1. Have no idea where you stand on the issue or what you post about the victims.
That said, every single day Sandusky's victims are attacked this board. Pulling out the "It's making fun of child abuse" card doesn't hold water when the details of known victims become private jokes on this board.
2. Thanks for proving my point.
They're a rival, that's what rivals do. Instead of simply ignoring a tasteless shirt you're justifying violence, why? Because they're slandering your hero.
3. I'm not defending the tasteless shirt. I'm defending the right to make and wear them without real life harassment, threats, and violence.
Wow are you all over the place on this.
1) Apples and oranges, please don't conflate these issues. I suggest you look up the definition of "straw man".
2) I never even mentioned violence, let alone justified it... what post are you reading?
3) So you are defending someone's right to enable future child abuse. Got it.