OT: Getting rid of coyotes

Recently finished reading Coyote America: A Natural and Supernatural History. Long story short, they're super adaptive and we'll never eliminate them.
Feral cats impact suburban wildlife far more then coyotes due in the country . These little killing machines are the reason you don' have song birds,squirrels, rabbits and ground squirrels in your yard. Cats thrive because they have a better PR machine then coyotes.
Sorry, don't agree. It's often the only way to harvest some critters and those critters are often predators that kill lots of other critters, especially the young of the prey critters. And your idea that people make a living at it just shows your lack of knowledge. I'm familiar with trapping. Are you?
Rabies is also serious problem where overpopulation occurs, especially with raccoons. Keeping them under control protects everyone.
lots of opinions here.

If it bothers you, and you want to get rid of it, ask the farmer if he's having issues and offer to help him cull the herd. no closed season no bag limit in PA. If he's not having issues, since they're probably on his property, just get used to it. While i'm an avid hunter and will kill a coyote if it comes within range, I also find their howling and barking almost soothing. it's nature.
Actually, if they are crop farmers, they are probably thrilled with the yotes. Do you know what a family of raccoons can do to a cornfield? Or what a couple of deer can do to a tomato field? I can go on, but having coyotes around is $$$ for crop farmers.

That being said, they are a deer hunters worst enemy and I've harvested my share in the past. You really want to get spooked out?? I harvested a deer in archery season years ago and was field dressing it in the woods at night with a friend of mine. A pack of yotes approached closely howling and carrying on because they could smell the blood. We had flashlights and a knife to fend them of if they decided they wanted the deer more than me. I dragged the deer out with a flashlight to see where I was going and my buddy was shining his light all around looking for an ambush. It was nuts.
Was going to post the same thing. They also beat a lot of mice, rabbits, ground hogs, and more.....all of which can do a lot of damage to crops. Glad they around. It’s a balance of nature kinda thing.
Coyote pups howling - let’s start conjuring up ways to kill them because they are bad. Let me find people on BWI who will confirm my dislike so I feel better about myself.
If they aren't controlled they will overrun the state. Pa will have no deer, no turkeys and little wildlife other than coyotes.
At the moment Wildlife Management is only allowed to use compound 1080. However, there is a major push in Northwest states to allow property owners and ranchers to use this chemical. If this is a major issue, the kind where you are concerned for your pets and children’s safety call the EPA in your state to find out what is allowable to use. Trapping will not work.
My goodness. Some of you clowns 🤡 want to make coyotes sound as bad as ISIS. It’s all bullshit - nature doesn’t need people to maintain equilibrium. All of these half-cocked red neck arguments don’t hold water. People still use fear and ignorance to justify extermination.
My goodness. Some of you clowns 🤡 want to make coyotes sound as bad as ISIS. It’s all bullshit - nature doesn’t need people to maintain equilibrium. All of these half-cocked red neck arguments don’t hold water. People still use fear and ignorance to justify extermination.
I have them in my neighborhood. With lots of kids and pets outside. If I see one I'm going to try to eliminate it. Don't like it? I don't f*ucking care. In the middle of a forest is different.
My goodness. Some of you clowns 🤡 want to make coyotes sound as bad as ISIS. It’s all bullshit - nature doesn’t need people to maintain equilibrium. All of these half-cocked red neck arguments don’t hold water. People still use fear and ignorance to justify extermination.

I mean, nature uses starvation and disease as part of the means of maintaining an equilibrium when populations are too high. I don’t find that more humane.
My goodness. Some of you clowns 🤡 want to make coyotes sound as bad as ISIS. It’s all bullshit - nature doesn’t need people to maintain equilibrium. All of these half-cocked red neck arguments don’t hold water. People still use fear and ignorance to justify extermination.
I didn't see anyone advocating extermination, just population control. Coyotes do kill a lot of fawns and some adult deer, which doesn't gain favor with we deer hunters.
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I have them in my neighborhood. With lots of kids and pets outside. If I see one I'm going to try to eliminate it. Don't like it? I don't f*ucking care. In the middle of a forest is different.
Yeah I’m good with this one man. If I have them come after my dog or kids I’ll whack them to. I just don’t think we need people acting like they need hunted down in the woods and wiped out.
In my area, our HOA rangers found their den and just kept going by periodically until the coyotes left and found a less traveled area. They were gone in a couple of weeks.
Wait. What is a Home Owners Association “Ranger”? This is a first for me. What is the job description and is it a paying job?
Took the 243 for a walk today hoping to catch a glimpse of all the ones on my trailcam. No luck as I knew would be the case but got some good exercise and some scouting in. Unless you know a good trapper there isn’t much of a dent you can put in the loca population.
Trappers are one level above serial killers and sex offenders. Horrible horrible way of making a living.
There is an ecological reason why trapping (and hunting) exists. You should do some research before labeling trappers “worst than serial killers.” The building you/I live in displaced and disrupted nature. Animals still breed like they did 500 years ago.
Like others said, coyotes are Apex predators and are not easy to trap or hunt, but it needs to be done to keep balance and mitigate disease.
There is an ecological reason why trapping (and hunting) exists. You should do some research before labeling trappers “worst than serial killers.” The building you/I live in displaced and disrupted nature. Animals still breed like they did 500 years ago.
Like others said, coyotes are Apex predators and are not easy to trap or hunt, but it needs to be done to keep balance and mitigate disease.

