying on because they could smell the blood. We had flashlights and a knife to fend them of if they decided they wanted the deer more than me. I dragged the deer out with a flashlight to see where I was going and my buddy was shining his light all around looking for an ambush. It was nuts.
Slightly more dangerous than the Lift Inn!

  • Haha
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Winter in AZ we have coyotes (they walk with us eyeing the dog) bobcats ,quail, mule deer ,road runners , pumas, gila monsters and a whole lot of other crawling stuff . I prefer them to the roaring boat engines and blasting bar music you can hear for miles across the water on our lake home . Animals are generally better neighbors then people:)
Trappers are one level above serial killers and sex offenders. Horrible horrible way of making a living.
Sorry, don't agree. It's often the only way to harvest some critters and those critters are often predators that kill lots of other critters, especially the young of the prey critters. And your idea that people make a living at it just shows your lack of knowledge. I'm familiar with trapping. Are you?
True, but a male Eastern Coyote is a 45-55 pound predator that has no difficulty taking down an adult deer and wouldn't struggle to do the same with young cattle or smaller farm animals. House pets are typically no match. When people hear about coyotes, many envision the Western Coyote which is roughly half the size and more of a pest than a threat. The eastern variety is something more than that.
Yeah, adult males are amazingly big. I've seen them chasing deer and found deer killed by them. I will shoot them on sight, but have only gotten a few.