OT - Watched Longmier and Breaking Bad - wife asked me to find a new series to watch.


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Jun 5, 2001
Any ideas? No SciFi please. TIA.
Stranger Things - only 1 season, 2nd in in Oct - NetFlix
Shameless - like 7 seasons - Showtime
Black Sails - 4 seasons - STARZ
Ray Donovan, Homeland - both on Showtime

am i the only one who thinks Breaking Bad is overrated? in fact, i stopped watching at the end of season 3. it was boring to me
Justified (FX)
Peaky Blinders (Netflix)
The Americans (FX)
Better Call Saul (AMC)
Fargo (Seasons 1-2 FX)
Mad Men (AMC/Netflix)
Halt and Catch Fire (AMC)
Game of Thrones (HBO)
Homeland (Showtime)
Hell on Wheels (AMC/Netflix)
Deadwood (HBO)
The Sopranos (HBO)
just started The Wire (on my Kodi box) this morning as matter of fact while doing the treadmill. have heard its fantastic
Ray Donovan, Homeland - both on Showtime

am i the only one who thinks Breaking Bad is overrated? in fact, i stopped watching at the end of season 3. it was boring to me

Not overrated, IMO, but not the gold standard for 00's TV as many say. It's essentially three stories - the first is the very clumsy first season, the next is the much better seasons 2-4, and the final is seasons 5-6. You get the sense the show was going to end after season 4, but it's cult popularity and critical success at the Emmy's gave AMC pause. It's a fine show, but nowhere near as ambitious or compelling as other stuff out there IMO - Mad Men, The Soprano's, The Wire, Game of Thrones, Deadwood - that's the best of the bunch IMO.
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Oops forgot saw House of Cards and she watched Sneaky Pete.

Everyone - thanks for the tremendous response. We'll pick something from what was mentioned above.
Justified (FX)
Peaky Blinders (Netflix)
The Americans (FX)
Better Call Saul (AMC)
Fargo (Seasons 1-2 FX)
Mad Men (AMC/Netflix)
Halt and Catch Fire (AMC)
Game of Thrones (HBO)
Homeland (Showtime)
Hell on Wheels (AMC/Netflix)
Deadwood (HBO)
The Sopranos (HBO)
All of these, but I haven't watched Fargo.
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Any ideas? No SciFi please. TIA.

hmmm that leaves a lot of good stuff out.
Luke Cage, Daredevil, Jessica Jones are all terrific. Iron fists rolls out next week (I think)
Stranger Things is another. If you liked The Goonies you'll like Stranger Things.
outside of those
I would suggest in no order
Better Call Saul (at least the first season is on so it shouldn't be too long until season 2 is available)
Sons of Anarchy
Weeds (loved the first 4 seasons, last few got really tough to watch).
Dexter (same as Weeds) it was awesome up to the season of the Tranquility Killer and then just went down hill after with the last 2 seasons being pretty bad.
Portlandia is pretty fun
House of Cards. (not my favorite but many people like it)
Peaky Blinders
Luther is awesome
I think Buffy The Vampire Slayer is still around (sorry I love that series)
Ray Donovan, Homeland - both on Showtime

am i the only one who thinks Breaking Bad is overrated? in fact, i stopped watching at the end of season 3. it was boring to me

I'm kind of with you on Breaking Bad it was well done but I just wasn't a huge fan.
On the other hand I love Better Call Saul.
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Better Call Saul, best show on television right now.

If you want to watch the greatest show ever, pick up all five seasons of "The Wire".
The Wire was awesome! Omar was one bada$$.


He was one of my favorite characters, ok I had a lot of them but he and Bubbles and Cutty I just really liked.
Speaking of Omar the Actor who plays him, Michael Kenneth Williams was also in Hap and Leonard and the Mini series When we Rise.
He is a flat out terrific actor. Does not get nearly the credit he deserves.
hmmm that leaves a lot of good stuff out.
Luke Cage, Daredevil, Jessica Jones are all terrific. Iron fists rolls out next week (I think)
Stranger Things is another. If you liked The Goonies you'll like Stranger Things.
outside of those
I would suggest in no order
Better Call Saul (at least the first season is on so it shouldn't be too long until season 2 is available)
Sons of Anarchy
Weeds (loved the first 4 seasons, last few got really tough to watch).
Dexter (same as Weeds) it was awesome up to the season of the Tranquility Killer and then just went down hill after with the last 2 seasons being pretty bad.
Portlandia is pretty fun
House of Cards. (not my favorite but many people like it)
Peaky Blinders
Luther is awesome
I think Buffy The Vampire Slayer is still around (sorry I love that series)

