Football Penn State defeats USC 33-30 in overtime!

That logic is quite a stretch. He was at midfield and you are suggesting that he was trying to run the clock down to 14 seconds? He then gets one or two plays at most to get into position for a high percentage kick?

If that was his thinking it is the epitome of playing not to lose, and so that is what happened.

Stretch? It's what happened. 48 seconds left after 2nd down. 3rd down from our 45. We called time out with 14 seconds left, not Riley. I guess he was going to run the play and live with what happened.

Definitely the epitome of playing not to lose, but the pick kills them if we have 30 seconds to try and get into FG range (which is what Riley should have been doing). As was, it just got us to overtime.

My point about it all, if the next play is an INT, time management is damned if you do/don't.
Amazing game that could have easily gone the other way.
  • Miller Moss misses pass that would have put USC in range for a game winning FG.
  • Consecutive near PI calls against PSU but neither were called..
  • Lantz misses FG.
But for once the breaks went PSU's way. I don't care what Lando says, that was a BIG GAME. I won't take Wisconsin for granted but if we beat them it will probably be #2 OSU vs #3 PSU at Beaver stadium.

My overall take:
  • PSU's defense drives me crazy. Man press coverage with lots of blitzing. Run or pass if the first defender misses there's lots of room to turn it into a big play. But once again the defense improved in the second half.
  • Lots of posters fell in love with the running performance vs Illinois and thought we could simply control the game on the ground. Singleton 10 carries for 26 yards. Allen 16 carries for 56 yards.
  • Allar was 30-43 for 391 yds. 2 TDs, 3 INT (but I don't count the Hail Mary). He also carried 4 times for 32 yards. Honorable mention player of the game.
  • Barker was 4-4 on FGs. They were all reasonably short but he had to be feeling the pressure. Honorable mention player of the game.
  • Warren 17 catches for 224 yds. 1-1 passing for 9 yards. Some great blocks in there too. The trick play TD pass was underthrown a bit but Warren took it away. Easily the player of the game.
Yeah, they know who they are, but a few were arguing after the Illinois game that we should just ground and pound to a big 10 championship. Since that sage advice, penn states run game has stalled against ucla and usc. Drew allar won us that game today
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I’m glad that I left the in-game thread when things went downhill in the first half. I knew it would become super negative.

I monitored the thread the whole way though of course didn't read every post.

Personally, I find the game threads entertaining. The first halves of the last few games, especially yesterday's, has brought to mind the first line in Rudyard Kipling's great poem titled If: If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs...

Yesterday, there was a chorus of 1st-half demands that Franklin be fired forthwith. I'm, like, guys, let's at least wait until after the game to fire him.

Then as has become typical, the 2nd half comes and Nittany Nation sings a happier tune.

But it's all good. People are emotionally invested in the team. I certainly am. So the frustration is a product of that, and the game threads become an exercise in suffering...and then rejoicing...together.
Talk about snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. I'll take it all the way, but we were quite fortunate to win that one. Razor thin margin and so many what ifs ... from penalties called and not called, to play calling/game management, to simply making plays.

Gritty gutsy win I hope they can grow from. We saw a different Drew who was willing to trust himself and his receivers and sling it into tight windows .... finally.
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Talk about snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. I'll take it all the way, but we were quite fortunate to win that one. Razor thin margin and so many what ifs ... from penalties called and not called, to play calling/game management, to simply making plays.

Gritty gutsy win I hope they can grow from. We saw a different Drew who was willing to trust himself and his receivers and sling it into tight windows .... finally.
That’s how most wins between evenly matched teams are.
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USC has to be kicking themselves for not being aggressive at the end. They had 3 TOs at midfield with a minute to play and decided to settle for a FG. I was shocked that they let the clock run down.
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I look forward to putting it all together in one game. We see pieces each game (although Warren has been a constant.) We will need Allar, Warren, Singleton, and Wallace to have their best games to beat OSU. We also need Tom Allen to fix the inconsistencies on d, but regardless we may need 40 points to beat OSU.
Agree about the defense. I guess I'd like to see them blitze less because they are not very successful and teams often have big gainers when PSU blitzes. Lots of work to do there. I'm surprised Speca & Robinson haven't played more. We all agree #43 is a big liability and Rojas from the little of the game I saw really struggled with bad angles & missed tackles. Great athlete but not playing under control. 1st year starter so hopefully he can quickly correct those mistakes. He will have to be more disciplined against Wisconsin, Washington and OSU.
He's already operated on me 3 times so he's kinda my go to guy..... And he did this same procedure on a friend.

I've been driving my wife crazy with this stuff lately. Toe surgery, 3 trigger fingers fixed, both in January, then a hernia in July. She's a great "nurse" but I'm pushing my luck some......
Sounds like me. Knee in March and then rotator surgery in June. Dr. Baratz has operated on me 10 times over the years lol.
Everyone successful. I had full range of motion in my left arm 7 weeks after a 3 hour surgery. Two rotator tendons needed reattached. Biceps tendon removed and cleaned up and reattached and labrum repair.
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