OT: USA COVID-19 Vaccination Updates

Yet you will have people on this very board denying that anyone could possibly be harmed by the vaccine other than a little sore arm. Now, I can look at this and conclude it's an overreaction, but at the same time recognize the other side of the argument that the administration is putting out mixed messages and even squashing any investigation into side effects. Then you get those screaming just talk to your doctor, completely forgetting that the doctor can't force you to accept any care, yet are perfectly fine with some bureaucrat or politician mandating some care.
China must be cooking up something to f*ck us again.

No need, as we're dealing with this little prick now, which arrived in 2014 from...take a got it's CHINA!

China must be cooking up something to f*ck us again.

don't look now...lots of noise from China in terms of economic and war. They are rattling their sword versus Taiwan to distract from their ample economic challenges.
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No need, as we're dealing with this little prick now, which arrived in 2014 from...take a got it's CHINA!

Snakehead fish, mitten crab, and a whole lot more. **** China.
No, it’s not seasonal. The states where there is a larger anti vax, anti mask, it’s a hoax attitude continue to lead with the highest positives per 100,000 metric.

The good news is only Alaska is currently over 100/ 100,000 residents and all but Alaska, North Dakota, Idaho and Minnesota have declining daily positives as reported on a 14 day comparison. North Dakota leads with a 14 day increase of 23% per day followed by Minnesota at 16%. When compared to the daily number 14 days ago.
You know PA and FL are almost identical right? 58.2% fully in PA and 57.8% in FL. As people go back inside it will increase there. In FL and TX they go back inside in the summer.
you do recognize that 1% of the US population would mean is nearly 3,350,000 people who would have died? Any many hospitals over run leading to how many other deaths. Just a dumb statement.
never said the 1% would die did I? At most 1% would even get a serious illness. And that 1% is spread over 18 months. You do know that the death rate for under 60 without underlying condtions is all but 0%.
Glad to see you have no clue what you're talking about since all you can say is "dumb statement"
No, it’s not seasonal. The states where there is a larger anti vax, anti mask, it’s a hoax attitude continue to lead with the highest positives per 100,000 metric.

The good news is only Alaska is currently over 100/ 100,000 residents and all but Alaska, North Dakota, Idaho and Minnesota have declining daily positives as reported on a 14 day comparison. North Dakota leads with a 14 day increase of 23% per day followed by Minnesota at 16%. When compared to the daily number 14 days ago.
Are you still saying the vaccines and masks protect you from getting Covid? There is tons of evidence every day contradicting you. Let's stick to what does seem accurate [at least for now] that getting the vaccine does minimize the severity of the infection.
Everytime I think of Joe Biden I think of the Doobie Brothers China Road song with a slight edit.
You know PA and FL are almost identical right? 58.2% fully in PA and 57.8% in FL. As people go back inside it will increase there. In FL and TX they go back inside in the summer.
Snapshots don’t often paint the entire picture. My guess is part of those two specific states being similar is many Pennsylvanians were vaccinated early during the rollout and many Floridians had a come to Jesus realization more recently that getting vaccinated may save their lives.

Historical Data. Florida. Pennsylvania

# of cases 3,590,400. 1,453,400

Deaths. 55,622. 29,611.

Pennsylvania has a long way to go to match Florida’s numbers. I don’t recall either reading any articles about Pennsylvania hospitals being overwhelmed to the extent they were in Florida.
Are you still saying the vaccines and masks protect you from getting Covid? There is tons of evidence every day contradicting you. Let's stick to what does seem accurate [at least for now] that getting the vaccine does minimize the severity of the infection.
No, I am saying the states that were anti mask and anti vax which goes hand in hand continue to lead in number of cases reported / 100,000 residents.

As I pointed out to @WPTLION my hunch is if those states ( Red states primarily, many flyover country and yes, Florida is not flyover country ) now have similar rates of vaccination to the states with the highest percentages, it’s because they came to their senses and have been getting vaccinated finally.

Anecdotally I know 5 breakthrough cases, One Alpha, Four Delta ( based on when they had it ) ranging in age from 51 to 94 with three folks being over 85 and all have survived without being hospitalized.

Breakthroughs were rare with alpha but did happen, obviously much more common with Delta variant as we all know.

BTW, there is still a significant amount of resistance from certain tribes in Pennsylvania And some of those counties are experiencing larger than normal spread.
No, I am saying the states that were anti mask and anti vax which goes hand in hand continue to lead in number of cases reported / 100,000 residents.