Iron Fist not getting good early reviews sadly; swing and miss for Marvel/Netflix...
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Iron Fist not getting good early reviews sadly; swing and miss for Marvel/Netflix...

you know I am a raging Liberal and all, but some of this backlash against Iron Fist seems ridiculous. I can understand criticisms of films that cast white actors in non-white roles. But whining because Danny Rand - a white man in the comics - is played by a white man??

Mystifies me . . .
Iron Fist not getting good early reviews sadly; swing and miss for Marvel/Netflix...

Oh man thats sucks, I was really looking forward to it.
One thing I did notice though. When I looked at the IMDB site it never lists Mike Colter (Luke Cage) being it it, so I went to his IMDB page and
it doesn't show him in being in the Luke Cage series but is now filming The Defenders. If so that is a HUGE mistake on Marvel's part.
you know I am a raging Liberal and all, but some of this backlash against Iron Fist seems ridiculous. I can understand criticisms of films that cast white actors in non-white roles. But whining because Danny Rand - a white man in the comics - is played by a white man??

Mystifies me . . .

Is that the issue? I haven't gotten too into the weeds on this. Marvel has done a remarkably good job of casting IMO and like you said, Iron Fist is a white guy in the comics. Here's what I did read (from

Netflix recently made the first six episodes of Iron Fist—the final entry in its quartet of shows before the long-awaited Defenders crossover this summer—available to press, and as a whole, they’re kind of a mess—far inferior to its earlier predecessors Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage. They balance a dull lead character in Finn Jones’ Danny Rand with shockingly bland fight scenes, far more boardroom business action than should ever be in a comic book show, and a mild dash of poorly-handled representation of Asian cultures.

On a more general level, these episodes just flat out boring, saddled with bad exposition, interminable pacing, and a blatant identity crisis that appears to have created a mystical martial arts action show that’s petrified to discover that it is a mystical martial arts action show. To be fair, every one of the Marvel Netflix show’s so far has had problems like these, like brief lapses in characterization or especially their myriad pacing issues. But they all had something to override those issues and ultimately make them compelling to watch: Daredevil brought gritty, beautiful, and intense action; Jessica Jones, a compelling look at female victims of abuse; Luke Cage, an important understanding of African-American culture that is rarely portrayed well in superhero media. Iron Fist brings absolutely nothing fresh to the table, but it still had the same problems anyway, combined with a bizarre yearning to focus itself on the side of Danny Rand that is the son of a billionaire businessman rather than the part where he’s a ninja-punting living weapon.
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By the way don't mean to Hijack this thread but have you or @TenerHallTerror seen Dr. Strange yet?
I just saw it this past weekend and loved it. Probably my favorite Super Hero movie since The Avengers or Winter Soldier.
Very trippy.

Yup. Aside from Cumberbatch's distractingly awful fake beard, I liked it a lot. Opens up a whole new (and necessary) world for the Marvel Film Universe.
By the way don't mean to Hijack this thread but have you or @TenerHallTerror seen Dr. Strange yet?
I just saw it this past weekend and loved it. Probably my favorite Super Hero movie since The Avengers or Winter Soldier.
Very trippy.

loved it, though Logan is now in my Top 3 favorite super hero movies
I haven't seen that one yet but really looking forward to it.
When I was in Abiqui, NM they were filming parts of it.

well in a similar vein in re "Iron Fist" (with no spoilers) . . .

Logan has an amazing balance of gritty drama and explosively violent action. It doesn't shy away from the comic book roots at all. I actually advised my brother to give my 10-yr old nephew a pass on this film.
My wife and I are enjoying Santa Clarita Diet. Only half-way thru it. Just good, lighthearted entertainment.

Timothy Olyphant (Deadwood, Justified) carries this show IMHO. I also love Skyler Gisondo's character (and his work in the Vacation rehash, though i didn't much like the rest of the movie).
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I agree with those about the wire. It's the best I've ever seen. There is a Netflix production that has gone under the radar, "Bloodline". It's really worth a look