Actually, if they are crop farmers, they are probably thrilled with the yotes. Do you know what a family of raccoons can do to a cornfield? Or what a couple of deer can do to a tomato field? I can go on, but having coyotes around is $$$ for crop farmers.
That being said, they are a deer hunters worst enemy and I've harvested my share in the past. You really want to get spooked out?? I harvested a deer in archery season years ago and was field dressing it in the woods at night with a friend of mine. A pack of yotes approached closely howling and carrying on because they could smell the blood. We had flashlights and a knife to fend them of if they decided they wanted the deer more than me. I dragged the deer out with a flashlight to see where I was going and my buddy was shining his light all around looking for an ambush. It was nuts.