As I pointed out to @WPTLION my hunch is if those states ( Red states primarily, many flyover country and yes, Florida is not flyover country ) now have similar rates of vaccination to the states with the highest percentages, it’s because they came to their senses and have been getting vaccinated finally.

Anecdotally I know 5 breakthrough cases, One Alpha, Four Delta ( based on when they had it ) ranging in age from 51 to 94 with three folks being over 85 and all have survived without being hospitalized.

Breakthroughs were rare with alpha but did happen, obviously much more common with Delta variant as we all know.

BTW, there is still a significant amount of resistance from certain tribes in Pennsylvania And some of those counties are experiencing larger than normal spread.
In the words of Alex Berenson, the "virus is going to virus." Despite this, it seems like most of us functioning just fine.
No, it’s not seasonal. The states where there is a larger anti vax, anti mask, it’s a hoax attitude continue to lead with the highest positives per 100,000 metric.

The good news is only Alaska is currently over 100/ 100,000 residents and all but Alaska, North Dakota, Idaho and Minnesota have declining daily positives as reported on a 14 day comparison. North Dakota leads with a 14 day increase of 23% per day followed by Minnesota at 16%. When compared to the daily number 14 days ago.
23% per day in ND. Seems like you are cherry picking some days. The 3 day average yesterday was 468 and 348 two weeks prior. That isn't 23% per day. Now if you want to pick an extremely low day and go with the high point feel free but just dont complain when others do the same.
23% per day in ND. Seems like you are cherry picking some days. The 3 day average yesterday was 468 and 348 two weeks prior. That isn't 23% per day. Now if you want to pick an extremely low day and go with the high point feel free but just dont complain when others do the same.
Probably stated it poorly. The current daily average is 23% higher than it was 14 days ago. It’s not growing by 23% per day. It has grown 23% in 14 days.
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In the words of Alex Berenson, the "virus is going to virus." Despite this, it seems like most of us functioning just fine.
Went to the Rolling Stones in Pittsburgh Monday Night, Dead and Company last month in Hershey and have been at every Penn State game so far this season but will not be going to Iowa as we have Steelers tickets for Sunday. I am totally functioning at my usual clip. Throw in a two week trip to Yellowstone and The Grand Tetons for some excellent back country hiking, two trips to Mexico and a trip to Antigua since March, so yeah, functioning on all cylinders.

Yes, the virus is going to virus, I am going to do what I do and the rest of the world gets to figure it out as it goes as well.

Feels good to be vaccinated doesn’t it!
Went to the Rolling Stones in Pittsburgh Monday Night, Dead and Company last month in Hershey and have been at every Penn State game so far this season but will not be going to Iowa as we have Steelers tickets for Sunday. I am totally functioning at my usual clip. Throw in a two week trip to Yellowstone and The Grand Tetons for some excellent back country hiking, two trips to Mexico and a trip to Antigua since March, so yeah, functioning on all cylinders.

Yes, the virus is going to virus, I am going to do what I do and the rest of the world gets to figure it out as it goes as well.

Feels good to be vaccinated doesn’t it!

And I’m sure you’re at peace knowing that everyone around you on these trips also SHOT. THE. F*CK. UP. o_O since the UNVAXXED. o_O are all wasting away in fear in their basements.
And I’m sure you’re at peace knowing that everyone around you on these trips also SHOT. THE. F*CK. UP. o_O since the UNVAXXED. o_O are all wasting away in fear in their basements.
I wish this were the case. I know several Breakthough cases as I mentioned in another post. It’s probably 40/60 as to did the person catch it from a vaxxed or unvaxxed person.

I will say Hershey did a remarkable job of making sure everyone was vaxxed or had 48 hour negative test results proof. Mexico seems to be on their game as well but isn’t everyone when it comes to making a living!

Isn’t it great to be vaxxed!
I don’t recall either reading any articles about Pennsylvania hospitals being overwhelmed to the extent they were in Florida.

Gee, I wonder why. You also heard very little about PA sending covid patients into nursing homes while Florida locked theirs down. Florida also did an excellent job vaccinating their elderly and immune compromised population early on. People latching onto vaccination rates think everyone's immune system at any age is the same. Hey, the media and politicians know how to mislead and the gullibility of their target audience.
Went to the Rolling Stones in Pittsburgh Monday Night, Dead and Company last month in Hershey and have been at every Penn State game so far this season but will not be going to Iowa as we have Steelers tickets for Sunday. I am totally functioning at my usual clip. Throw in a two week trip to Yellowstone and The Grand Tetons for some excellent back country hiking, two trips to Mexico and a trip to Antigua since March, so yeah, functioning on all cylinders.

