PSU - Army Dual Thread

Flo is just hosting an existing stream so any problems with the stream would be on BTN's side. Unless Flo's site went down entirely, then you obviously won't see BTN's stream at Flo.
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Reactions: NYWRESTLER94
125: Chalifoux (Army) with a dec, 0-3
133: Keener (PSU) with a pin, 6-3
141: Cortez (PSU) with a dec, 9-3
149: Zain (PSU) with a TF, 14-3
157: Nolf (PSU) with a pin, 20-3
125: Chalifoux (Army) with a dec, 0-3
133: Keener (PSU) with a pin, 6-3
141: Cortez (PSU) with a dec, 9-3
149: Zain (PSU) with a TF, 14-3
157: Nolf (PSU) with a pin, 20-3
165: Joseph (PSU) with a major, 24-3
Army gets a TD ouch
Decent ride
1 escape
TD CJ 3-2
1 escape 3-3
Nice single for CJ 5-3
Rides out the first
CJ chooses down
6-3 on escape
CJ getting his groove
Throw by TD 8-3
1 escape Army (my phone now knows this phrase)
TD CJ 10-4 after 2
1 escape Army 10-5
TD CJ 12-5
1 escape Army 12-6
TD CJ 14-6 (ditto on phone)
1 escape Army
TD CJ 17-7 final
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Reactions: diggerpup
125: Chalifoux (Army) with a dec, 0-3
133: Keener (PSU) with a pin, 6-3
141: Cortez (PSU) with a dec, 9-3
149: Zain (PSU) with a TF, 14-3
157: Nolf (PSU) with a pin, 20-3
165: Joseph (PSU) with a major, 24-3
174: Hall (PSU) with a pin, 30-3
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Reactions: PSUisawesome
Mark Hall!!!
Wrestling ranked dude
TD Hall 23 seconds
Wrist tilt gets nothing???
1 escape Army
Nice TD Hall 4-1
1 escape Army
Nice ride for Mark
TD Hall 6-2 after 1
Hall escape 7-2
TD Hall 9-2
1 escape Army
Cement mixer WBF!!! Minutes left in the second
125: Chalifoux (Army) with a dec, 0-3
133: Keener (PSU) with a pin, 6-3
141: Cortez (PSU) with a dec, 9-3
149: Zain (PSU) with a TF, 14-3
157: Nolf (PSU) with a pin, 20-3
165: Joseph (PSU) with a major, 24-3
174: Hall (PSU) with a pin, 30-3
184: Bo (PSU) with a pin, 36-3
The Raptor
Wrestling A biggish dude
Cutch beat him 4-2 last year
Cassar in doesn't finish
TD Cassar
1 escape Army
2-1 after 1
Cassar takes down
Nice escape Raptor
Cassar gets a nice reattack for 2
5-1 after 1
1 escape Army 5-2
The Raptor battles finishs for 2
1 escape Army
TD at the buzzer for The Raptor
10-3 win with riding time
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Reactions: diggerpup
125: Chalifoux (Army) with a dec, 0-3
133: Keener (PSU) with a pin, 6-3
141: Cortez (PSU) with a dec, 9-3
149: Zain (PSU) with a TF, 14-3
157: Nolf (PSU) with a pin, 20-3
165: Joseph (PSU) with a major, 24-3
174: Hall (PSU) with a pin, 30-3
184: Bo (PSU) with a pin, 36-3
197: Cassar (PSU) with a dec, 39-3
Raptor very good on his reattacks

125: Chalifoux (Army) with a dec, 0-3
133: Keener (PSU) with a pin, 6-3
141: Cortez (PSU) with a dec, 9-3
149: Zain (PSU) with a TF, 14-3
157: Nolf (PSU) with a pin, 20-3
165: Joseph (PSU) with a major, 24-3
174: Hall (PSU) with a pin, 30-3
184: Bo (PSU) with a pin, 36-3
197: Cassar (PSU) with a dec, 39-3
285: Nevills (PSU) with a pin, 45-3