Picks time

I’m a homer as much as the next...
Are you guys taking Cassar with your head or heart? I hope I’m wrong and he wins.

Or am I missing something and he should match up well with Gable?

Just curious what the logic is.

Is logic needed here?

(I'm never counting Cassar out again.)
B1G predictions

125lbs - Seabass
133lbs -
141lbs - Joey "The Brains" McKenna
149lbs - Schnaulty Balls
157lbs - Boardwalk & Park Place - enough said
165lbs - The Ole Ragu Rascal
174lbs - Monopoly Champion 2019
184lbs - Melts in your mouth, not in your hands
197lbs - Bo "The Gentleman" Nickal
285lbs - Jammenz
Bo "The Gentleman" Nickal is very fitting
Its so cold in Minnesooooda that the NJ kid has to keep his shirt on and jump around to stay warm

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I am taking the "George Costanza" approach. "Every instinct that I have ever had in life has been wrong" :)

As a result I will pick the "opposite" of what I think :). NONE of the ones that I picked will actually win :)

125: (spencer)... Rivera in honor of the old NU fan that was banned from this board :)
133: (opposite of RBY)... ADS
141: (Lee)…...Murin just because he is IOWA
149: (Berge) …. Gotta jinx at least one RU guy so it's Ashnault
157: (Nolf)... I pick the head hunter Berger
165: (Joseph)... So I gotta go with the Bull
174: (Hall)...I mean Amine has to get lucky some day
184: (SUGAR)…. So why NOT go with Martin... that will jinx him
197: (Bo)…. Gotta pick Warnerov (I like Russians and collusion)
HWT: (Raptor)….. Gable may squeak by with this one.

125 Malaria Man [well, 70% of him]
133 U of M
141 Indiana Lee
149 Soprano
157 Next Question
165 Wicked
174 Eddie Van Hall
184 thee buckeye
197 Bionic kal
285 There's no 'n'
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125: lee. something makes me believe what ever has slowed him down lately is still a bit there but he'll make adjustments and get by riveria.

133: going suriano on this on. but micic will win the big show

141: mckenna. gets by lee in semis in double secret overtime and has a close but convincing win over carr..if he makes the finals

149: jordan. another overtime in semis luger and he goes ot again with ashtray

157: nolf bonus points through tourney. real question, is who finishes 2nd and third? deakin 2ns and bleise third over booger

165: marinelli. vinjo wins the big show though

174: hall the third

184: martin. if rasheed collected wrestling shoes like he does varacies he would have the advantage.

197: darling nikki. gotta love prince. question is will he pin his way through the tourney. gotta guess him and nolf got their eye on that hodge as some motivation for pin to win.

285: steveson. my commador 64 predicts a major decision vs cassar.

anybody throw out team scores? i've plugged in the elements to my computer but it will take a few days for it to process.
i need a new damn computer. hats off to cassar and the rest of lions. what fun weekend of wrestling. next weekend is gonna be great