OT: home wifi


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2014
im really considering dropping internet altogether. Has anyone done this? Verizon is raising their prices again and with unlimited data on our phones it seems like now is the time.
Hotspot data is usually handled differently than your wireless data, so you might be looking at very high charges.
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As Ned said, make sure your carrier doesn't have some weird clause allowing them to charge more. But I stream on LTE fairly often on my company's plan with verizon. I have no problem watching NFL football, shows live on U-Verse or just about anything else. Let us know how it works out.
im really considering dropping internet altogether. Has anyone done this? Verizon is raising their prices again and with unlimited data on our phones it seems like now is the time.
Unlimited from cell providers usually has a cap where your speeds get throttled down significantly. You may want to check what yours is before jumping ship.
If you are planning on tethering to your phone keep in mind the 4 major carriers limit you to 10 GB. After that it is down to 3g which you will be lucky to surf the web or check email with.
im really considering dropping internet altogether. Has anyone done this? Verizon is raising their prices again and with unlimited data on our phones it seems like now is the time.
VZ Wireless currently offers TWO types of 'Unlimited' data plans and has 3 if you count the grandfathered one from back in the day.

The TWO unlimited plans are called 'go unlimited' and 'beyond unlimited'.

If you are doing tethering / hotspot for your in home WiFi, I would want to be on the 'beyond unlimited' plan. It offers 15GB of 4G hotspot data and THEN throttles down to 600kbps.

The 'go unlimited' plan's tethering / hotspot is unlimited 600kbps data. Which needless to say is WAY less than is desired to stream any kind of video reliably.

Good luck in what you do! Keep us abreast of how it goes.
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VZ Wireless currently offers TWO types of 'Unlimited' data plans and has 3 if you count the grandfathered one from back int he day.

The TWO unlimited plans are called 'go unlimited' and 'beyond unlimited'.

If you are doing tethering / hotspot for your in home WiFi, I would want to be on the 'beyond unlimited' plan. It offers 15GB of 4G hotspot data and THEN throttles down to 600kbps.

The 'go unlimited' plan's tethering / hotspot is unlimited 600kbps data. Which needless to say is WAY less than is desired to stream any kind of video reliably.

Good luck in what you do! Keep us abreast of how it goes.
We have Comcast and with them I have been able to call and work better deals.Most reasonable phone packages limit high speed and slow down to a snails pace when you reach your limit.Good luck
Competition is good! If you don't watch a lot of TV, phone/hotspot internet can really work.

Depending on your situation I'd look into T-Mobile which has packages that are designed for video streaming (though I think it's low-resolution phone/tablet streams). Still it might be enough to watch Netflix credibly well. The catch for T-Mo is the reception isn't as good as AT&T/Verizon inside buildings because ATT/VZ have bought up the best frequencies. But everybody's situation is different and you don't really know until you test the service out.

Anyway if hotspot internet works for some people, that will make the broadband providers a little more accommodating when it's time to renew your service.

We have Comcast, and every year around February I have to call and negotiate the next year's deal. The more alternatives you have, if you can really make good on a threat to leave Comcast, you have leverage. If you're truly a threat to disconnect, and you're friendly about it, sometimes the rep speaking with you will magically find the package at the pricing you're looking for.