Penn St - WVU prediction thread

WVU has maybe 1 or 2 OLinemen that would compete to start at PSU. If WVU had an OL that was among the best in the B12 they wouldn't be picked to finish last in the B12.

Their experienced WR's have all moved on and they are assembling a group from the portal, and a couple true freshmen. Most realize that few true freshmen WR's perform well as true freshmen, let alone in their first game.

Their offense struggled against Big12 defenses, non of which can compare with PSU's talent on defense nor Diaz' strategies and aggressiveness.

WVU will be lucky to score a TD against the first team PSU defense. WVU does not have the talent to compete with the PSU roster and particularly the top PSU players, Singleton, Allen, Johnson, Warren, KLS, the experienced PSU oline on offense. And Carter, Jacobs, both Kings, DDS, Isaac, Robinson, and the deep group of DT's and Safety's on defense.
WVU does have one of the best OLines in the Big 12 as selected by pretty much every college football publication out there. It’s not just me saying it. They’re picked at the bottom of the conference due to their defense, not their offense (and I think their defense is going to be better than people give them credit for). They are a better opponent than people think and I believe they will win 7-8 games this year.
WVU does have one of the best OLines in the Big 12 as selected by pretty much every college football publication out there. It’s not just me saying it. They’re picked at the bottom of the conference due to their defense, not their offense (and I think their defense is going to be better than people give them credit for). They are a better opponent than people think and I believe they will win 7-8 games this year.
The line I saw was psu -20.5. So we are essentially a 3 td favorite.
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WVU does have one of the best OLines in the Big 12 as selected by pretty much every college football publication out there. It’s not just me saying it. They’re picked at the bottom of the conference due to their defense, not their offense (and I think their defense is going to be better than people give them credit for). They are a better opponent than people think and I believe they will win 7-8 games this year.
Yeah. Agreed. Game is at home so a better situation than Purdue where they had a good QB and bush wacked is with a good, unknown Charlie sizzle. We escaped but didn’t play great on D. We weren’t prepared for him. At the same time their QB is making a strong showing in the nfl. see below

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WVU does have one of the best OLines in the Big 12 as selected by pretty much every college football publication out there. It’s not just me saying it. They’re picked at the bottom of the conference due to their defense, not their offense (and I think their defense is going to be better than people give them credit for). They are a better opponent than people think and I believe they will win 7-8 games this year.
I don't see it. The only team that could run on us last year was Michigan. Our DL is better this year and our LB's and Secondary are maybe the best in the Big Ten. They might have some success running, but we'll load the box so they'll have a lot of longer third downs which plays right into our strength.
As a WVU fan, I think PSU wins the game.
That being said, this team will be an improvement over last year's team.
Having a look at WVU games from 2022:
5 wins last year: @Virginia Tech, Towson, Baylor, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State

7 losses:
@Pitt: if you watched it, you saw WVU blow it in the final moments
Kansas: out-coached WVU with a different scheme and their QB had his coming out party, beat WVU in OT.
@Texas: Longhorns smoked WVU by 18
@Texas Tech: horrible WVU play and coaching lost by 38
TCU: could've defeated the National Runners up. TCU experience closed it out for 10pt win
@Iowa St: perplexing 17pt loss, Neal Brown blew another to a less talented team
Kansas St.: lost by 17 to the Big12 Champs

Three games WVU might have won if they had inserted Garrett Greene in the lineup as QB earlier in the season. Pitt, Kansas and they actually had an opportunity to beat TCU. Could have been an 8 win team with a better coach. Needless to say we are all tired of the Neal Brown mediocrity. He has been given ample opportunities and often seems underprepared and not finishing games. There is good talent on this team, however the depth is an issue on Defense.

I expect WVU's offense to cause PSU some problems. Everyone realizes your Dline is very talented and it will be a nice matchup to observe against a very good OLine.

Your QB play is going to be critical to the game's outcome in my opinion.

I expect
PSU 38
WVU 24

I will be there in lot 36 and sitting in WJ with my wife.

Hope to have a great game and time and hope neither team has any injuries
Appreciate your perpective.
28-13 WVU. Penn State is overrated and it’s going to be a long season. BTW- regardless of sensibility, my predictions are always wrong.
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28-13 WVU. Penn State is overrated and it’s going to be a long season. BTW- regardless of sensibility, my predictions are always wrong.
I really hope you are wrong but why don't you go to Vegas and put down a bet to give PSU 15 points, odds will be great for you.
Not that it matters all that much but Penn State has covered in 7 straight games vrs the spread. The defense is better this year and if Allar plays to what everyone thinks he can it should be 8.
I hope so….believe me, I want us to win by 100 if possible, but I think it’s going to be more difficult than many on here think.
I hope so….believe me, I want us to win by 100 if possible, but I think it’s going to be more difficult than many on here think.
Nobody knows.

The negative: I can't get out of my head the way Michigan bullied their way down the field at will vs PSU. Utah was also eating up yardage on the ground until Rising got hurt. I've read that WVa might have the best OL in the Big 12 and all 3 RBs return. Doesn't sound great for PSU.