Yes, the virus is going to virus, I am going to do what I do and the rest of the world gets to figure it out as it goes as well.

Feels good to be vaccinated doesn’t it!

I've been to 21 concerts since June 5th including in NYC, Atlantic City, and Los Angeles, with 12 of them being in September alone. It's been great to be doing things like this again. Didn't wear a mask at a single one, some of which had massive mosh pits, crowd surfing, and just being in extreme close contact with thousands of people. I'm all for vaxxing and I often think that not getting sick at all is probably due to the mass vaccinations. (only about half the concerts I attended required some proof of vaccine or negative test).
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I wish this were the case. I know several Breakthough cases as I mentioned in another post. It’s probably 40/60 as to did the person catch it from a vaxxed or unvaxxed person.

I will say Hershey did a remarkable job of making sure everyone was vaxxed or had 48 hour negative test results proof. Mexico seems to be on their game as well but isn’t everyone when it comes to making a living!

Isn’t it great to be vaxxed!

In your age group statistically it doesn't make much of a difference if you were vaxxed or not. Isn't it great to have a normal immune system?
I've been to 21 concerts since June 5th including in NYC, Atlantic City, and Los Angeles, with 12 of them being in September alone. It's been great to be doing things like this again. Didn't wear a mask at a single one, some of which had massive mosh pits, crowd surfing, and just being in extreme close contact with thousands of people. I'm all for vaxxing and I often think that not getting sick at all is probably due to the mass vaccinations. (only about half the concerts I attended required some proof of vaccine or negative test).
What shows man?
In your age group statistically it doesn't make much of a difference if you were vaxxed or not. Isn't it great to have a normal immune system?
I am guessing you have no idea how old I am but thanks for the complement!
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Gee, I wonder why. You also heard very little about PA sending covid patients into nursing homes while Florida locked theirs down. Florida also did an excellent job vaccinating their elderly and immune compromised population early on. People latching onto vaccination rates think everyone's immune system at any age is the same. Hey, the media and politicians know how to mislead and the gullibility of their target audience.
Ummmm, I cited historical data in an earlier post. Florida isn’t doing so hot. Yeah, NY, NJ, probably many other states ( if not all of them ) did a lousy job early in protecting the elderly. A staff assistant making $ 8.50/ hour back in April of 2020 that wasn’t being tested ………….

yes, yes, Cuomo sent them many elderly back into homes without segregating folks. The Pennsylvania home my mom was in ( in a town with a significant elderly population ) did what they could but it wasn’t much. Florida has nearly double the number of deaths of Pennsylvania.
Ummmm, I cited historical data in an earlier post. Florida isn’t doing so hot. Yeah, NY, NJ, probably many other states ( if not all of them ) did a lousy job early in protecting the elderly. A staff assistant making $ 8.50/ hour back in April of 2020 that wasn’t being tested ………….

yes, yes, Cuomo sent them many elderly back into homes without segregating folks. The Pennsylvania home my mom was in ( in a town with a significant elderly population ) did what they could but it wasn’t much. Florida has nearly double the number of deaths of Pennsylvania.
Florida has nearly double the number of people as Pennsylvania.

0.798M shots yesterday (nothing reported) so total up to 397.7M with the 7 day rolling average at 0.931M.

So far, 215.7 million Americans have received at least one dose of a vaccine. At least 186.0 million people have completed a vaccination regimen. At least 6.0M have received a booster dose.

Total Population with at least one dose = 65.0%; Fully vaccinated = 56.0%; Booster = 3.2%

Population over 12 years of age with at least one dose = 76.0%; Fully vaccinated = 65.6%; Booster = 3.4%

Population over 18 years of age with at least one dose = 77.8%; Fully vaccinated = 67.4%; Booster = 5.4%

Population over 65 years of age with at least one dose = 94.4%; Fully vaccinated = 83.7%; Booster = 8.4%

94,811 positives reported yesterday compared to 113,656 week over week. 7-day rolling average is 100,343

Fatality was 1,811 reported yesterday compared to 1,988 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 1,542.

Hospitalizations reported 7 day rolling average is 66,131 compared to yesterday 7-day average at 64,217 compared to one week ago 76,734 DOWN 13.8%.