So hunt them and kill them in a way that’s much more humane than making them suffer. I find trapping pretty gross, and I’ve hunted all my life.
So hunt them and kill them in a way that’s much more humane than making them suffer. I find trapping pretty gross, and I’ve hunted all my life.
What are your thoughts on bow hunting or kids gut shooting deer? Or about a goose hunter winging a shot only to be lost? Think about it.
There are studies out there about leg hold traps and what occurs.
What are your thoughts on bow hunting or kids gut shooting deer? Or about a goose hunter winging a shot only to be lost? Think about it.
There are studies out there about leg hold traps and what occurs.
Oddly enough, the deer I have shot with my bow haven't ran off. I've only been archery hunting for a few years though.

The last deer I had that ran I shot with my .280. Right through the heart.
We live at 6300 ft by The Ridge at Castle Pines golf course. When we have cool nights and the A/C is off we get a great Cross breeze and with the ceiling fan sleep with the windows open. Around 3 in the Morning or so I often get awoken by a coyote at the top of one of the fairways signaling to the pack below that dinner is coming down the fairway. About 5–10 minutes later they are all howling because they got a deer or someones pet for dinner. Natures way…. We had 3 bears cross our driveway last spring in the middle of the Night and the Ring camera picked it up. Momma and 2 Cubs. Mountain lions are also around so you don’t see people Jogging after dark. Gotta love nature. You ever skin grizz pilgrim ?
Oddly enough, the deer I have shot with my bow haven't ran off. I've only been archery hunting for a few years though.

The last deer I had that ran I shot with my .280. Right through the heart.
So what’s the difference? You somehow “dropped” a dear with an arrow, but your 7mm ran. Which one was suffering more? Hunting and trapping is not a fool proof sport when it comes to outcomes.
What are your thoughts on bow hunting or kids gut shooting deer? Or about a goose hunter winging a shot only to be lost? Think about it.
There are studies out there about leg hold traps and what occurs.
most hunters are ethical and only take kill shots. Do they always hit the mark no. I bow hunt and have not had a deer go more then 30 yards. I also butcher and eat what I kill. I find it worse that people drive while using a cell phone.
So what’s the difference? You somehow “dropped” a dear with an arrow, but your 7mm ran. Which one was suffering more? Hunting and trapping is not a fool proof sport when it comes to outcomes.
I'm certainly not arguing with any of your points. Sorry if it seemed if I was. Just an observation based on my own data points. Hunting and trapping is a messy business. Or at least it can be. I'm always very particular on my shots. If I don't think the animal will die immediately I don't pull the trigger. That includes the turkey I killed with my bow last year.
most hunters are ethical and only take kill shots. Do they always hit the mark no. I bow hunt and have not had a deer go more then 30 yards. I also butcher and eat what I kill. I find it worse that people drive while using a cell phone.
I agree as an active hunter and one that purchased my first car with my income from trapping , but I find it odd that hunters throw shade on trappers. Oh well.
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most hunters are ethical and only take kill shots. Do they always hit the mark no. I bow hunt and have not had a deer go more then 30 yards. I also butcher and eat what I kill. I find it worse that people drive while using a cell phone.
As a beginner bow hunter, I was always told to prepare to track my deer. Which I can do well. But thankfully haven't had to so far.

I wish I knew how to butcher a deer myself. I know it's not that hard, just never learned how.
I agree as an active hunter and one that purchased my first car with my income from trapping , but I find it odd that hunters throw shad on trappers. Oh well.
Oh no. One of my good friends and my uncle are both avid trappers. I think it's a much more difficult task than hunting.
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