The positive: WVa hasn't named a QB and they are pretty weak at other spots. If they're one dimensional Diaz will be coming at them with 9-10 defenders. Things could get ugly for WVa.

I lean more towards the positive but we'll have to wait and see.
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Not that it matters all that much but Penn State has covered in 7 straight games vrs the spread. The defense is better this year and if Allar plays to what everyone thinks he can it should be 8.
They lost a bunch on D. I'm not sure they'll be better, at least initially. I like the talent though. I think WV is a perfect starting opponent this year. A supposed improved team, but they're starting from a pretty low spot.
28-13 WVU. Penn State is overrated and it’s going to be a long season. BTW- regardless of sensibility, my predictions are always wrong.
I am not trying to give too much credit to DiNardo but he was solid OL at ND and coach for decades. He has not been high on us in previous years based on initial summer camp practices. He is generally "it goes through OL" kind of guy. He has been right. If you watch the Big Ten show summary on PSU recently, DiNardo was glowing about OL saying it is very impressive with great depth. The best of CJF's tenure at PSU. They are sky high on the Lions. If true, with our elite run game and great D, I predict 45-7 with crazy night environment at the Beav.
I am not trying to give too much credit to DiNardo but he was solid OL at ND and coach for decades. He has not been high on us in previous years based on initial summer camp practices. He is generally "it goes through OL" kind of guy. He has been right. If you watch the Big Ten show summary on PSU recently, DiNardo was glowing about OL saying it is very impressive with great depth. The best of CJF's tenure at PSU. They are sky high on the Lions. If true, with our elite run game and great D, I predict 45-7 with crazy night environment at the Beav.
We won't score 45 points. 34-6.
Nobody knows.

The negative: I can't get out of my head the way Michigan bullied their way down the field at will vs PSU. Utah was also eating up yardage on the ground until Rising got hurt. I've read that WVa might have the best OL in the Big 12 and all 3 RBs return. Doesn't sound great for PSU.

The positive: WVa hasn't named a QB and they are pretty weak at other spots. If they're one dimensional Diaz will be coming at them with 9-10 defenders. Things could get ugly for WVa.

I lean more towards the positive but we'll have to wait and see.

Even with UM bullying us, remember that we were leading into third quarter. That Corum run was a backbreaker but I don't care - the hold was ridiculous on Jacobs. Should have been called back. Do we win? No but it changed the game completely. Our DL got exposed.

Even with UM bullying us, remember that we were leading into third quarter. That Corum run was a backbreaker but I don't care - the hold was ridiculous on Jacobs. Should have been called back. Do we win? No but it changed the game completely. Our DL got exposed.

I know what the scoreboard said, but no way did that feel like a lead. It felt like an asskicking that just hadn't shown up on the scoreboard to that point.
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I am not trying to give too much credit to DiNardo but he was solid OL at ND and coach for decades. He has not been high on us in previous years based on initial summer camp practices. He is generally "it goes through OL" kind of guy. He has been right. If you watch the Big Ten show summary on PSU recently, DiNardo was glowing about OL saying it is very impressive with great depth. The best of CJF's tenure at PSU. They are sky high on the Lions. If true, with our elite run game and great D, I predict 45-7 with crazy night environment at the Beav.
The BiG crew were certainly high on PSU but I wonder how they can tell how good our OL is based on watching drills.
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The line I saw was psu -20.5. So we are essentially a 3 td favorite.
PSU has better DE's than anyone in the B12 and if/when the WVU running game stalls the PSU pass rush, which will include not only the DE's but LB's/DB's will make the WVU Oline look very ordinary.

At PSU, with a superior PSU running game and a better than advertised group of receivers, 3 TD's sounds about right with an even turnover battle. If WVU gets impacted by the crowd, bigger than their players have ever seen or heard, the game could get ugly pretty quickly.
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Has better DE's than anyone in the B12 and if/when the WVU running game stalls the PSU pass rush, which will include not only the DE's but LB's/DB's will make the WVU Oline look very ordinary.

At PSU, with a superior PSU running game and a better than advertised group of receivers, 3 TD's sounds about right with an even turnover battle. If WVU gets impacted by the crowd, bigger than their players have ever seen or heard, the game could get ugly pretty quickly.
Word has it that WV simulated crowd noise using sound from a Pitt game.
1204 GIF by The Bachelorette

Their QB has 48 more career passing attempts than Allar. Their D isn’t good. Even with an inexperienced Allar, it’s going to be a blowout.
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I hope so….believe me, I want us to win by 100 if possible, but I think it’s going to be more difficult than many on here think.
I think you have too much confidence is Neal Brown. I wouldn't be shocked if he was looking for a new job by mid-October. Anything could happen but a 1-5 start with their only win being Duquesne would be less surprising than them winning 8 games this year.
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I think you have too much confidence is Neal Brown. I wouldn't be shocked if he was looking for a new job by mid-October. Anything could happen but a 1-5 start with their only win being Duquesne would be less surprising than them winning 8 games this year.
They should have won at least seven games last year.
So do bad plays by the players. Unfortunately a coach can’t make the plays for them.
Every member of the team, including coaches, influence the outcome. That is why NOBODY is above critical review when mistakes are made.
Every member of the team, including coaches, influence the outcome. That is why NOBODY is above critical review when mistakes are made.
Unfortunately most of the ones doing the “critical review” don’t know what the hell they’re talking about, but think they’re experts.
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Unfortunately most of the ones doing the “critical review” don’t know what the hell they’re talking about, but think they’re experts.
No different than art, politics, religion, nuclear weapons, ufos or any other topic people discuss.
Wow. 3 pages and about 4 actual predictions. Tangent much?