Hospital admissions reported 7 day rolling average is 7,464 compared yesterday 7-day average of 7,227 compared to one week ago 8,739 DOWN 14.6%.

Daily Positives: Texas-9879, Minnesota-7124, California-6707, Ohio-5533, New York-4388, Wisconsin-4168, Pennsylvania-4019, Florida-3598, Tennessee-3181, Illinois-3058, Georgia-2873, North Carolinia-2703, Washington-2581, Kentucky-2558, Colorado-2280, Arizona-2254, Indiana-2102, Idaho-1835, Oregon-1657

So as the number show, the upper midwest and some of the Mid-Atlantic (New York, Ohio, PA) are now leading the positives. Minnesota is on a huge upswing akin to Michigan in April and Florida two months ago in that their numbers are rapidly increasing.

.798M shots yesterday (nothing reported) so total up to 397.7M with the 7 day rolling average at 0.931M.

So far, 216.0 million Americans have received at least one dose of a vaccine. At least 186.3 million people have completed a vaccination regimen. At least 6.3M have received a booster dose.

Total Population with at least one dose = 65.1%; Fully vaccinated = 56.1%; Booster = 3.4%

Population over 12 years of age with at least one dose = 76.1%; Fully vaccinated = 65.7%; Booster = 3.6%

Population over 18 years of age with at least one dose = 77.9%; Fully vaccinated = 67.5%; Booster = 5.8%

Population over 65 years of age with at least one dose = 94.6%; Fully vaccinated = 83.7%; Booster = 8.9%

107,987 positives reported yesterday compared to 125,135 week over week. 7-day rolling average is 100,505

Fatality was 2,102 reported yesterday compared to 2,364 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 1,560.

Hospitalizations reported 7 day rolling average is 65,162 compared to yesterday 7-day average at 66,131 compared to one week ago 75,426 DOWN 13.6%.

Hospital admissions reported 7 day rolling average is 7,388 compared yesterday 7-day average of 7,464 compared to one week ago 8,555 DOWN 13.6%.

Texas-11412, Ohio-6296, New York-5854, California-5698, Pennsylvania-5058, Michigan-4835, Virginia-3919, Minnesota-3883, Florida-3782, Wisconsin-3613, North Carolina-3598, Tennessee-3162, Illinios-3932, Kentucky-2675, Indiana-2633, Washington-2618, Arizona-2041, Utah-1975, Missouri-1932, New Jersey-1852, Colorado-1838

When you look at that top twenty, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, Arizona, and Utah area all states either still rising or on a plateau. Michigan and Minnesota are still rising. PA, New York, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Utah on an extended plateau. All other states in the decline. Even though Ohio #2 in cases, they are actually on a decline from a September 16th peak.
.798M shots yesterday (nothing reported) so total up to 397.7M with the 7 day rolling average at 0.931M.

So far, 216.0 million Americans have received at least one dose of a vaccine. At least 186.3 million people have completed a vaccination regimen. At least 6.3M have received a booster dose.

Total Population with at least one dose = 65.1%; Fully vaccinated = 56.1%; Booster = 3.4%

Population over 12 years of age with at least one dose = 76.1%; Fully vaccinated = 65.7%; Booster = 3.6%

Population over 18 years of age with at least one dose = 77.9%; Fully vaccinated = 67.5%; Booster = 5.8%

Population over 65 years of age with at least one dose = 94.6%; Fully vaccinated = 83.7%; Booster = 8.9%

107,987 positives reported yesterday compared to 125,135 week over week. 7-day rolling average is 100,505

Fatality was 2,102 reported yesterday compared to 2,364 week over week, 7-day rolling fatality at 1,560.

Hospitalizations reported 7 day rolling average is 65,162 compared to yesterday 7-day average at 66,131 compared to one week ago 75,426 DOWN 13.6%.

Hospital admissions reported 7 day rolling average is 7,388 compared yesterday 7-day average of 7,464 compared to one week ago 8,555 DOWN 13.6%.

Texas-11412, Ohio-6296, New York-5854, California-5698, Pennsylvania-5058, Michigan-4835, Virginia-3919, Minnesota-3883, Florida-3782, Wisconsin-3613, North Carolina-3598, Tennessee-3162, Illinios-3932, Kentucky-2675, Indiana-2633, Washington-2618, Arizona-2041, Utah-1975, Missouri-1932, New Jersey-1852, Colorado-1838

When you look at that top twenty, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin, New York, Arizona, and Utah area all states either still rising or on a plateau. Michigan and Minnesota are still rising. PA, New York, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Utah on an extended plateau. All other states in the decline. Even though Ohio #2 in cases, they are actually on a decline from a September 16th peak.
Think about the implications of the two undisputed facts.
  • Almost everyone who is dying is over 65 years old.
  • The Fully Vaccinated Rate for those over 65 years old is 84%, with one shot at 94.6%.

