PSU challenges McQuery award.....


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2005
according to, PSU has asked the judge to overturn the jury award. I don't have the link but it's on the front page of
Screw it, after paying "victims" because they visited on the campus once or made shit up to get $$$ after the statute of limitations ran out and they paid them off, MM should get his piece of the pie, the BOT's spin have ruined his life...
according to, PSU has asked the judge to overturn the jury award. I don't have the link but it's on the front page of
This is the best news of the day. Question: As defendant in this case, did PSU have the option as to whether to have a jury trial or not? If so, why they chose to go with a jury is perplexing. In reading this though, it's funny that they're playing the rush to judgement card re:CSS? Something they had no problem with themselves back in 2011. Is the University finally doing a 180 regarding this whole thing?
All very confusing. So what exactly was the misrepresentation?
Just think when the judge gets to the whistle blower part, $7.3 might be a bargain !!!
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"D. The Court’s Jury Instruction that Spanier, Schultz, and/or Curley were Mandated Reporters as a Matter of Law Constitutes Reversible Error.

Penn State says no evidence supported former administrators Graham Spanier, Gary Schultz, and Tim Curley were in fact mandated reporters for child abuse allegations. "

Nice job, Penn State. You threw gas on the fire by firing Spanier for supporting those guys.
Why is PSU challenging the ruling? Of course they should, but why is PSU finally doing something it should in this matter?

Because Mike doesn't is a friend of the "right" people and isn't one of the "right" people.
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Where is townie to tell us that PSU is wrong on this and anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.
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Pardon my French, but the university has always been the one claiming CSS screwed up.

I already knew they were a bunch of dirtbags, but legally how can they claim otherwise, especially when they didn't even try to refute their own stance in court?
They REALLY hate Mike up at Old Main. That much is for sure.

DEFLECTION, in my opinion.

Remember, JoePa told MM not to trust Old Main; get a lawyer.

Old Main had no problem using that gjp to throw Paterno and the whole Penn State community under the bus. They had no problem "using" MM, then.

Now, though, they "REALLY hate" MM?!? Really?!? So, Old Main is now implying this is MM's fault with their hatred?!?

For whatever reason, as we have discussed ad naseum, PSU decided that MM was the one person that they were going to fight. We have speculated on why that would be. But considering no matter the reason, they chose to fight MM, appealing the ruling is just standard lawyer practice in this type of case.
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They REALLY hate Mike up at Old Main. That much is for sure.

That could be it. Given that, assuming the Paternos win at trial, I can only imagine how hard Penn State will fight the judge's decision. Anything to further the divide.
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Funny how quickly this same University accepted Tim, Gary, Graham, etc's 'guilt' when agreeing to $100+million in settlements and fines, agreeing to consent decree/sanctions, and permanent damage to the brand. They seemed perfectly fine that Freeh made absurd conclusions without talking to any of the key players or requiring him to disclose exculpatory evidence.
"D. The Court’s Jury Instruction that Spanier, Schultz, and/or Curley were Mandated Reporters as a Matter of Law Constitutes Reversible Error.

Penn State says no evidence supported former administrators Graham Spanier, Gary Schultz, and Tim Curley were in fact mandated reporters for child abuse allegations. "

Nice job, Penn State. You threw gas on the fire by firing Spanier for supporting those guys.
There's a big difference in whether or not they were mandated reporters and whether or not they bore some responsibility for the whole mess.

I am not saying I like how PSU handled the whole deal with Spanier et al. back in 2011. But that's not the legal point being made here.

That said, it did happen on Spanier's watch. Even if he was totally fooled (which I think likely) and is not criminally responsible (I don't think he is), I could see any university wanting a leadership change after an event like this.
There's a big difference in whether or not they were mandated reporters and whether or not they bore some responsibility for the whole mess.

I am not saying I like how PSU handled the whole deal with Spanier et al. back in 2011. But that's not the legal point being made here.

That said, it did happen on Spanier's watch. Even if he was totally fooled (which I think likely) and is not criminally responsible (I don't think he is), I could see any university wanting a leadership change after an event like this.

All the university had to do is ask Mike or Cynthia what he said. Same with Tim, Gary, Graham, and Joe. It is stunning the amount of information the university had available to it and flat out ignored.
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All the university had to do is ask Mike or Cynthia what he said. Same with Tim, Gary, Graham, and Joe. It is stunning the amount of information the university had available to it and flat out ignored.
Again, I was not debating the particulars of what the university did or did not do at the time.
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The more I think about it the more I think they are doing this to spite Mike and drive up his attorney costs, even if it costs PSU even more. Its not like the leadership suddenly found a case of the morals.
Why is PSU challenging the ruling? Of course they should, but why is PSU finally doing something it should in this matter?

Exactly! What's even more bizarre is that they want Curley & Shultz there to testify FOR THEIR SIDE!
Again, I was not debating the particulars of what the university did or did not do at the time.

I know, I just have a hard time seeing them make similar decisions though if they had actually shown a little a desire to do their jobs and protect the university.