Good prediction. I don't see any reason why PSU can't score 40 except for the fact that it's the first game and they're not yet in a groove. The number of points given up is more difficult to predict. WVa is supposed to have the best OL on the BiG 12 and our DTs are a bit of a question. But if they can't throw Diaz is going to bring another defender into the box and make things difficult for WVa.
Always impossible to predict the 1st game, mainly because you don't know the opponent.

Reasons why it could be close:
1) WVU a better team than they've been recently, and they've got talent at QB, wideout and running back. A talented QB, especially one with good mobility, can frustrate any defense.
2) PSU breaking in a new QB and that usually means some jitters, mistakes and turnovers, certainly in the 1st half.

Reasons why it hopefully won't be close:
1) PSU is solid up front on both sides of the LOS and probably will be dominant at some matchups. The combination of athletes and experience at OL is incredibly important and PSU hasn't had that for most of the last 20 years.
2) Franklin and staff actually prepare a game plan for early season games; i.e. there will be explosive plays with some sophistication, and the ability to make adjustments based on what WVA defense is doing.

Remember back to Paterno days, these early season games could be nailbiters because Paterno for whatever reason (arrogance, wanting to teach the team a moral lesson, incompetence?) went into them without any kind of offensive game plan. They would run maybe a half dozen plays all day, totally predictable, and if they couldn't physically dominate, they'd punt a lot, make mediocre defenses look great, and rely on the defense to win a nailbiter in the 4Q.

Franklin doesn't believe in toying with opponents, or creating artificial adversity for his team, and he, more than Paterno, actually believes his rhetoric about the most important game of the season being this week's game. So PSU will be prepared to attack on both sides of the ball, and if they can decide the game in the 1st half, they will.
Always impossible to predict the 1st game, mainly because you don't know the opponent.

Reasons why it could be close:
1) WVU a better team than they've been recently, and they've got talent at QB, wideout and running back. A talented QB, especially one with good mobility, can frustrate any defense.
2) PSU breaking in a new QB and that usually means some jitters, mistakes and turnovers, certainly in the 1st half.

Reasons why it hopefully won't be close:
1) PSU is solid up front on both sides of the LOS and probably will be dominant at some matchups. The combination of athletes and experience at OL is incredibly important and PSU hasn't had that for most of the last 20 years.
2) Franklin and staff actually prepare a game plan for early season games; i.e. there will be explosive plays with some sophistication, and the ability to make adjustments based on what WVA defense is doing.

Remember back to Paterno days, these early season games could be nailbiters because Paterno for whatever reason (arrogance, wanting to teach the team a moral lesson, incompetence?) went into them without any kind of offensive game plan. They would run maybe a half dozen plays all day, totally predictable, and if they couldn't physically dominate, they'd punt a lot, make mediocre defenses look great, and rely on the defense to win a nailbiter in the 4Q.

Franklin doesn't believe in toying with opponents, or creating artificial adversity for his team, and he, more than Paterno, actually believes his rhetoric about the most important game of the season being this week's game. So PSU will be prepared to attack on both sides of the ball, and if they can decide the game in the 1st half, they will.
That 91 opener against Georgia Tech was impressive.
Reasons why it could be close:
1) WVU a better team than they've been recently, and they've got talent at QB, wideout and running back. A talented QB, especially one with good mobility, can frustrate any defense.
2) PSU breaking in a new QB and that usually means some jitters, mistakes and turnovers, certainly in the 1st half.

Perhaps @WV Bruno can confirm, but WV has question marks at QB. Not "can Allar be a 5*" types, but "can either guy we have make due" questions. The older guy can run, which makes me think he'll get the nod, and the Italian is young and unsung.

Their WR room is probably a bigger unknown than ours.

It's up to their RBs and OL to set them up.

As for Allar, he's got as good of a matchup as one can ask for his 1st start. Unless they go off the sheet, they rush 3 and drop 8. They don't always stack the box for runs either. I don't think they have the speed to keep up with KLS nor Evans, who I expect we see going deep early.
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As for Allar, he's got as good of a matchup as one can ask for his 1st start. Unless they go off the sheet, they rush 3 and drop 8. They don't always stack the box for runs either. I don't think they have the speed to keep up with KLS nor Evans, who I expect we see going deep early.
I understand that WVa has rushed 3 and dropped 8 in recent times but I don't think that's what we'll see next week. I expect at least one LB or DB will be shooting the gaps on most plays.

Their staff should want to stop the run and make inexperienced QB and unproven WRs beat them.
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