Yet we have:

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Think about the implications of the two undisputed facts.
  • Almost everyone who is dying is over 65 years old.
  • The Fully Vaccinated Rate for those over 65 years old is 84%, with one shot at 94.6%.

Yet we have:


yeah, we peaked on the fatality 7 day average on September 17th at 1919. There is a two week delay in fatality approximately so that corresponded to the daily positive peak of 165,000 in early September.

In late February of this year we were also at 1900+ on fatality on the 7 day average. During that timeframe, the daily positives were in the range of 110k-125k in early/mid February.

So we had 35-40% more cases to have the same amount of fatalities in the February timeframe when the vaccination rate was very low.

Same review looking at the curve going up in November/December where there was NO vaccination, we have early December at 1900 fatality number. This corresponds to mid November of 160k-170k daily positives. So same as now.

So that quick looks means one of a couple of things:

1. The vaccine are not doing much, which I do not believe.
2. The data is suspect, which I do believe contributes some to this.
3. That most of the people dying now due to 'covid' are very sick people that had a life expectancy of less than 6 months and would have died normally of the flu, common cold, pnuemonia or their co-morbidiites and basically at this point they are just dying from Covid. So going back to the chart the one poster used to show, the total death rate right now is really not changing. This would be very easy to verify if the govt. gave us the data and showed us who is dying right now but as we have talked, they won't give us this data. Which leads me to believe that this is the main reason.
yeah, we peaked on the fatality 7 day average on September 17th at 1919. There is a two week delay in fatality approximately so that corresponded to the daily positive peak of 165,000 in early September.

In late February of this year we were also at 1900+ on fatality on the 7 day average. During that timeframe, the daily positives were in the range of 110k-125k in early/mid February.

So we had 35-40% more cases to have the same amount of fatalities in the February timeframe when the vaccination rate was very low.

Same review looking at the curve going up in November/December where there was NO vaccination, we have early December at 1900 fatality number. This corresponds to mid November of 160k-170k daily positives. So same as now.

So that quick looks means one of a couple of things:

1. The vaccine are not doing much, which I do not believe.
2. The data is suspect, which I do believe contributes some to this.
3. That most of the people dying now due to 'covid' are very sick people that had a life expectancy of less than 6 months and would have died normally of the flu, common cold, pnuemonia or their co-morbidiites and basically at this point they are just dying from Covid. So going back to the chart the one poster used to show, the total death rate right now is really not changing. This would be very easy to verify if the govt. gave us the data and showed us who is dying right now but as we have talked, they won't give us this data. Which leads me to believe that this is the main reason.
The people dying now are certainly no sicker than during the first wave. In fact, they're probably a little healthier because so many of the very, very sick are no longer with us after the first wave.

I suspect that the vaccine effectiveness (vs death) is even less than the 80-90% value I've been calculating recently.
The people dying now are certainly no sicker than during the first wave. In fact, they're probably a little healthier because so many of the very, very sick are no longer with us after the first wave.

I suspect that the vaccine effectiveness (vs death) is even less than the 80-90% value I've been calculating recently.

i mean the vaccine isn't Captain America serum that makes people super human. People are still going to die like they have since the dawn of time from the typical causes of heart disease, cancer, other co-morbidities, and old age even if they are vaccinated. If we had the data we could have much better information available to understand much better who is actually dying right now in those fatality numbers? How many dying with covid versus of Covid. How many of them are nursing home patients who are just dying of/with covid instead of dying of what they normally would have died if covid wasn't around.

Even if the vaccine was 90% effective, the fatality numbers should be way down but they are not, which means the data is wrong, teh vaccine is doing nothing, or that covid deaths are just replacing deaths that normally would have occured due to another ailment.
Think about the implications of the two undisputed facts.
  • Almost everyone who is dying is over 65 years old.
  • The Fully Vaccinated Rate for those over 65 years old is 84%, with one shot at 94.6%.

Yet we have:


This is deaths by report date, not date of death. And the CDC recently has been backfilling deaths from as far back as January 2020.. So it's nearly impossible to read anything from the death reporting right now

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